• 因此事件发射缺省情况下禁用的,所以必须显式启用业务分析人员主管希望观察那些事件

    Event emission is therefore disabled by default, and so those events that business analysts and executives want to watch must be explicitly enabled.


  • 有些过滤器管理器显式创建报表提示使用者可以从中选择分析有意义

    Some filters are explicitly created by the manager and are displayed as prompts on the report from which the consumer can select values of interest to their analysis.


  • 分析一个使用容器程序线程安全分析介入容器更困难,因为可以无需调用容器成员函数就间接修改容器。

    Analyzing the thread safety of a program that USES containers is harder with intrusive containers, because the container might be modified indirectly without an explicit call to a container member.


  • 将拉延模型引入到板料成形动力显式有限元分析中,汽车前照灯矩形反光镜应用实例,延成形过程进行了模拟。

    Drawbead model has been applied to the dynamic explicit FEM analysis of sheet metal forming process and the simulation of deep drawing of rectangular viewfinder of automobile headlight been realized.


  • 由于采用显式差分尤其适合于材料的塑性、变形分析以及施工过程模拟

    Because of the application of explicit difference method, it is especially suitable to elastoplastic analysis, large deformation analysis and construction process simulation.


  • 由于等存在逆变显式所以有限元分析中都回避等参元逆变换。

    There is no explicit formulation of inverse mapping about the isoparametric element, so inverse mapping is avoided in finite element analysis.


  • 作者应用时域显式有限元模型分析了可压缩库水条件下淤积泥砂垂直运动作用刚性面上压力影响

    The effects of sediment on the hydrodynamic pressures acting on rigid dams during vertical ground motion were studied By use of an explicit finite element scheme in this paper.


  • 模型进行受力分析后,文章接着通过显式积分求解出质点一时间位置速度

    After accomplishing model forces analyses, Explicit Integration is implemented to calculate positions and velocities of all particles in the next time step.


  • 采用动态显式有限元厚板轧制过程进行分析

    The rolling process of medium plate was analyzed with the explicit dynamic finite element method.


  • 并且详细分析高度非线性分析算法对于算法具有的优越性

    And superiority of explicit algorithm for the highly non-linear analysis was analyzed in detail.


  • 动力问题分析中,一种好的积分方法不仅要具有良好稳定性而且还要具有良好计算精度。

    The accuracy of characteristic analysis is as necessary for an explicit integration scheme as the stability property.


  • 研究分析了基于速率流量控制模型,针对已有显式速率(EPRCA)机制存在不足提出一种新的控制机制ERFCM

    In this paper, a rate-based flow control model is studied and a new mechanism ERFCM is put forward for insufficiency of the existing mechanisms such as EPRCA.


  • 本文主要介绍了焊接棱角度错边量检测仪、基尺外形成型磨削加工工艺以及砂轮修整工艺,此外,对成型磨削过程中的计算机模拟进行了分析

    This paper introduces the shape grinding process of the decides grid trough and the rule's contour and the process of grinding wheel truing, analyzes the process simulation by computer.


  • 在理论分析基础给出自仿射插值函数表达垂直比例因子表达

    The expressions of the affine fractal interpolation function and the locally explicit presentation of the vertical scaling factors are presented on the basis of fractal geometry.


  • 通过构件生产领域分析提取了特殊依赖表达构件,进而给出了一种新的构件依赖关系显式表达方法

    By analyzing the domain for component producing, this paper introduces a special domain component, and presents a new approach for the explicit expression of components' dependency.


  • 本文广义最小方差策略极点配置策略相结合并采用正则化相对死区技术提出了一种自校正显式算法给出了鲁棒性分析,物理实验结果仿真结果。

    A self-tuning robust explicit algorithm with normalization and dead-zone is presented combining generalized minimum variance with pole-placement strategy , with the robustness discussed.


  • 同时导出灵敏度矩阵显式表达提高分析效率

    The explicit expression of the sensitivity matrix is derived to enhance the efficiency of the inverse approach.


  • 详细分析动力显式算法方程空间有限元离散方法有限元方程的时间中心差分离散方法。

    The spatial field FE discrete method of the virtual work equation and the time field central difference discrete method of the FE equation in the dynamic explicit method are described in detail.


  • 分析目前普遍采用显式两种用户偏好获取优缺点提出了一种混合用户偏好获取模

    The advantages and disadvantages of the explicit and implicit user preferences access are analyzed and a mixed-mode preference access pattern is proposed.


  • 给出了具有抛物形电导率分布电弧螺旋不稳定性一个简化线性分析得到显式解析解。

    A simplified linear analysis of the helical instability of arc plasmas is given. Explicit analytic results are obtained.


  • 除了方差分析外,他们需要一个非线性方程组一般没有显式只能获得迭代解。

    Except the Analysis of Variance Estimator, these approaches all need to solve a non-linear equation, which does not have explicit solution, and only has an iteration solution in general.


  • 通过生成结果分析比较,初步论证了文中所推导的显式三参数对数正态分布模型有效性

    By analyzing and comparing the calculated results, the effectiveness about the model of the 3-parameter lognormal distribution is demonstrated.


  • 采用显式动力分析程序得出计算结果试验数据的吻合性较好,进一步证实了模型参数建模有效性正确性

    The results computed by the explicit dynamic analysis software are similar to the experimental data, and the effectiveness and correctness of parameter selection and model establishment are proved.


  • 分析冲压成形数值仿真系统铁路车辆制造中的应用,指出了显式有限元分析方法,可以对冲压成形中各方面的参数进行优化处理。

    For the applications of the metal stamping numerical simulation system in the rolling stock manufacture, the forming parameters are all optimized in finite element method (FEM).


  • 因此本文滚动轴承有限元求解分析的基础上,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA模块滚动轴承进行显式动力学接触分析

    Therefore, based on rolling bearing implicit finite element solution analysis, using ANSYS/LS-DYNA explicit dynamic module implements, we achieved the rolling contact simulation of motion process.


  • 知识需求、隐知识需求、用户查询历史以及知识需求分析过程进行了形化的定义

    To measure the implicit knowledge requirement objectively, we defined an index set based on corpus and knowledge structure.


  • 给出一类周期特征值问题向后误差分析定义了特征对的范数型结构向后误差,并给出了显式表达

    The normwise structured backward error of an approximate eigen-pair is defined and its explicit formula is given.


  • 采用显式有限元分析软件LS -DYNA ,对于圆形钢管弯曲加工过程进行数值模拟。

    The tube bending forming processes are simulated by explicit finite element code LS-DYNA.


  • 分析结果表明:利用混合显式物理方案比其它方案模拟降水更接近实际情况

    The simulated results using the mixed ice phase scheme was the best, because the simulated areas and values of this heavy rainfall were the quite close to the observed.


  • 本文分析继承性重要性之后,讨论显式关系继承性,并分析继承异常现象出现的原因较好的解决方案

    The thesis analyzes the importance of inheritance, discuss the inheritance in opened relationship, at the same time, it analyzes the reason of inheritance anomaly and the program to solve it.


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