• 大约相当于地球往返冥王337距离

    That's about the same distance as 337 round trips from Earth to Pluto.


  • 明显不是中子因为几乎,曝光中一样

    This star is clearly not the pulsar as it is about equally bright on both exposures.


  • 然而2006年太空舱一个叫做“尘”的探测器回到地球时,又一面对这个问题

    Yet this was the problem facing him when a capsule returned to earth in 2006 from a probe called Stardust.


  • 这时,才从梦中渐渐清醒过来,第一相同响声把他完全惊醒了,注意看才看出原来辆车子上

    But this confusion vanished; a second sound similar to the first roused him thoroughly; he looked and recognized the fact that these two stars were the lanterns of a carriage.


  • 在灶神轨道之后的“黎明”号太空旅行中进行罕见的表演- - -重新点燃发动机转变方向环绕一个天体运行。

    After spending a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will perform a trick rare in space travel-it will reignite its engines and head off to orbit another body.


  • 下面已知最后使用吉安智能顾问对话记录。吉安智能顾问一度所有航行飞船的必备装备

    The following transcript details the last known use of the OnStar Hands-Free A.I. Crash Advisor, once a mandatory install on all craft equipped for interstellar travel.


  • 服务期中参加越南战场31场主要战役的指挥工作,授予枚青铜枚紫勋章。

    He was involved in 31 major combat operations in Vietnam during two Tours, and was awarded a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.


  • 上个月颗亮经历大规模光学爆发时候我们所在方向上发现了伽马射线爆发。

    Last month, we discovered a bright gamma-ray flare from the direction of this star while it was undergoing a huge optical outburst.


  • 脉冲已经死亡的小型中子直径只有20公里(12.4英里)左右每秒旋转数百,同时还会向外发出无线电光束

    Pulsars are tiny, dead neutron stars that are only around 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) in diameter and spin hundreds of times a second, emitting beam of radiation.


  • 北极表现可圈可点,保林将此归功于至关重要改进,改进后的程序能够比赛根据对手表现调整战略

    Mr Bowling attributes Polaris's stronger performance to a crucial modification that allowed the program to adjust its strategy in response to its opponent's behaviour during a match.


  • 学家罗宾·卡纳普说,冥王所有三个可以追溯同一撞击

    According to planetary scientist Robin Canup, all three of Pluto's satellites could trace back to a single impact.


  • 他们与昴宿团,大角仙女座天狼先进空间弟兄们维持元间心灵感应接触

    They sustained higher dimensional -telepathic contact with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.


  • 历史备忘录吉安智能顾问最后交谈记录

    Historical Note: This is the last recorded interaction with an OnStar Hands-Free A.I. Crash Advisor.


  • 这天是为了纪念加加第一进入太空宇航员日,庆祝持续深夜

    It's Cosmonauts day, a holiday honoring Gagarin's first flight into space, and in Star City the celebration lasts late into the night.


  • 幸运的是,可以来一

    Luckily, here in star City they can restart and try again.


  • 此外美国电影工作室梦工厂合作,推出史瑞克4,也是推出3d史瑞克。

    In addition, Samsung has partnered with US film studio DreamWorks for the second time for the launch of Shrek 4, 'Forever After' which will be available in 3d for the first time.


  • 至于个人参与第二世界大战,因为诺曼第登陆成功,赢得枚铜勋章一份采访德军战俘工作

    His own war led to a bronze star won in Normandy and a job interviewing defeated Germans.


  • 5月27日,那个海王形成一个神奇的角度,这是自从1997年来的第一

    Also that stellar week, on May 27, Jupiter and Neptune will align in a magical conjunction for the first time since early 1997.


  • 作为银河系已知年轻的中子Cas a诞生于330前天文学家可能观测到的超新爆发中。

    The youngest known neutron star in the Milky Way, Cas a was born in a supernova explosion that astronomers may have spotted 330 years ago.


  • 接下来一个重要日子5月27日海王水瓶宫的相遇第一在本日发生

    A very important day follows, on May 27, marking the first of three meetings that will take place between Jupiter and Neptune, both in Aquarius.


  • 如果已经名花(草)有主,5月27日,海王相会(09年共有3哦)值得纪念的一天。

    If you are attached, the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune for three times in 2009, starting May 27, will be a blessing.


  • 公司他们第四季度的利润高于第三季度,源于美国希捷科技14亿美元硬盘销售中的获利。

    Samsung said its fourth-quarter earnings could be better than the third, boosted by one-off gains from its $1.4 billion sale of its hard disk drive business to Seagate Technology.


  • 这个美好的月份里,最后一点好处也会开始今年海王重要聚会中的第一出现527日

    One last piece of chocolate is being given to you this lovely month: the first of three vital meetings of Jupiter and Neptune this year. The first of these days will occur on May 27.


  • 从本质上来说手机基于三GalaxySII智能手机巨大升级但是同时还隐藏了一些用于笔记本上的功能——并由此而得名

    Essentially, this is a gigantic version of the Galaxy S II smartphone, but it also hides a small stylus that can be used for notetaking -- hence the name.


  • 可以称为是从供体-,向中子转换速率,这个转移速率大概-,1014方公斤每秒,这个转移速率可怕。

    dm/dt The mass transfer rate, - which I call dm/dt-- so that is the transfer rate from the donor - onto the neutron star-- that transfer rate is roughly ten to the 14th kilograms per second.


  • 可以称为是从供体-,向中子转换速率,这个转移速率大概-,1014方公斤每秒,这个转移速率可怕。

    dm/dt The mass transfer rate, - which I call dm/dt-- so that is the transfer rate from the donor - onto the neutron star-- that transfer rate is roughly ten to the 14th kilograms per second.


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