• 尽管各种监视器日志记录选项(41显示)可用;但是我们通过出站负载生成SAML断言执行某些后期处理

    Although the various Monitor and Logging options (not shown in Figure 41) are available; we're going to do some post-processing by generating a SAML assertion within our outbound payload.


  • 初始测量显示V6.2计算机上安装监视器模型队列跳过速度以前需要V6.1.2计算机上的相当。

    Initial measurements have shown that a monitor model installed to a single machine on V6.2 with queue bypass can run as fast as what previously required two machines on V6.1.2.


  • 模型导入业务监视器,将其作为使用门户面向业务人员和操作人员显示仪表板数据基础

    This model is imported into the business monitor and used as the basis for the presentation of dashboard data to both business and operational viewers using a portal interface.


  • 重要是,iPad2拥有视频镜像功能,可以确保一旦连接HDMI适配器,iPad 2将会外部监视器显示上面的内容

    More important, the iPad 2 also has video mirroring, ensuring that once you have connected the device to the HDMI adapter, the iPad will display the contents of its screen on an external monitor.


  • 可以回想上月专栏中的,该图显示一旦多个线程使用同步竞争一个内置监视器吞吐量如何大幅度下降

    You might recall the graphs from last month's column showing how throughput can drop dramatically once multiple threads contend for a built-in monitor lock using synchronization.


  • 中间显示分析SQL性能监视器观察最后一列定义输出监视器文件QVC43显示的值。

    The center column shows the values you would observe when analyzing the SQL Performance monitor and the last column defines the values which appear within the QVC43 column of the output monitor file.


  • 由于信息写到监视器中之前,图中不能显示信息,所以刷新周期取决于QApplyQCapture监视器信息的频率。

    Since the graph cannot show information unless it has been written to the monitor tables, the refresh interval is governed by how often QApply or QCapture are writing monitor information.


  • 用户界面显示远程调试监视器正在运行,使远程调试易于设置

    The user interface shows that the Remote Debugging Monitor is running and makes remote debugging easy to set up.


  • 通过螺旋采集数据获取足够信息运用特殊算法重建图形显示模拟监视器

    Through the spiral gathering data gain enough information, the utilization special algorithm, reconstructs the tube the three dimensional graph, demonstrated in simulates on the monitoring device.


  • 英特尔涡轮增压监视器显示处理器最高工作频率过去秒钟随着频率的增加蓝色中。

    The Intel Turbo Boost Monitor displays the maximum operating frequency of the processor in the past one second, with the increase in frequency shown in a blue bar.


  • 心率监视器最好带指北针的,或者奢侈一点,带有GPS导航功能,或者简单仅仅显示你的心

    Heart rate Monitor: Best ones are by Polar. You can get fancy ones, with GPS built in, or just a simple one that tells you your heart rate.


  • 监视器实时显示轮胎参数,在出现异常及时发出相关告警信息

    The monitor displays all kinds of preferences of the tires in time and, when the preferences is abnormal, the alarms will works automatically and display related information.


  • 随着舞台上安装了一个巨大的监视器第一杰克逊视频显示这些歌曲伴奏部分霍利在旁边的杰克逊排练

    With an enormous monitor installed onstage, Jackson for the first time was shown video accompaniments to some of these songs, said Holley, who was standing beside Jackson during the rehearsal.


  • 针对CCD相机输出普通监视器上不能显示的问题,研究了一种抽帧显示技术,实现高速实时显示

    For high frame frequency output of CCD camera, how to economically display images gathered from CCD on standard monitor is often met in CCD research and development.


  • 显示远程光标功能所有显示错误位置鼠标光标除了第一监视器监视器显示光标现在正确

    The "Show remote cursor" feature displayed the mouse cursor in an incorrect position for all monitors except the first monitor. The cursor is displayed now correctly.


  • 安全区的所有出口出口监视器所控制,只要标签进入出口邻近区域,系统立即产生警报,显示标签的信息及准确的报警位置

    All exits from the safe area are monitored by Exciters. As soon as a tag comes near an exit, an alarm occurs showing the specific tag and its exact location.


  • 96dpi监视器中,96dpi照片显示醒目清晰更高更低分辨率都会导致显示模糊粗糙

    On a monitor with 96 dpi, a photograph with 96 dpi will appear sharp and clear, while a photograph with higher or lower resolutions may appear blurry or grainy.


  • 96dpi监视器中,96dpi照片显示醒目清晰更高更低分辨率都会导致显示模糊粗糙

    On a monitor with 96 dpi, a photograph with 96 dpi will appear sharp and clear, while a photograph with higher or lower resolutions may appear blurry or grainy.


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