• 一定条件下证明了倒向随机微分方程(简记为BSDE)解满足时齐性,给出金融市场中的解释

    In this note, we give the detail proofs of time-homogeneity of the solution of backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE in short) and their explanations in financial market.


  • 孩子两三20乳牙

    Children don't complete their set of 20 baby teeth until they are two to three years old.


  • 他们结束船员站在脚踝深的内脏堆里。

    By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.


  • 台阶克莱顿夫人不得不抓着

    Mrs. Clayton had to hold Lizzie's hand as they ascended the steps.


  • 他们意识到一个温泉,水已深了。

    They were almost knee-deep when they realized it was a hot spring


  • 使用鱼鳍,会将它们折叠起来,收回特殊沟槽或者凹陷部位;这样鱼鳍就可以身体保持,以维持它们平滑外形

    When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours.


  • 有人这个房间,就会让我们件事有所变化”,格拉·奥西

    "When somebody is in the room it changes the dynamic of everything we do," says Mr. Graziosi.


  • 雅瑞,在问题得到控制希望看到各级组织介入调查,以及问题发生能够准确报告

    Chiarelli said he would like to see supervisors at all levels intervene before problems get out of hand and accurately report problems when they occur.


  • 麦克夫妇他们结婚没有度蜜月而且结婚11年以来也从未外出度假

    The couple said, as well as missing out on a honeymoon, they had not had a holiday in their 11 years of marriage.


  • 我们拥有无限信息资源,当它们一我们,问题便出现了,我们生活变得有挑战性

    When we have unlimited sources of information, and when so much of what comes at us is questionable, our lives get more challenging.


  • 他们沿著索霍区普拉达店里宽阔台阶排列著,像是格飞尔德活报剧的场景,事故发生恰巧这里顾客说

    Ranked in rows along the broad stairs at the Prada store in SoHo, they resembled a Ziegfeld Follies tableau, said a shopper who happened to be there when the incident occurred.


  • 华尔街日报》报道默克尔在萨科生日送给一个崭新泰迪

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Merkel gave Sarkozy a new teddy bear for his birthday.


  • 补充说人们发现曾经是一位“飞女郎”感到很惊讶。

    She added people were amazed when they found out she was once a Ziegfeld Girl.


  • 如果衣物需要熨烫又懒得弄,不如把他们都整整衣橱这样等你熨衣服也能少费力气除了。

    If your clothes need to be ironed but you don't plan to do it right then, hang them up in your closet anyway so they won't be more wrinkled.


  • 电脑前工作键盘应该肘部这样小臂成90大的角度,小臂可以放在椅子扶手

    When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height, so your upper and lower arms form an Angle of 90 degrees or more and your forearms are supported by armrests.


  • 和好,”分手,这他俩已来到了号路市场附近所居住工人棚屋

    "Make it up with him," he advised Lizzie, at parting, as they stood in front of the workingman's shack in which she lived, near Sixth and Market.


  • 但是现在法国AAA评级处于危险之中萨科先生自己重塑金融审慎领头羊

    But now, with France's AAA credit rating still on the line, Mr Sarkozy is reinventing himself as a champion of fiscal prudence.


  • 看到猛地跳到玛莲娜的大腿上莎莉感到一种灾难正在袭来,逐渐弥漫整个房间

    But Sally and I could also feel a fog of misery seep into the room as we watched Lizzy spring into Marlena's lap.


  • 盖茨在位,曾经恰到好处地平衡了,此后的几年•奥扮演了这个角色

    Gates served as a good counterbalance, then Ray Ozzie tried to fill that role for a few years.


  • 所需材料就要开始有声教程的第一了,坚持每天一课。

    Once you have your materials you are ready to learn. Start off by doing the first lesson of your audio language course.


  • 法国尼古拉斯·萨克夸口欧元区援救计划“95%法国盘算的是国内支持率选民愿意听到法国正在使欧洲运转

    When France's Nicolas Sarkozy crowed that the euro-zone rescue plan is "95% French", he was thinking of poll ratings at home, where voters like to hear that the French are running Europe.


  • 法国的尼古拉斯•萨克夸口欧元区援救计划“95%法国盘算的是国内支持率选民愿意听到法国正在使欧洲运转

    When France’s Nicolas Sarkozy crowed that the euro-zone rescue plan is “95% French”, he was thinking of poll ratings at home, where voters like to hear that the French are running Europe.


  • 即使·弗里德罗伊飞黄腾达兰斯也是加斯最好魔术师

    Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.


  • 利比亚叛军洗劫卡扎菲在的黎波里官邸阿亚兵营发现了本相册,里面放满了赖斯照片。

    Rebels ransacking his Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli discovered an odd photo album consisting of "page after page" of snapshots of Rice.


  • 生产药物面临项巨大阻碍可以因此而消除

    "This could help remove one of the biggest stumbling blocks we face in producing these drugs," said Chilkoti.


  • 后来见到卡伦告诉,她正在努力比不再妈妈”。

    When I meet Karen later she tells me that she's trying to wean Zibbi off calling her "Mummy".


  • 后来见到卡伦告诉,她正在努力比不再妈妈”。

    When I meet Karen later she tells me that she's trying to wean Zibbi off calling her "Mummy".


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