• 北极

    The third is star, which means polaris.


  • 是《堪萨斯城市报》年轻见习记者

    He had been a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star.


  • 研究员项研究47参与者脑部活动进行了测评,这些参与者的头部两侧分别绑有一部三品牌手机

    In the study, researchers measured the brain activity of 47 participants who had pairs of Samsung cell phones strapped to their heads, one on each side.


  • 航空公司的11飞行员病假导致武汉长时间航班延误以及几个航班取消

    Two weeks later 11 pilots with East Star Air also requested sick-leave, resulting in long delays and several flight cancellations out of Wuhan.


  • 记住最终摧毁只是来自沙漠农场男孩

    Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star.


  • 巴克发言人表示摩卡冰乐只是巴克87,000种不同饮料中的种。

    A spokesperson from Starbucks said its Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino was only one "of over 87, 000 beverage variations".


  • 上周韩国情报部门以泄露机密信息为由逮捕前任特工现役陆军少将

    Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.


  • 地中海俱乐部声称:到2015年时,俱乐部集团合作关系使目前23,000中国消费者上升到200,000但是观察家对此表示怀疑

    The partnership with Fosun Group, it says, will help it win 200, 000 Chinese customers by 2015, up from 23, 000 now. But observers are sceptical.


  • 副总裁裴金瑾去年公司和美国顶尖10所学校中的50韩国籍工商管理硕士了约,是2008年两倍。

    Last year the company signed 50 non-Korean MBAs from the top 10 business schools in the U.S., double the number of 2008, says Samsung Vice-President Kim Keun Bae.


  • 写信撒狄教会使者有神的,说,知道的行为,按你是活的,其实是的。

    And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.


  • 2008年的挑战中,人类专业玩家增加6,却只赢得局比赛中的局,而“北极

    In 2008 the human field was expanded to six professionals. Out of six matches the humans won two, Polaris won three and one was drawn.


  • 瑞奇•马汀“添好莱坞大道之时,几百歌迷尖叫着将团团围住。

    Ricky Martin was surrounded by hundreds of shrieking female fans as he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


  • 入选的“厌”还包括杰西卡·辛普森、梅尔·吉布森汤姆·克鲁斯

    Rounding out the Top 5 are Jessica Simpson, Mel Gibson, and Tom Cruise.


  • 今年40岁洛杉矶创造艺术机构工作优秀娱乐体育

    Toth, 40, works at Los Angeles' Creative Artists agency, a prominent entertainment and sports agency where the 34-year-old actress is a client; however, Toth does not represent Witherspoon.


  • 2011年,7月20韩国首尔公司楼前男子平板电脑GalaxyTab 10.1广告牌使用智能手机

    A South Korean man USES his smart phone in front of an advertisement for Samsung Electronics' tablet computer, the Galaxy TAB 10.1, at the company's main building in Seoul on July 20, 2011.


  • 作为忠诚议员,帕德梅战争的进程非常关注对战事中各种零报道兴趣,很大程度上出于私人感情

    As a devoted Senator, she kept a watchful eye on the war, but much of her interest on the scattered reports of the ongoing conflict was deeply personal.


  • 本周较早前,另外集团行政人员接受特别检察官的问询,但是作为证人不是嫌疑人

    Earlier this week two other Samsung executives were interviewed by the special prosecutors, but were treated as witnesses rather than suspects.


  • 苹果保持全球智能互联设备市场的是智能手机、平板电脑笔记本电脑台式电脑,国际数据公司

    Samsung and Apple remained the top two in the global smart connected device market, which refers to smartphones, tablet computers, laptops and desktop computers, according to International Data Corp.


  • 里斯·达卢飞行员,旨在保卫

    Rhys Dallow was a Naboo pilot devoted to protecting his world.


  • 主教练认为球员无法恢复健康无法首发不会考虑算是下意识的。

    When a manager feels a player can no longer be relied on to be fit and available he starts to think beyond his injured star, if only subconsciously.


  • 还有挖掘,作了模特,还有其他事情

    There were bands, and I was also scouted as a model and some other things, too.


  • 其中黑暗绝地逃到了达,最终击败

    One of these dark siders had gotten as far as Dagobah, were Yoda bested him in direct confrontation.


  • 计划要求球体们抬升阿尔法机上成员,穿过普拉·西斯突然变白的大气层

    The plan called for the spheres to lift an Alpha with a crew of five clear through Praxis's suddenly albescent atmosphere.


  • 2000年中,居住控制中心的“加入,当年稍后国际太空站接受第一常驻乘员俄罗斯人和美国人

    In mid 2000 a habitat and control-centre module was added, and later in the year the ISS received its first resident crew, comprising two Russians and an American.


  • 2000年中,居住控制中心的“加入,当年稍后国际太空站接受第一常驻乘员俄罗斯人和美国人

    In mid 2000 a habitat and control-centre module was added, and later in the year the ISS received its first resident crew, comprising two Russians and an American.


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