• 民用建筑设计标准规则条件答应时,噪声源设置公开不宜比邻主题建筑设在主体建筑

    The "civil sound insulation design standards" rule: the conditions agreed to, it is easy to set the noise sources in the open, but not next to the theme in the main building construction or under.


  • 背景差分法种重要运动目标分割方法但是其不仅背景质量的要求较高易将运动阴影误检测前景目标。

    The background difference is important for segmenting mobile objects. But this method highly depends on background quality and easily regards moving shadows as objects.


  • 茹森表示,途继续销售度假套餐不再那么着重于“纯粹买卖部分”,也就是旅行社顾客搜寻便宜的价格

    Mr Joussen said Tui would continue to sell package holidays but would become less focused on the "pure trading bit, " where travel agents search for the cheapest prices on behalf of customers.


  • 他们的坦克空袭

    Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air.


  • 邀请建联和我们一起打场篮球赛。

    We'll invite Yi Jianlian to play a basketball match with us.


  • 大多数测试一样,访问性需求测试自动化有利的。

    As with most testing, it is advantageous to automate the testing you do against accessibility requirements.


  • 便安装座建筑顶端红外线激光收发简单连接起来然后它们调整成行即可。

    It is easy to set up: simply hook up infra-red laser transceivers on top of two buildings and then align them.


  • 如果查阅这些早期文献看到我们风格不相同因为工作里非关系主导思想

    If you look up these early papers you will see that there is quite a difference in our styles, because in my work the noncommutation was the dominant idea.


  • 使用这种方式构建维护代码降低调试修复扩展代码所面临的风险

    Building easily maintainable code in this manner will enable you to debug, fix, and extend your code with lower risk.


  • 我们希望工具厂商RUP其他开发框架第三方供应商开始访问性集成方法嵌入他们的产品中。

    We also hope that tool vendors and third-party suppliers for RUP and other development frameworks will begin embedding an integrated approach for accessibility into their products.


  • 我们目标这些最佳实践作为访问设计原则集成主流应用程序开发中的媒介

    Our goal is to use these best practices as a vehicle for integrating accessible design principles into mainstream application development.


  • 如果我们访问性需求作为一般的需求,那么它们功能性能需求一起出现开发人员的任务描述中。

    If we treat accessibility requirements as ordinary requirements, then they will appear in developers' task descriptions, together with functional and performance requirements.


  • 我们论点应该访问设计实践紧密地集成企业软件工程项目过程中以便其不显著。

    Our contention is that accessible design practices should be so tightly integrated into an organization's software engineering process that they become unremarkable.


  • 然后访问产品部署带有残疾人所需的工作环境中时,您可以补充的AT与产品进行结合,创建完整解决方案

    Then, when you deploy an accessible product in a work setting for people with disabilities, you can readily pair it with a complementary at to create a complete solution.


  • 如果他们访问需求加入他们初始集中那么他们可以早期减少访问性风险他们对其他可用问题做的一样。

    If they have included accessibility requirements in their initial set, then they can mitigate accessibility risks early on, just as they would other usability problems.


  • 仰赖亚马逊河的水力发电,意巴西电力供应受乾伤害要藉由长途电线电力人口稠密南部

    Relying on hydro-generation in the Amazon means that electricity supply will be vulnerable to droughts and depend on long distribution lines to bring power to the populous south.


  • 部分介绍几个反模式,其中的错误现象我们经常遇到犯的。

    This section presents a few of the antipatterns I've run across or been guilty of.


  • 企业目标必须总是访问设计原则集成根植于现有开发团队过程实践中。

    The organizational goal must always be to integrate and engrain accessible design principles into existing development team process and practices.


  • 鲸鱼并不是所有种类受到1986年商业捕鲸禁令保护;眼下,日本头巨齿处理块状准备运送出去。

    Not all whale species are protected under the 1986 commercial whaling ban; here, a bottlenose whale is prepared for delivery as Japanese men cut meat into manageable blocks.


  • 再次访问设计原则嵌入流行的软件开发过程工具能够解决这些问题

    Again, embedding accessible design principles into popular software development processes and tools would resolve these problems.


  • 多年来,艾伦她的同事一直研发加州地震早期预测系统系统一些仪器安放在本州发地震的断裂带上。

    For years, Allen and colleagues have been developing an earthquake early-warning system in California, placing instruments in many of the state's fault lines.


  • 许多公司现在访问性需求包含他们采购规格

    Many of them now include accessibility requirements in their purchasing specifications.


  • 栖息地温度任何变化显著影响新陈代谢生长速率生产力季节性繁殖疾病毒素感性

    Any changes in habitat temperatures significantly influence their metabolism, growth rate, productivity, seasonal reproduction, and susceptibility to diseases and toxins.


  • 不过他们正在努力阻止那些人群参与朝圣流感破坏降至最低。

    But they are trying to lessen the damage by keeping the most vulnerable pilgrims away.


  • 因为阑尾变小感染受感染基因从人类基因种群中剔除出来。

    Because smaller ones are more likely to become infected. And keep your genes out of the pool.


  • 我们案例中,我们宏观光束置于量子叠加态,这种状态脆弱被破坏,而后光束传送至另一处

    So in our case what we've done is take a macroscopic beam of light and put it into a quantum superposition, which is extremely fragile, and teleported that from one place to another.


  • 研究人员以人口密集城市可能传染病地区假定开始研究,在人口密集的城市,疾病在人与人之间互相传播

    The researchers started from the premise that densely populated cities would be good places for infectious diseases, which could spread easily from person to person.


  • 下载ZIP文件压缩一个简单记的本地位置本文这个位置称为FLEX_HOME。

    Download the ZIP file and unpack it to a location easy to remember; in this article, I refer to that location as FLEX_HOME.


  • 下载ZIP文件压缩一个简单记的本地位置本文这个位置称为FLEX_HOME。

    Download the ZIP file and unpack it to a location easy to remember; in this article, I refer to that location as FLEX_HOME.


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