• 凭一集团还款承诺书,“主要原因合作房地产信托业务减速较大。”

    Only one paper Xiang Lin Group repayment commitment to the book, "the main reason is the political cooperation letter and real estate trust business slowdown greater."


  • 波多黎各至今仍然美国自治而不一个

    Puerto Rico remains a US commonwealth, not a state.


  • 礼户松太多事情我们无法控制的。

    Seirei Tobimatsu said there was so much beyond our control.


  • 满足这些先决条件关键性公共卫生职能一个国家作为良好问题予以履行

    Meeting these prerequisites is a critical public health function that should be performed in every country as a matter of good governance.


  • 丈夫期间,完全投身于自然事业当中,无论华盛顿种植数千郁金香赞助公路美化法案

    During her husband's time in office, she fully embraced nature, whether that meant planting thousands of tulips in Washington or sponsoring the Highway Beautification Act.


  • 当然这样没法的,可“邮报”却还一些友,真令人尊敬。

    That is no way to make friends in politics, of course, and the Post has honourably few.


  • 解释说搏斗功夫关键课程所关注信念

    But fighting is not the most important lesson of kung fu, Hu explains. His focus is on honor.


  • 即使受邀,利加入内塔尼亚胡仍然个未知数。

    But it is not clear that Ms Livni would join Mr Netanyahu's government, even if invited.


  • 这样各省报告中的最高价最低价代表特定当月各县上报最高价最低价

    Thus the high and low prices noted in the prefectural reports represent the highest and lowest prices reported by any county within a given prefecture during that month.


  • 这场货币战美联储额策调整的罗后果

    The war will be a logical consequence of changes in Federal Reserve policy in the U.S.


  • 说:“让吃惊的这套剪纸十五以及十五张剪纸实际上表现出来的历史叙述性。”

    "What struck me as extremely valuable is that this papercut set has 15 images total, and these 15 papercuts actually present a historical narrative," Wang said.


  • 其他强调技巧搏击大型武术学校不一样,胡生教授的杨贵武大师传授传统少林功夫套路,学校有两百个男生不多女生

    Unlike the big kung fu academies, which stress acrobatics and kickboxing, Hu teaches his 200 boys and a few girls the traditional Shaolin kung fu forms that Yang Guiwu passed on to him.


  • 韦氏公司总裁约翰·摩尔,integrity字典中的解释坚守准则;清廉洁”,这个词在网络版辞典中一直受瞩目。

    The noun, formally defined as a "firm adherence to a code" and "incorruptibility," has always been a popular one on the company's Web site, said Merriam-Webster President John Morse.


  • 选择公式给出资本应该如何选择(最佳结果)而不决定资本一定如此选择。

    Sm choose degrees formula gives is capital should be how to choose the best results (administration) instead of determining capital must choose to do so.


  • 明确管理性质研究监狱执行刑罚全部问题一个基本出发点。

    Making clear the nature of prison management is the starting point of study all issues of execution of punishment.


  • 说道:“只要代理总检察官司法部不会维护这一命令而提出理由。”

    "As long as I am the acting attorney general, the department of justice will not present arguments in defence of the Executive Order, " she said.


  • 导演, 㔀“老实说质量过硬。有信心保证,动画中的一切都经得起历史检验。”

    "To be honest, it is quality. I am confident to say everything in the animation stands the test of history, " Peng Qingzheng, director of the animation answered.


  • 改良司法居正法律思想重要组成部分,减刑和废除死刑减轻改良狱其三大举措。

    Improving justice is one of Chii Cheng's most important legal thoughts including commuting, abolishing death penalty, mitigating the pain of lawsuit and improving the administration of jail.


  • 看似感冒状,结果往往麻疹初期

    What seems to be a cold often turns out to be the beginning of measles.


  • 1886年,英国首相•加斯科·塞西尔(索尔兹伯里勋爵)任命亚瑟·贝尔福为爱尔兰;而贝尔福鲍勃喜爱的侄子

    In 1886, Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (Lord Salisbury) surprisingly made Arthur Balfour Chief Secretary of Ireland; Balfour was' Bob's 'favorite nephew.


  • 乘坐金色马车伦敦厅里工作伦敦城长得穿西装套装自行车办公楼里工作。

    He also gets to ride in a golden carriage and work in a Guildhall while the mayor of London has to wear a suit, ride a bike and work in an office building.


  • 知道这一点的。

    The government knows that.


  • 论文所探讨和研究这一命题关系密切中国省级区之间利益冲突机理及其解决机制的问题。

    Closely related to the above topic, the topic of this dissertation is "a study of inter-provincial interest conflict and its mechanism for the resolution in China".


  • 简单任务你们世界阴谋集团主要府依然奴役你们的命运

    This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny.


  • 今天云、贵、交界地区就整体来讲一个相对完整自然人文地理单元设置上却表现的犬牙交错。

    Nowadays, the boundary zone among the Yunnan province, Guizhou province and Sichuan province is a comparatively whole unit of the nature and culture, but the territory setup is not such.


  • 今天云、贵、交界地区就整体来讲一个相对完整自然人文地理单元设置上却表现的犬牙交错。

    Nowadays, the boundary zone among the Yunnan province, Guizhou province and Sichuan province is a comparatively whole unit of the nature and culture, but the territory setup is not such.


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