• 迪拜警方迅速公开揭示这项阴谋确认了26位嫌疑人显示阿拉伯世界几乎前所未闻透明度

    Instead, the Dubai police quickly unraveled the plot and identified 26 suspects, in a display of transparency that is almost unheard of in the Arab world.


  • 基于酵母菌土壤蠕虫实验显示将它们置于高于冰点温度下24小时时,99%的标本死亡揭示了而者均不能极端严寒存活

    Experiments conducted on yeast and garden worms show neither can survive extreme cold, with 99 percent dying after spending 24 hours in temperatures just above freezing.


  • 紫外线成像显示出的绿色漩涡以及可见光形成的图像揭示硫磺气体的存在,它们受发自四边形紫外线的辐射而变热形成等离子体。

    Swirls of green in Hubble's ultraviolet and visible-light view reveal hydrogen and sulfur gas that have been heated and ionized by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium's stars.


  • 为了揭示人们隐含偏见受试者要求观看台电脑显示上面出现一系列正面的、负面词语还有黑人的、白人面孔

    In order to reveal people's implicit prejudice, participants are asked to watch a computer monitor while a series of positive words, negative words, and pictures of black or white faces appear.


  • 3动态揭示墙壁显示

    Figure 3 reveals the wall display in action.


  • 1显示服务接口服务接口揭示处理购买订单所需功能

    Figure 1. shows the service interfaces that expose the capabilities required for processing purchase orders.


  • 细节信息,比如段代码显示这些信息,可以揭示有关本地处理器本身运行方式很多内容。

    Details, such as those shown in this code, reveal a lot about how the native processor itself operates.


  • 诸如此类报道显示报业衰退然而没有揭示行业长期发展趋势

    Such stories give a snapshot of an industry in decline, but they give little insight into the long-term trend.


  • 研究结果源源不断地出现,突出显示某些地区性异常甚至揭示某些食物过敏根据

    The results are now rolling in, highlighting some of the regional anomalies and even shedding light on the basis of some of the food allergies.


  • 悄悄地坚定地走,显示快速反应能力情报运动他的永久处置手段揭示自然高兴

    It walks quietly but firmly, showing its intelligence and quick responsiveness and revealing by means of his movement his permanent happy natural disposition.


  • 最近公布的哈勃太空望远镜图像显示更多细节但是明亮倒V字明确原因依然没有揭示出来。

    This recently released image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows many new details, but has not uncovered a clear cause of the bright sharp arc.


  • 一个任务显示怎样通过Web服务揭示这些功能

    The next Task shows how you can expose this functionality through the Web service.


  • 调查显示短短4天里揭示许多以前未知建筑物道路,的其他建筑物,科学家本月初在佛罗里达州坦帕考古学国际研讨会宣布了以上内容。

    The survey revealed previously unknown buildings, roads, and other features in just four days, scientists announced earlier this month at the International Symposium on Archaeometry in Tampa, Florida.


  • 扫描揭示利用葡萄糖大脑中的信号如何积极每个领域现在显示变化只有着的关于处理部分大脑说,教授艾德·伯格。

    Scans to reveal the use of glucose in the brain to signal how active each area is, now show that changes were only significant on the treated side of the brain, said Prof Eidelberg.


  • 本文通过对商周之际中国艺术结构整合描述,揭示了中国艺术型态、媒介旨趣追求方面所显示的特质。

    It is expounded in the paper that integration of art structure in Shang and Zhou Dynasties Show the fentures of Chinese art on type, code-medium, and subjectival-purport.


  • 事情是这样身体保持脂肪沉积揭示肌肉,并且非常最小允许削减纤维通过你的肌肉来显示你的皮肤。

    The thing is, keeping fat deposits in your body at the very minimum reveals your muscles and allows the cuts and fibers of your muscles to show through your skin.


  • 结论无创性皮肤弹性检测技术显示不同年龄部位皮肤弹性变化规律量化地揭示二者的相关性。

    Conclusion Non-evasive skin elasticity measurement can show the rule of skin elasticity changes in different body sites and ages, which is a good way for the study of skin ageing.


  • 云彩图片画廊一个图像伽利略太空船显示范围南极洲云层覆盖揭示气候模式发现世界底层

    Photo Gallery: Clouds an image from the Galileo spacecraft shows the extent of Antarctica's cloud cover and reveals the weather patterns found at the bottom of the world.


  • 创造意境目的为了抒情,创造方法主要是虚实相生。 创造典型主要是为了显示真相揭示真理,创造典型方法就是典型化

    The purpose of creation and the method is to combine real images with virtual ones while typical example is to reveal the truth by typification.


  • 结果显示我国IPO初始报酬率没有表现出明显变化趋势,但对IPO公司非系统性风险具有揭示作用,或者说市场反馈假说我国是成立的。

    As the result shows that there is no distinct tendency in IPO initial return movement in China, the hypothesis of market feedback gets supported.


  • Jones说:“这个研究显示大型数据集用于揭示基本生物模式而用其它方式则可能与之失之交臂。”

    "This study shows how large-scale datasets can be used to reveal fundamental biological patterns that would likely be missed otherwise," said Jones.


  • 本发明揭示一种能够大致从正面摄像正在观察显示人物的薄型的具有照相机的显示装置

    It discloses a display apparatus with a camera capable of taking an almost full-face image of a person seeing a display.


  • 本项研究表明,光学显示数字图象技术结合,可以有效揭示汽车的尾流结构,诊断阻力来源

    The results show that it is effective, by combining the laser flow visualization and the digital-image processing technology, to reveal the structure of car's wake and to determine the source of drag.


  • 阐明新闻纸呈物理机制揭示印刷复制过程中显示样张的色彩转换规律具有重要意义

    The above were important to clarify the physical mechanism of newspaper color displaying and disclose the copy transition rule from screen to proof.


  • 发明揭示一种平板显示设备护罩玻璃及其制造方法

    A cover glass for a flat panel display device and a method for manufacturing the same are disclosed.


  • 詹姆逊吸收精神分析学某些观点认为辨证批评应当显示文艺作品内容揭示被压抑无意识原始经验

    Absorbing some psychoanalysis points of view, Jameson thinks that dialectical criticism should demonstrate the content of literary works, suppressed unconsciousness and original experience.


  • 思想实验用以揭示概念观测之间隐含冲突并鲜明显示新的概念。

    Thought-experiment helps to re- veal the hidden contradictions between the conceptions and the observations and helps to remold new conceptions.


  • 揭示具体产品服务问题反应市场营销公共关系方面所做的努力同时显示产品购买情况

    It also reveals specific product and service issues, reactions to marketing and public relations efforts, and even buying signals.


  • 揭示具体产品服务问题反应市场营销公共关系方面所做的努力同时显示产品购买情况

    It also reveals specific product and service issues, reactions to marketing and public relations efforts, and even buying signals.


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