• 王燕生小小的灵位摆放诗歌他的后人为他就的,样书

    In front of his little tablet there were his collections of poetry that was his descendants' hasty arrangement, several copies of sample book.


  • 激动地下了,很快打开了,令他跌眼镜的,包里书,偷鸡不成蚀把米!

    So he left the bus few minutes later. He got a big shock after he opened the briefcase: There are only some old newspapers in the briefcase! It is really go for wool and come home shorn.


  • Ryan D.Tweney俄亥俄州鲍灵格林大学心理学荣誉退休教授关于科学思考作者

    Ryan D. Tweney is an emeritus professor of psychology at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and is the author of several books on scientific thinking.


  • 传记文学作者——第一传记亨利·福特的生平——包括第一关于赫伯特·胡佛的传记,1920年出版。

    She also authored several biographies -- her first book was a life of Henry Ford -- including the first ever written about Herbert Hoover, in 1920.


  • 嗅觉方面专著作者其中包括《香水指南》《嗅觉秘密》,同时钱德勒·柏尔2003年《香水帝王一书的主人公。

    He's the author of several books on scent, including Perfumes: the Guide and the Secret of scent, and is the subject of Chandler Burr's 2003 book the Emperor of scent.


  • 父亲写了医生

    His father was a doctor who wrote several books.


  • 无论何时打算开始学习科目时,我通过阅读基础书目的奠定一个坚实基础

    Whenever I attempt to learn a new subject I read through a few books on the basics in order to build a solid foundation.


  • 除了头上屋顶桌上一些事物,身上的件衣服,一些交通工具,一台工作的电脑——还有什么真正必需的

    Other than a roof over my head, some food on the table, clothes on my back, some means of transportation, some of my books, and a computer so I can do my job - what else is truly necessary?


  • 以上如何一轮购入图书关于网格构造

    See above for how I choose books. My next round of book purchases will feature several books on constructing grids.


  • 朱迪·扎拉写关于人们怎么样可以改善生活状况,她说,拥有积极态度成功做出改变诀窍之一

    Having a positive attitude is one of the keys to making a successful change, according to Judy Zerafa, author of several books based on how people can improve their lives.


  • 一家领先能源咨询公司创建人,写过广受赞誉,其中《石油风云》最为著名一部关于石油的鸿篇巨制,讲述石油从被发现1990年的历史。

    Yergin, the founder of a leading energy consulting firm, is the author of several acclaimed books, most notablyThe Prize, ” a monumental history of oil from its discovery to 1990.


  • 直到最后拒绝爵士的称谓,说他不过缓慢地

    He refused a knighthood almost to the end, pointing out that he had written only a slow handful of books.


  • 海伦写了,其中著名一生《我的后半生》。

    Helen wrote several books. The most famous ones are The Story of My Life and Midstream: My Later Life.


  • 天平上,孰轻孰无私生活所爱奉献一切出版几本书籍呢?

    Which weighs more on the What Really Matters scale, a life of selfless, loving service to loved ones, or a couple of published books?


  • PeterNorvigGoogle研究总监关于人工智能书籍作者

    Peter Norvig is director of research for Google and the author of several books about artificial intelligence.


  • Ekman研究已经超过四十年了并且主题作者

    Ekman has been studying deceptive behavior for more than four decades and is the author of several books on the subject.


  • 可能需要打开一边看着讽刺的,您可能会经常使用Google清楚每件事(搜索引擎而不AppEngine)。

    You might need a few books popped open, and ironically, you'll probably be using Google a lot to figure everything out (the search engine, not App engine).


  • 纪念加缪逝世50周年新书中,有卡特娜•加缪文笔优美、附带插图的作品,卡特琳娜加缪的双胞胎中的女儿,守护着父亲遗产

    Several new books mark the anniversary of his death, including an elegant illustrated volume by Catherine Camus, one of his twin children and custodian of her father's estate.


  • 现在便宜

    Few of the books are cheap now.


  • 很难说有好非常喜欢不过也许红楼梦喜欢的一书。

    It's hard to say. I like several of them very much, but I think maybe the Dream of Red Masion is my favorite.


  • 需要好书路上

    What I need is a few books to read on the way.


  • 好的孩子几本漏掉了?

    Well, my boy, what were the books which were forgotten?


  • 很难说。有非常喜欢不过也许·爱》喜欢的

    It's a little hard to say. I like several of them very much, but I think maybe Jane Eyre is my favorite.


  • 前面已经说过自己真的从内心深处喜欢几本诗集——而且

    I do, as I say, love these books with my heart and I love you too.


  • 喜欢幽默所以,我每次逛书店,都忘记另外自己关于笑话而且到哪里随身带着妈妈经常公子”。

    I like humor, so, when I go into a bookstore, don't forget in addition to give oneself buy a few books about joke of the total, and where love carry a, mama always said I was "book childe".


  • 学好现代英语,仅依靠掌握教科书阅读几本文学名著远远不够的。

    To have a good command of modern English, it is not enough to learn textbooks or read some famous English novels.


  • 博学的法学家,着有关民事

    He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law.


  • 那种容易遭人遗忘作家没有甚麽像样的著作,只不会令人记起的

    He is kind of a forgettable writer who has written really nothing but a few forgettable books.


  • 那种容易遭人遗忘作家没有甚麽像样的著作,只不会令人记起的

    He is kind of a forgettable writer who has written really nothing but a few forgettable books.


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