• 使用复选显示多达四种选择

    Presents up to four choices using check boxes.


  • 墨西哥银行最近份报告显示多达70%的人有。

    As many as 70% do, according to a recent report by the Bank of Mexico.


  • 支持超过131种语言显示多达32种语言同一时间

    AVI. It support more than 131 languages and display up to 32 languages at same time.


  • 程序可以显示多达十个按键反应看法显示角度可以查看轨迹

    The program can display the response for up to ten buttons and the point of view display allows you to view the stick trajectory.


  • 份报告显示,印度尼西亚是第二大海洋塑料污染国,每年向海洋排放多达240万吨塑料垃圾。

    Indonesia is the second largest ocean plastic polluter, producing up to 2.4 million tons of plastic waste into the oceans every year according to a report.


  • 具有良好结核控制规划若干国家显示可能治愈多达30%的感染者。

    Several countries with good TB control programmes have shown that cure is possible for up to 30% of affected people.


  • 无源缓解系统显示能力使室内水平降低多达50%。

    Passive systems of mitigation have been shown to be capable of reducing indoor radon levels by up to 50%.


  • 官方数字显示这个多达1300名居民但是有人认为其中很多人现在在其他地方

    Official figures show the village has up to 1, 300 inhabitants, but many are thought to be living elsewhere.


  • Jacobson计算显示,与建造使用风机相比清洁煤电厂的建造和运营排放多达110

    Jacobson's calculations show that building and using enough clean coal power plants would emit up to 110 times more carbon than building and using wind turbines only.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)一份报告显示神经障碍范围癫痫阿尔茨海默、从中风头痛,在世界范围影响多达10亿民众

    A new report from the world Health Organization (WHO) shows that neurological disorders, ranging from epilepsy to Alzheimer disease, from stroke to headache, affect up to one billion people worldwide.


  • 有一项调查显示布莱克伯恩市街道多达4000个,结果这写进歌词,"今天了报纸,,天哪。开夏布莱克伯恩大街上有4000个。"

    A study showing that the streets of Blackburn had 4, 000 potholes was also immortalised by the lyrics: "I read the news today, oh boy, 4, 000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire."


  • 修正过数据显示截至20093月美国丢掉多达824,000工作岗位预期的还要

    Revised figures showed 824, 000 more jobs had been lost in the year ending March 2009 than had been previously estimated.


  • 我们知道来自迄今开展唯一全球研究结果显示有些地方也许多达19%的耐多药结核病例实际上是广泛耐药结核可能寻常的。

    We also know that findings from the only global study carried out so far showed that in some places perhaps as many as 19% of MDR-TB cases were in fact XDR-TB, but this is likely to be uncommon.


  • 新闻调查局工作,在这里我们记录显示超过175名的儿童以及多达600名的平民巴基斯坦国内美国中情局所杀。

    I work at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism where we have documented the killing of more than 175 children and as many as 600 other civilians inside Pakistan by the CIA.


  • 根据上海财经新闻”五月份一项非正式调查显示如果足够的话,多达40%的调查者愿意考虑战略性离婚

    An informal survey conducted by the Shanghai Financial News in May suggested that as many as 40 per cent of respondents would consider a tactical divorce if the savings were high enough.


  • 世界银行最新预测显示随着全球经济增长速度放缓多达5300万人口可能首次陷入贫困

    As many as 53 million more people could be trapped in poverty as economic growth slows around the world, according to new world Bank forecasts.


  • 最近官方统计显示,全国目前有多达两千三百万流动民工失业,其中一千四百万春节返乡后就不再离乡打工。

    Recent official statistics suggest that as many as 23m of China's migrant workers are jobless, and that around 14m of those who returned home for the New Year have remained there.


  • 过去12个月最新数据显示,230万名传染期患者获得治愈人数多达到历史最高水平。

    Data from the latest 12 month period now shows that the highest ever number of infectious patients - 2.3 million people - were cured.


  • 两千万购物者开展的此项调查显示,五分之一的女性都有多达条牛仔裤无法穿原因或者变胖了

    The survey of 2, 000 shoppers found that one in five women owns six pairs of jeans they no longer wear due to weight loss or gain.


  • 调查结果显示,其中多达五分之一的女性怀孕期间体重增长过多,这使她们的孩子出生体重超过94公斤几率增加了一

    The study of more than 40,000 U.S. women and their babies found as many as one in five women gains too much weight during pregnancy, doubling the chances her baby will weigh 9 pounds (4 kg) or more.


  • 最近官方统计显示全国目前多达两千三百万流动民工失业,其中一千四百万春节返乡后就不再离乡打工。

    Recent official statistics suggest that as many as 23 million of China's migrant workers are jobless, and that about 14 million of those who returned home for the New Year have remained there.


  • 研究结果显示每年诊所医院环境表面的细菌引起死亡多达140万。

    The result is that infections arising from bacteria attached to surfaces in clinics and hospitals are reckoned to cause up to 1.4m deaths per year.


  • 美国皮尤研究中心周二公布份最新调查报告显示,有多达90%美国人认为他们大部分同胞超重只有40%的人承认自己

    According to a study published on Tuesday, ninety percent of Americans know that most of their compatriots are overweight, but just 40 percent believe themselves to be too fat.


  • 根据Google 的数据显示每天大约有 10 万基于Android 系统的手机激活,市场多达 60 多种不同型号的手机使用 Android。

    According to Google, some 100, 000 Android-based phones are being activated each day, more than 60 different models are on the market.


  • 过去十年里有案可查杀害记者事件多达827起,但目前掌握信息显示只有其中8%犯罪人追究责任。

    Of the 827 documented killings of journalists over the past decade, the information at hand shows that only 8 percent of perpetrators were held to account.


  • 过去十年里有案可查杀害记者事件多达827起,但目前掌握信息显示只有其中8%犯罪人追究责任。

    Of the 827 documented killings of journalists over the past decade, the information at hand shows that only 8 percent of perpetrators were held to account.


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