• 这些实验提供足够深刻的见解从而送到星际空间花费合理化吗?

    Could those experiments provide insights profound enough to justify the expense of sending people across interplanetary space?


  • 成千上万声称自己星际大战》系列电影中穿着浴衣超级英雄绝地武士以此捣乱一个关于宗教提问

    Hundreds of thousands of people sabotaged a question about religion by claiming that they were Jedi, the bathrobe-wearing superheroes of the Star Wars films.


  • 星际旅行》2009重起炉灶。在影片开场联飞船USS开尔文号遭到罗穆兰攻击

    In the opening scene of 2009's star Trek movie reboot, the Federation starship USS Kelvin is under attack by the Romulans.


  • 星际争霸》发布于1998年即时战略游戏,在韩国游戏网吧电视职业游戏玩家超过百万

    Starcraft, a strategy game first released in 1998, is played by millions of South Koreans in gaming cyber-cafes, and by professional gamers on television.


  • 这些天文学家中有一些计划利用星际尘埃数据研究银河磁场起源变化没有得到充分了解事物。

    Some of them plan to use the interstellar-dust data to study the Milky Way's magnetic field, the origins and behavior of which are not well understood.


  • 成千上万声称自己绝地武士——《星际大战》中个身穿睡衣超级英雄,以此拒绝回答那些有关宗教信仰的问答

    Hundreds of thousands of others sabotaged a voluntary question about religion by claiming that they were Jedi, the bathrobe-wearing superheroes of the Star Wars films.


  • 外星飞船推进痕迹:如果是《星际迷航》中伏尔甘星制造的,我们怎么会找不到呢?

    Find a propulsion signature from an alien spacecraft: Hey, if it worked for the Vulcans in Star Trek, why not us?


  • 另一个答案外星已经造访过地球发现我们星球原始太枯燥根本值得星际旅游导游册浪费笔墨

    Another is that aliens visited Earth and found our planet so dull that we didn't even merit a rating on their interstellar travel guide.


  • 因此雄性食米鸟上地理定位器标牌研究通过播放雄鸟的叫声抓住它们声音听起来星际大战》成名机器R2-D2啾啾声。

    So researchers who want to tag males with geolocators catch them by playing a recording of a male's call, which to human ears sounds like the chirps of R2-D2, the robot of Star Wars fame.


  • 因此容易本世纪开始的星际任务前景产生怀疑。

    It's therefore easy to grow skeptical about the prospects for an interstellar mission that could be launched this century.


  • 考虑到星际之间畏惧的路程真实生命的说法几乎必然较之于电影中所描绘外星入侵紧急降落太空飞船带来的耸听闻的轰动效应

    Given the daunting distances between the stars, the real-life version will almost certainly be a lot less sensational than the movies depicting alien invasions or crash-landing spaceships.


  • 游戏延续九八年星际争霸发行版本传统,玩家通过控制指挥,与虫子有心灵感应外星作战以求得生存

    The game follows on from the 1998 release of StarCraft, putting the player in command of a group of humans battling for survival against an insect horde and telepathic aliens.


  • MITS创始埃德·罗伯茨星际迷航某一集终点星球得到Altair名称

    MITS founder Ed Roberts got the name Altair from the stellar destination in a Star Trek episode.


  • 创作:拥有情感的机器Data(布伦特·史宾纳扮演)化身为福尔摩斯,星际旅行:下一代》中这绝对最酷

    Whodunit: The sentient android Data (played by Brent Spiner), in one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's coolest episodes.


  • 非常像是星际迷航》中企业号里的全息甲板可惜只有很少明白这个真相

    It really is like the Holographic Deck on Star Trek, except that very few of you realize the truth.


  • 机器打开肚子照办了。只小机器动物一下跳到星际会议桌上

    I told the robot to open its stomach, and it opened. The little robot animal jumped on to the Star Table.


  • 相信说的星际动物园直到机器告诉是真的

    He didn't believe my story about the Star Zoo... until the robot told him it was all true.


  • 两个机器登上星际飞船,跟一起飞往寒冷的伊冷星,阻止邦联变色龙机器袭击那里神圣绝地洞穴

    The two droids were aboard her starship when she flew to the frigid world of Ilum, to stop a Confederacy chameleon droid attack on the sacred Jedi caverns there.


  • 理事会成员成员们进来围着星际会议桌坐下那个官员他们讲了,我的机器重复了一遍。

    The Council men and women came in and took their places at the Star Table. The official told them my story, which my robot repeated.


  • 黑暗势力在打星际朋友是的敌”那张牌,认为那些邪恶外星我们发动战争,以便阻止我们探索太空技术性飞跃

    The cabal will certainly play the star people enemy card, the evil aliens and wage war against us in order to take the next technological leap into space.


  • 驾X星际战斗机飞行时靠得极其其中一战斗机R2机器整合个护体,这样使偏导强度加倍

    By piloting two X-wing starfighters at extreme close range of each other, one of the fighter's R2 units can integrate both shield matrices, thus doubling deflector strength.


  • 有些新的星际尘埃中产生出来,有的是自然形成,有的是的——它们在逝去

    New stars had been built of the dust between the stars, some by natural processes, some by Man himself, and those were going, too.


  • 然而漫画拉扎不是的敌,而是一个外星电子,他是个名为“星际干扰机”太空海盗团伙成员

    However, the comic version of Raza is not an enemy of Iron Man, but an alien cyborg who is a member of the space pirate gang known as the Starjammers.


  • 绝地将军艾拉·塞库拉克隆步兵327星际军被派往营救奥菲

    Jedi General Aayla Secura and the 327th Star Corps of clone troopers were reassigned to rescue Offee.


  • 绝地将军艾拉·塞库拉克隆步兵327星际军被派往营救奥菲

    Jedi General Aayla Secura and the 327th Star Corps of clone troopers were reassigned to rescue Offee.


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