• 一个湖中收集泥土花粉样本显示作为肥料使用的骆驼粪便帮助古代印加狩猎聚会过渡耕种

    Samples of mud and pollen taken from a lake suggest llama dung, used as fertilizer, helped the ancient people of the Andes make the transition from hunter-gathering to farming.


  • 科学家认为这些已变成化石的骨骼显示他们人类的直系祖先是人们一直在寻找的存在于人猿和人类之间过渡生物。

    Scientists believe their fossilised skeletons show they could be our direct ancestors, the long-sought ‘missing link’ between apes and humans.


  • 科学家认为这些已变成化石的骨骼显示他们人类的直系祖先是人们一直在寻找的存在于人猿和人类之间过渡生物。

    Scientists believe their fossilised skeletons show they could be our direct ancestors, the long-sought 'missing link' between apes and humans.


  • 用户要树立一般加密方法(例如登录密码字段显示明文)过渡各种高级加密方法(desMD 5SHA1Blowfish)的意识。

    This awareness runs from the pedestrian (such as not showing plaintext in a password field on a login page) to dizzying heights of cryptographic methods (such as des, MD5, SHA1, Blowfish).


  • 有关内存(RAM)概念显示使各种设计师免除许多昂贵费时中间环节直接计算机图像过渡最终产品形象。

    RAM'S idea is that the new monitor will allow designers of all sorts to go straight from computer image to final product, eliminating many costly and time-consuming middle stages.


  • 巴马任命人选可能过渡期间支持率很高原因之一民调显示,他比乔治·布什比尔·克林顿时期的支持率高出许多。

    Mr Obama's picks may be one reason why the approval rating of his transition is high, according to polls, and well above that of George Bush or Bill Clinton at similar points.


  • 国际上有证据显示学前教育可以使儿童特别是贫困儿童更好地过渡学校教育,提高学生学习成绩这些强有力的证据面前,上述两项研究显然令人迷惑。

    Both findings are puzzling, given strong international evidence that pre-school care can ease the process of starting school and improve educational results, particularly for poorer children.


  • 成功的进行设计检查创建项目计划显示如何计划过渡第2阶段

    Creating a project plan to show how we proposed making the transition to Phase 2 after a successful design review.


  • 显示隐藏状态可选择动画效果过渡

    Hides or shows the status bar, optionally animating the transition.


  • 任何研究报告显示如果骑手训练过程中经常过渡疲倦提高速度吗?

    Are there studies showing that if a rider gets really tired in training and does that often enough, he or she will get faster?


  • 使屏幕保护程序图像视频动画设计,背景音乐平稳图像显示过渡效果

    Make screensavers from images, video and flash animation, add background music and smooth picture display and transition effects.


  • 掩盖了一些布局顶部现在操作隐藏显示系统并不需要调整布局过渡无缝的。

    This obscures some of the layout at the top, but now when the action bar hides or appears, the system does not need to resize your layout and the transition is seamless.


  • 这些元素不像过渡金属那样显示可变化合价他们只有外层电子参加反应。

    These elements, unlike the transition elements, do not exhibit variable oxidation states, and their valence electrons are only present in their outer shell.


  • 1脐上斜向扫描显示扩张非扩张肠管存在过渡箭头) 。

    Figure 1 . oblique scan above the umbilicus showing the zone of transition ( arrow ) between the dilated and nondilated bowel.


  • 而经解码显示速率恒定的,就要求在解码端一个缓冲器实现输入输出率间的过渡

    The input bit rate and the output frame rate of video decoder is fix, so a Rate Buffer is needed to balance this rate difference.


  • 半导体led指示显示应用过渡照明应用,产品控制评价一个新的课题

    For semiconductor LED, the control and evaluation of color rendering property is a new subject from its indication, display application to lighting application.


  • 应力场模拟结果显示根坡口附近拉伸残余应力过渡为压缩残余应力。

    The simulation results of stress field show that it is tensile residual stress around the groove, and compressive residual stress with transition to plate edge.


  • 结果显示机体之间明显的白亮过渡带,形成了良好冶金结合

    The results show that there is an obvious bright intermediate belt between cladding alloy layer and the body, forming good metallurgic bonding.


  • 试验结果显示:随矿渣取代水泥质量分数增加基体界面过渡之间压痕硬度差异减少

    Results show that the ratio of hardness of matrix to that of interface transition zone decreases with the increase of cement replacement level by blast furnace slag;


  • 结果显示:(1)随着群落发育土壤质地群落发育中期土逐渐过渡发育后期、末期的粘壤土,土壤质地得到了明显改善

    The result showed: (1) With the development of community, soil texture changed from silt to clay loam, soil texture was improved obviously.


  • 属的这种分布格局显示该区蕨类植物区系热带成分亚热带成分的渗透和过渡

    The above distribution pattern reveals the transitiveness of the elements from tropical to subtropical.


  • LFlowingMenu提供了互动过渡管理器个弹簧效果弹跳效果显示菜单

    LFlowingMenu provides an interactive transition manager to display menu with a flowing and bouncing effects.


  • 计算结果显示泵站起动过程中,闸门开启延时时间以及闸门开启速度起动过渡过程均有明显影响

    The results show that, in the tubular pump start the process, the delay time of opening gate and the speed of the starting gate are significant influence the transition process.


  • 相反过渡金属硫化物作为催化剂反应活性、不容易中毒显示很高选择性

    In contrast, transition-metal sulfides are less reactive and susceptible to poisoning and can show higher selectivity.


  • 显示驱动器环形过渡初始化失败

    Display-driver ring transition initialization failed.


  • 结果表明只有微分干涉相衬法光学金相才清晰地显示了熔合区扩散过渡存在白亮、光滑、胞状柱状凝固特征的“白亮具有胞状凝固特征的后续熔化滞留层。

    The results show that "the bright band" and "follow-up melted stagnant layer" are clearly observed only with differential interference contrast and has bright and no cellar-columnar.


  • 本文提出一种测量喷发动机过渡过程专用仪器——涡喷发动机过渡工作线显示仪。

    A special instument is presented for monitoring the transient process in a turbojet engine, which is called "transient operating line indicator".


  • 本文提出一种测量喷发动机过渡过程专用仪器——涡喷发动机过渡工作线显示仪。

    A special instument is presented for monitoring the transient process in a turbojet engine, which is called "transient operating line indicator".


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