• 你好是倪。我一个愉快周末! !

    Hello, I'm Ni Minya. I'm going to have a happy weekend!


  • 山西明亚食品有限公司位于山西省太原市中国的北部一个以盛产核桃芦笋闻名于世的地方。

    Shanxi Mingya Trading Co. , Ltd. has a long history of producing and exporting foodstuffs e. g. walnut , . asparagus. apricot, seeds, peanut, pulse etc. which have been exported to all over the world.


  • 节拍”网站报道说,巴里东北125英里之外北干巴鲁、250英里之外的占碑古鲁,人们逃离住宅和办公室,街道

    Tempo reported that in Pekanbaru, about 125 miles North-East of Pariaman, and Jambi and Bengkulu, both 250 miles from Pariaman, people had fled houses and offices, spilling onto the streets.


  • 就大大杀败他们,米匿,直到备勒基拉,攻取了二十

    He devastated twenty towns from Aroer to the vicinity of Minnith, as far as Abel Keramim.


  • NTSB称,西北航空公司188航班空客A320飞机圣地飞往尼阿波利斯,于当地时间下午7时与航管失去无线电联络当时飞机的飞行高度为37 000英尺

    The NTSB said Northwest flight 188, an Airbus A320, was flying from San Diego to Minneapolis and lost radio contact with controllers just before 7 pm local time when it was at 37, 000 feet.


  • 星期五俄罗斯自然资源保护机构宣布对“秋-英国石油”西伯利经营规模最大的萨莫特洛油田进行检查。

    On Friday, Russia's natural resource protection agency, Rosprirodnadzor, announced it would inspect Samotlor, the largest oil field in Siberia run by TNK-BP.


  • 吉莫说:“现在诉讼,因交流破裂而诉之公堂屡见不鲜员工工作中受到的委屈哭出来 。”

    In this age of litigation, where break-downs in communication can end up in court, employees should treat businesses sensitively, ’ says Yasmine Yaghmour.


  • 年后雅各布·赛尔加入哥伦比大学成为小组副指导。

    After a few years, Jacob Mincer joined the Columbia department and became co-director of the workshop.


  • 一张伊瓦涅斯的照片显示出胡安·莫里利踮起脚尖凝立着,手臂足跟绷紧,摆出一个典型弗拉圆弧,恰似一张弯弓

    An Ibáñez photo shows how Juan Morilla, poised on half-toe, holds a classic flamenco arc from hands to heel, like a bow bent.


  • 还敦促以色列首相·内塔尼作出不情愿让步,承认巴方存在的重要性。

    And he squeezed Israel's new prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, into conceding for the first time in public, however grudgingly, that the Palestinians must have a state.


  • 我们今天目的地威尔顿。这个地方不错,是个有个性城市,有鹅卵石铺地的街道,波西店铺,还有风格粗犷酒吧精美的餐馆

    Our destination was Wilmington, which proved a delight, it was town of character defined by its cobbled streets, bohemian shops, rugged bars and sophisticated restaurants.


  • 部分著名弗拉艺术家出现展览中但是很少表演信片牧师因佩里奥正在休息;在特写镜头中有卡门·阿双手(甚至是去世之后拍的)。

    Some of the most famous flamenco artists are shown, but seldom in performance: postcards of Pastor Imperio in repose; close-ups of Carmen Amaya's hands (even in death).


  • 10开罗旨在回应巴对成立巴勒斯坦国的再一次有力支持演讲中,本·内塔尼愤慨地说出句承认的话。

    In a much-heralded speech meant to answer Barack Obama's ringing re-endorsement of a Palestinian state in Cairo ten days earlier, Binyamin Netanyahu spat out the required pair of words.


  • ·塞西(Saint Cecilia)多我修女会(The Dominican Sisters)是一个教职类修道会,位于田纳西州纳什维尔市的一家修道院内。

    The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia are mainly a teaching order. They are based at a convent in Nashville, Tennessee.


  • 评论家扎卡·瑞(美国《新闻周刊》分析员)具有先见之在书写《后美国世界》一书中认为其他国家崛起后美国时代的主要特征

    Pundit Fareed Zakaria was prescient when he wrote that the "rise of the rest" (i.e., non-American powers) would be one of the major features of a "post-American world."


  • 汤姆·历险记一部打字机上打出来的小说,那时马克·吐温于1875年顿牌打字机亲自打的。

    The Adventure of Tom Sawyer was the first novel ever to be written on a typewriter. It was typed on a Remington in 1875 by Mark Twain himself.


  • 克劳迪的,是说大吵一架,同时告诉每一个人你和美在一起有多幸福

    Claudia is right, I mean two days ago you were fighting with her and telling whoever wanted to listen that you were happy with Minmei.


  • 可是自己却安然地下去,青色开始书页

    But Yaming sat calmly down to turn the pages of a book with her dark, discoloured hands.


  • 这位忙碌的86高龄的道士偶尔接待参观者

    The busy 86-year-old Monk Kuang Yaming also occasionally receives visitors.


  • 哥伦比商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)谈判管理学教授丹尼尔·埃姆指出:“大多数都能想起缺乏自知之的人。”

    Most of us can think of someone who is unaware of how others see them, "notes Daniel Ames, a professor of management at Columbia Business School who teaches courses in negotiation."


  • 这个项目位于澳大利墨尔本佛莱郊区住宅后背部

    This small project is located at the rear of two houses in Flemington – a suburb of Melbourne.


  • 这个项目位于澳大利墨尔本佛莱郊区住宅后背部

    This small project is located at the rear of two houses in Flemington – a suburb of Melbourne.


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