• 可见光扩展无线电波,再到X 射线伽马射线天文学总是发现不寻常物体射电星系类星体脉冲星

    The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, and pulsars.


  • 天文学发现了一个遥远星系

    Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.


  • 大多数天文学认为星系中心大量物质一个黑洞引力导致气体旋转

    Most astronomers believe that the large concentration of mass at the galaxy's center is a black hole whose gravity is causing the gas to whirl.


  • 直到最近大多数天文学认为我们宇宙中星系之间空间近乎完美的真空

    Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near-perfect vacuum.


  • Cobe设计只是为了观测最大结构天文学家们希望看到小的热点,即星系星系局部天体种子

    Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies.


  • 文学长期以来推测最终可能会星际空间或者是在难以探测大量星系发现丢失重子质量

    Astronomers have long speculated that the missing baryonic mass might eventually be discovered in intergalactic space or as some large population of galaxies that are difficult to detect.


  • 除了传统星系宇宙还有一些非常暗淡星系直到最近天文学家发现

    In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim galaxies that until recently went unnoticed by astronomers.


  • 这种正统宇宙观现在受到文学家的挑战天文学认为场巨大气体”正星系周围所谓空无一物的空间落入许多星系中。

    This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy "rain" of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them.


  • 你们可以得到所有天文学中的有用信息,只要对进行多普勒顿

    And so you get all this useful information in astronomy by making the Doppler shift measurements of binary systems.


  • 对于一些别的星系天文学可以通过观测星系怎样扭曲更远星系发出来规避暗物质问题

    For a number of other galaxies, astronomers can circumvent the dark-matter problem by observing how a galaxy bends the light of more distant galaxies.


  • 这些性质研究帮助天文学测试预测星系结构形成宇宙学模型

    The study of such properties will help astronomers to test cosmological models that predict galactic structure formation.


  • 天文学利用超大星系数量规模宇宙形成方式进行理论解释。

    The number and size of super-massive galaxy clusters also will be used to refine theoretical understanding of how the universe formed.


  • 天文学需要不同颜色拍摄星系距离估计研究他们更多细节

    Astronomers need the diverse colors to estimate the distances to lensed galaxies and study them in more detail.


  • 巨大质量星系望远镜强力使天文学探测到了一个5.58遥远星系

    The power of this massive cluster telescope has allowed astronomers to detect a galaxy at the distant redshift of 5.58.


  • 这个模型追踪海王星轨道无数个微小物体运行轨迹,可以帮助天文学计算其他星系尘埃盘行星特性

    The new model, which tracks thousands of tiny particles beyond the orbit of Neptune, could help astronomers work out the properties of planets in other stars' dust disks.


  • 文学家认为,星系狼吞虎咽的结果同时也黑洞提供了一大笔飞来横财

    Astronomers figure that the galaxy gobbling that resulted also served as a gravy train for black holes.


  • 事实上矮星常见天文学认为它们星系常见星体

    Red dwarfs are also common -in fact, astronomers say they are the most common type of star in the galaxy.


  • 事实上矮星常见天文学认为它们星系常见星体

    Red dwarfs are also common - in fact, astronomers say they are the most common type of star in the galaxy.


  • 但是昨天意大利都灵召开的外星系大会上,瑞士天文学宣称他们观测类似星系中,还没有有价值的行星

    But yesterday at an exoplanet meeting in Turin, Italy, Switzerland-based astronomers announced that they could find no trace of the prized planet in their observations of the same planetary system.


  • 宇宙中的星系各自的形状大小但是直到最近天文学不能很好的解释这些形状的成因

    Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes, but until recently astronomers have been at a loss to explain why.


  • 但是对于相互间不发生交互的星系它们旋转着接近对方时,文学家就可以精确地测量公转周期改变量。

    With a noninteracting pair, astronomers can precisely measure the change in the orbital period of the stars as they spiral toward each other.


  • 接下来天文学家们检测了近期发生星系碰撞微妙标志例如扭曲碟状中心或者拖着尾巴恒星

    Next, the astronomers checked the galaxies for the subtle signs of a recent galactic collision, such as a warped disk or a trailing tail of stars.


  • 哈勃观测相互作用星系故事增加新的重要线索文学确定星系遭遇开始时间,预言未来并合的情况。

    The Hubble observations have added important clues to the story of this interacting foursome, allowing astronomers to determine when the encounter began and to predict a future merger.


  • 如果天文学身处这个星系中的任何行星上他们坐在头排看目睹一场星辰诞生风暴正在上演,这场风暴将持续数千

    If there are astronomers on any planets in thisgalaxy group, they will have a ringside seat to seeing a flurry of starbirth unfolding over many millions of years to come.


  • 在图还有其他背景性的透镜星系文学家正是通过它们计算出了146-IG质量

    There are other lensed background galaxies in the image as well, and the astronomers used those to get the mass of 146-ig.


  • 星系碰撞点燃星体构造活动时,天文学块星云研究遥远星体爆炸发生的情形。

    Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation.


  • 星系碰撞点燃星体构造活动时,天文学块星云研究遥远星体爆炸发生的情形。

    Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation.


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