• 结果显示离子注入胚乳不仅生物修复系统有较大影响而且能够诱发后代突变

    It showed that the endosperm implanted by the ions not only affected biological repair system, but also induced the mutation of offspring.


  • 电子自旋共振(esr)分析显示离子注入可以形成自由基离子注入诱发方式主要自由基交联。

    Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) analyses showed that ion implantation could lead to the formation of free radicals and the main cross-linking mode was the reactions among the free radicals.


  • 紫外线成像显示出的绿色漩涡以及可见光形成的图像揭示了硫磺气体的存在,它们受发自四边形紫外线的辐射而变热形成等离子体。

    Swirls of green in Hubble's ultraviolet and visible-light view reveal hydrogen and sulfur gas that have been heated and ionized by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium's stars.


  • 张太空影像就是显示进步42p飞船(称M - 20 M飞船),在“回归”大气层离子轨迹

    This astronaut photograph highlights the reentry plasma trail of one such spacecraft, the ISS Progress 42p supply vehicle (Russian designation M-10M).


  • 液晶显示离子之间竞争也没有结束

    Nor does the rivalry between LCD and plasma panels end there.


  • 清单9显示一个样例查询确定的是不同原子(离子)不同的化合物中发生的频率。

    Listing 9 shows another sample query, which determines how often different atoms - or ions - occur in different compounds.


  • 多年来,离子就相当于电视屏中的劳斯莱斯直到最近LED显示市场前沿

    Plasma screens were the Rolls Royce of television screens for years, with LED displays only recently being pushed into the forefront.


  • OLED电视采用基于有机材料显示技术一旦电荷从中通过,就发出自然光,不是发出液晶显示离子屏幕那样的背光

    The OLED TV USES display technology based on organic materials which emit light naturally, once an electric charge is passed through them, rather than being back-lit as in LCD and Plasma screens.


  • 电脑桌面显示器面板离子电视面板部分的收到2016年的平均年增长率则分别为- 6%和- 7%。

    The annual growth rate for revenue from desktop monitors and plasma TVs is set to drop 6 percent and 7 percent, respectively, through 2016.


  • 击败市场竞争者同时,也已经液晶显示技术之下的等离子技术带来一点转机。

    Beating rivals to the market could also provide a boost for its plasma technology, which has been losing out to liquid-crystal displays.


  • 钻石不再女孩们最爱最新美国调查显示四分之三女性偏爱一台新型离子电视,而非一条钻石

    Diamonds are no longer a girl's best friend, according to a new U.S. study that found three of four women would prefer a new plasma TV to a diamond necklace.


  • 这种我们称之为“日冕物质抛射”的太空来客进入大气层,破坏电网烧毁变压器进而烧毁我们的离子显示芯片

    These coronal mass ejections, as they're called, hit our atmosphere and can knock out power grids, cooking their transformers, which in turn knocks out our plasma screens and fries our chips.


  • 相比之下,离子快速地“刷屏”,这显示移动的影像时占了优势。

    Plasma panels, by contrast, have always been able to "refresh" their screens rapidly, making them far better at displaying moving objects.


  • 卡梅隆笔记本大小的液晶显示中等尺寸离子显示屏上,播放影片,画面非常清晰逼真。

    CAMERON: I've seen displays at a laptop size and a relatively modest plasma size that work quite well.


  • 所有一切都表明期间,液晶显示可能取代离子利润丰厚的大屏幕市场中的地位。

    All of which suggests that, in the meantime, the LCD is going to have more than a fighting chance to topple the plasma panel from its perch in the lucrative big-screen market.


  • 接下来的问题,1080p什么类型屏幕—等离子显示液晶显示器(LCD)最新发光二极管(LED) ?

    The question, then, is what kind of 1080p set to use-plasma display, liquid-crystal display (LCD) or the latest light-emitting diode (LED) variety?


  • 远处墙上3个大型离子屏幕显示其他内容

    Three large plasma screens on the far wall display additional content.


  • 如今液晶显示有望向素有屏幕王的离子显示发起挑战

    Now the LCD is poised to challenge the king of the big screens, the plasma display.


  • 钻石不再女孩们最爱最新美国调查显示四分之三女性偏爱一台新型离子电视,而非一条钻石项链

    Diamonds are no longer a girl's best friend, according to a new U.S. study that found three of four women would prefer a new plasma TV (1) to a diamond necklace.


  • 黑屏的时候离子液晶显示耗能没有区别,但是对于很多电视节目来说,液晶显示屏会明显省电很多。

    For dark scenes, energy usage may not vary much between comparably sized plasma and LCD screens.


  • 尽管价格逐渐下降用于家庭影院会议室离子显示的售价高达7000$。

    Though prices are gradually coming down, plasma panels used for home cinemas and conference rooms still command a hefty $7, 000 or more.


  • 松下Viera离子电视制造者,在820日宣布,他们旗下部分离子显示生产线转移上海

    Panasonic, the maker of Viera televisions, said Aug. 20 it will move part of its plasma display panel production to Shanghai.


  • 重要的是我们已经说明离子能够杀灭伤口带有生物细菌虽然较厚的生物膜对这种疗法显示了一定抗性,”Ermolaeva一次新闻发布会上

    Importantly we have shown that plasma is able to kill bacteria growing in biofilms in wounds, although thicker biofilms show some resistance to treatment, " Ermolaeva said in a press release.


  • 方面离子处理技术显示独特的魅力不乏各类成功范例

    In this regard, plasma processing technology and shows its unique charm, and many of the successful example.


  • 屏幕显示方面离子显示PDP)以其视角对比度、高分辨率等优势而显示出越来越竞争力

    Meanwhile, in the field of large screen display, Plasma Display Panel (PDP) featuring high contrast, high resolution and wide visual angle, shows great advantages in competition.


  • 近期研究显示离子纤维素聚合物黏度电荷密度决定香波特性,调理性能的重要因素。

    Recent studies have shown that viscosity and charge density of cationic cellulosic polymers are important predictors of shampoo benefits such as volume and conditioning.


  • 下一步离子显示液晶显示屏(LCD最新发光二极管显示屏(LED)中做出选择

    The next choice that must be made is between plasma display, liquid-crystal display (LCD) or the latest light-emitting diode (LED) variety.


  • 离子显示认为是实现屏幕壁挂电视显示最有希望方案。

    PDP is considered to be the most priming candidate for the large screen TV on the wall.


  • 他们研究显示涉及离子基因表达对于尼古丁可卡因反复刺激神经塑性形成需要。

    Their study shows that the expression of genes involved in calcium signaling is required to induce plasticity in nerve cells after repeated stimulation with nicotine or cocaine.


  • 他们研究显示涉及离子基因表达对于尼古丁可卡因反复刺激神经塑性形成需要。

    Their study shows that the expression of genes involved in calcium signaling is required to induce plasticity in nerve cells after repeated stimulation with nicotine or cocaine.


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