• 明尼苏达州大学卡尔森管理学院工商管理学硕士

    Peterson received her master of business administration from the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management.


  • 明尼苏达州大学位于罗切斯特校区已经教学定义“首要工作”。

    The University of Minnesota's new campus in Rochester has defined teaching as "job one".


  • 日本地铁官员装备虚拟窗户镜子地铁部门明尼苏达州大学展示风景照明

    Underground offices in Japan are being equipped with "virtual" Windows and mirrors, while underground departments in the University of Minnesota have periscopes to reflect views and light.


  • 有鉴于,“大卫·斯特最终成为替罪羊。”明尼苏达州大学体育管理学教授斯蒂芬·罗斯

    For this one, says University of Minnesota sports management professor Stephen Ross, "The fall guy is going to end up being David Stern."


  • 根据明尼苏达州大学Wahistrom博士研究,一个上进学生会牺牲自己睡眠时间保证高分,但是为此付出更多压力

    According to University of Minnesota's Dr. Kyla Wahlstrom, a motivated student can sacrifice sleep to maintain high GPAs, but she may pay for that success with higher levels of depression and stress.


  • 奥克森汉姆同事位于明尼阿波利斯市明尼苏达州大学,调查了六个学生他们听到的四个音的旋律是否相同

    To test this theory, Andrew Oxenham and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis asked a group of six students whether two four-note melodies were identical or not.


  • 明尼苏达州大学青年寄宿学校演变而,学校最终成为一个西部中央农业学院开设农业,工业家庭经济等科目

    Started as a boarding school for Native American youth, the school eventually transitioned into the West Central School of Agriculture with courses in agriculture, industry, and home economics.


  • 明尼苏达州大学EllenBerscheid其他一些研究者的研究显示我们越是将我们爱人理想化爱慕阶段关系就越牢固。

    Studies by University of Minnesota researcher Ellen Berscheid and others have shown that the more we idealize the one we love, the stronger the relationship during the attachment stage.


  • 明尼苏达州大学太阳能汽车小组这个早些时间德克萨斯州举办国际汽车大奖赛上以上这个干净,绿色(环保),半人马型的汽车获奖。

    The University of Minnesota's solar car team won the Formula Sun Grand Prix race in Texas earlier this month with the clean, green Centaurus pictured above.


  • 芝加哥大学宇宙学家胡安·科勒认为的研究小组可能已经通过他们明尼苏达州的苏丹的一个废弃矿井探测器,定位到了暗物质信号

    University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan Minnesota.


  • 芝加哥大学宇宙学家胡安·科勒认为的研究小组可能已经通过他们明尼苏达州的苏丹的一个废弃矿井探测器,定位到了暗物质信号

    University of Chicago cosmologist Juan Collar believes his group may have spotted a dark matter signal in their detector inside an abandoned mine in Soudan, Minnesota.


  • 此外奎尼匹克大学康涅狄克所做的民调显示奥巴马正在赢得双方争夺的关键包括科罗拉多州威斯康星州明尼苏达州密西根州

    In addition, polling by Quinnipiac University in Connecticut shows Obama pulling away from McCain in key battleground states including Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.


  • 当代生物》刊登一项研究表明,原因在于我们耳朵更喜欢某些频率和弦——至少明尼苏达州250名大学的耳朵有这种喜好。

    Well it appears our ears - or at least the ears of 250 Minnesota undergrads - prefer chords containing harmonically related frequencies, according to a study in the journal Current Biology.


  • IsaacAndrewBurton来自明尼苏达州诺斯·费尔德的19大学

    Isaac Andrew Burton is a 19 years old college student from Northfield, Minnesota.


  • 明尼苏达州一所大学最近自然杂志公布研讨发现世界大部分粮食减产地区将迎来增长缓慢增长,甚至是减产。

    University of Minnesota study recently published in the journal Nature found that a significant share of the world's crop-growing regions are seeing growth stagnate, slow or even collapse.


  • 今年年初我们达成美国明尼苏达州毛海德市康考杰大学国际语言合作协议

    Early this year, we singed an agreement of cooperation with the Global Language Villages, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, the United States of America.


  • 但是明尼苏达州卡拉斯特大学马克·戴维斯同事对这一问题的看法与众不同

    But Mark Davis of Macalester College in Minnesota and his colleagues see things differently.


  • 帕梅拉毕业明尼苏达州卡尔顿大学丈夫约翰惠廷小狗居住明尼阿波利斯

    Pamela graduated from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband, John Whiting, and two little dogs.


  • 大学第一明尼苏达州威诺州立大学所虽干净整洁的校园。

    It was my first day on campus. The Winona State University of Minnesota, a small but neat and clean school.


  • 明尼苏达州推广大学VincentFritz建议栽种幼苗效果更好

    Vincent Fritz of the University of Minnesota Extension suggests that results are far better with small plants.


  • 杰克亨利基本儿童护理费用超出了房贷费用,几乎相当于明尼苏达大学的学费。

    Friday night pizza, that's a big splurge. Basic childcare for Jack and Henry costs more than their mortgage, and almost as much as a year at the University of Minnesota.


  • 卡尔顿招生总裁院长Paul Thiboutot说:明尼苏达州Northfield大学根本没有意识到这新东方广告

    Paul Thiboutot, Carleton's vice President and dean of admissions, said the Northfield, Minnesota, college was unaware of the New Oriental AD.


  • 之前已经收到位于明尼苏达州Macalester学院全额奖学金通知书了,当然哈佛大学有声望吸引力

    Prior to that I had been admitted to Macalester College in Minnesota with full scholarship, but Harvard of course held more prestige and appeal in name.


  • 珍妮弗·肯宁毕业克劳德州立大学(明尼苏达州),取得分析写作文学学位研究了剧本洛杉矶加州大学洛杉矶。

    JENNIFER KENNING graduated from Saint Cloud State University (Minnesota) with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in analytical writing and has studied screenwriting at the University of California Los Angeles.


  • 明尼苏达州大学分散污水处理项目致力于通过适当的分散污水处理保护公共健康环境

    The Onsite Sewage Treatment Program at the University of Minnesota is dedicated to protecting public health and the Minnesota environment through proper onsite wastewater treatment.


  • 明尼苏达州大学分散污水处理项目致力于通过适当的分散污水处理保护公共健康环境

    The Onsite Sewage Treatment Program at the University of Minnesota is dedicated to protecting public health and the Minnesota environment through proper onsite wastewater treatment.


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