• 建议不要实例处理程序中重置明显事件,特别是处理程序事件标记处理的情况下更是如此

    Resetting apparent event sources from instance handlers is not recommended, particularly when the handler does not mark the event as handled.


  • 什么原因能解释事件如此明显转折呢?

    What explains this remarkable turn of events?


  • 监狱长官:“这个事件中,我们不得不涉及明显道德困局。”

    Prison chief said, "We would have to deal with an obvious moral dilemma in this case."


  • 这种影响在质询默多克之前召开会议其他事件就已经明显了。

    That influence was all too evident in the session which preceded the questioning of the Murdochs, and in events elsewhere.


  • 地球事件扩大这种微小影响——气候系统明显临界点

    But this small effect was amplified by events on Earth - apparent tipping points in the climate system.


  • 不良事件没有明显增加可能是因为药物抑制血块解凝效果。

    There were also no apparent increases in adverse events that might be expected from giving a drug that inhibits the breakdown of clots.


  • 事件处理松散耦合特征非常明显经常分布式的。

    Event processing is very loosely coupled and often distributed.


  • 明显,实现分离的最佳时机收到事件OnQuit

    A good time to disconnect is when you receive the OnQuit event.


  • 事件驱动异步设计一个明显优点就是,如果大量等待外部服务操作之间没有数据依赖关系,则可以并行执行这些操作。

    An obvious gain from an asynchronous, event-driven design is that many operations waiting for external services can be executed in parallel as long as no data dependency exists between them.


  • 但是那些触发状态变化正常流程一部分事件那些触发状态变化但不是正常流程一部分的事件之间明显差异

    However, there is a clear distinction between events that trigger a change in state as part of the normal flow and events that trigger state changes and are not part of the normal flow.


  • 明显重大事件在发生在进行相互冲突各种谣言理论没有人知道事情最终怎么收场

    It's clear that momentous events are afoot; there are all kinds of conflicting rumours and theories, but nobody knows how things will pan out.


  • 这个事件明显表明德勤无法信任银行分支机构签署证函,也就是说询证程序某种方式破坏了。

    This appears to indicate that Deloitte could not trust the confirmations signed by branch offices of the bank, suggesting that the process was corrupted in some way.


  • 发生厄尔尼诺事件由于东信停止了本应推动上升流甚至反转了方向赤道太平洋浮游植物生产力明显下降

    During el nino events, phytoplankton productivity in the equatorial Pacific declines dramatically as the easterly trade winds that normally drive upwelling grow still or even reverse direction.


  • 事件研究中,一个事件明显高度注意你们需要运行什么事情,从而能够成功地处理好这个特别事故

    In event tree studies, now an event tree is obviously a high level look at what things you need to function, to be able to successfully manage this particular accident.


  • 如果某人丝毫关心真理,只想在争论说服别人相信某件事而不理会该事件真假,这时,这种差别明显的

    The distinction makes sense for cases where someone does not care about knowing the truth and argues only to convince other people of something, whether or not it's true.


  • 就是为什么有人效仿原因,而且这些事件没有任何明显迹象表明采取了法律行动”。

    That's why a couple of instances followed, and in none of these do we have any clear evidence that the due process of law is taking place.


  • 北高加索部分地区那里火车爆炸事件似乎已经计划之中混乱内战迹象在一时间以来已经明显了。

    In parts of the north Caucasus, where the train bombings seem to have been planned, signs of anarchy and civil war have been evident for some time.


  • 地球变暖过程缓慢的,极端天气事件影响更多暴风雨水灾旱灾热浪,将是突发性的和明显的

    The warming of the planet will be gradual, but the effects of extreme weather events - more storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves - will be abrupt and acutely felt.


  • 一直在回忆9/11事件发生三个星期纽约怎样的:我们情绪是不是明显好转?

    I have been trying to remember what New York was like three weeks after 9/11. Had the mood brightened visibly?


  • 广告业人士,应对贿赂丑闻所需策略一样因为事件终端消费者没有那么明显影响

    Advertising executives say bribery cases require different tactics because they don't have as obvious an impact on the end-consumer.


  • 地球变暖过程缓慢的,极端天气事件影响更多暴风雨水灾旱灾热浪,将是突发性的和明显的

    The warming of the planet will be gradual, but the effects of extreme weather eventsmore storms, floods, droughts and heat waves — will be abrupt and acutely felt.


  • 随着事件展开保持中立变得越来越令人不安而且华府的语气在过去24小时里明显变冷

    But sitting on the fence becomes increasingly uncomfortable as events unfold, and the vibes from Washington have become distinctly colder over the past 24 hours.


  • 他们的恶劣影响印古什体现得非常明显——索奇仁斯卡娅称:“在晚上人们害怕出门咖啡店大门紧闭,因为每晚交火事件。”

    Their influence has become especially visible in Ingushetia. "People are afraid to go out in the evening, cafes are closed, there are fire exchanges almost every night," says Ms Sokiryanskaya.


  • 说道事件1990年明显有所减少,甚至是社会改变的时候,也是这样

    She noted that cases appear to have dropped off in the 1990s, even as the social changes continued.


  • 这起明显舞弊事件目标锁定日本僵化教育体系下的顶尖大学,日本在回应中对此表示愤怒

    Japan has reacted with outrage at the apparent test-taking scam, which targeted universities that stand at the apex of the nation's rigid education system.


  • 美国得克萨斯大学科学家经研究发现过去28年中地球形状发生明显变化似乎气象事件(厄尔尼诺现象等)有关系。

    Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have found that significant changes in the shape of the Earth in the past 28 years may be linked to climate events such as the El Nino weather pattern.


  • 许多人对一些重要事件上的明显前后矛盾表示愤慨例如枪支管理是否伊朗叙利亚谈判以及一些不太重要的事情,是否别国旗别针这样的问题

    Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.


  • 但是,一系列类似事件发生之后明显管理职能定义已经扩大风险意识成为董事会的本分。

    In the wake of these and other events, however, it has become clear that the definition of governance has broadened and that awareness of risk has become a fiduciary obligation.


  • 但是明显一点需要提醒我们处于这个事件初期并且国际事务总突变发生逆转习惯

    But here's the obvious caution: We are in the early stages of this process, and international affairs have a way of producing sudden and unexpected reversals of fortune.


  • 但是明显一点需要提醒我们处于这个事件初期并且国际事务总突变发生逆转习惯

    But here's the obvious caution: We are in the early stages of this process, and international affairs have a way of producing sudden and unexpected reversals of fortune.


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