• 玛丽安成了全天陪护每次静静坐在旁边等待着化疗药物滴滴注入他手上血管

    She became his full-time caregiver, sitting quietly with him for eight hours at a time while chemicals dripped through an iv attached to a vein in his hand.


  • 训练跌倒起来试图座位站起时静静在一旁,让我结实背部保持身体平稳。

    I also trained Patou to pull me up in case I fell, and to stand still beside me as I attempted to rise from a seated position, holding her sturdy back for stability.


  • 忠诚使女儿们像一条仁慈链子她们小跑条链子静静她们身边偶尔会把她们拉安全坚实地面

    He's devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.


  • 玛丽静静伸出

    She said when Mary quietly held out her foot.


  • 天下午丈夫走进了一家美术馆。我希望静静欣赏艺术作品

    One afternoon, I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband. I hoped to enjoy the works of art quietly.


  • 小偷进入陈先生公寓里面安安静静漆黑一片。

    When the thieves entered Mr. Chan's flat, it was dark and quiet.


  • 他们来到树下鸽子静静坐着,唱道:“回去!”

    When they came to the hazel-tree the little dove sat there still, and sang: "Back again!"


  • 你试图欺骗你的母亲,这是多么可耻啊!”泰德静静地坐下来吃晚饭,心里在说着什么。

    "What a shame it is for you to try to deceive your mother!" said something in Ted's heart, as he quietly sat down to his supper.


  • 第二发生餐厅地板上,在手提包里一堆杂七杂八东西徒劳地翻找英国石油首席执行官则在一边静静看着。

    The second was done with the former head of BP quietly watching as I squatted on the floor of the restaurant and rummaged in vain through the squalid contents of my handbag.


  • 那儿寂寞冬季,是白雪覆盖荒原如同是一张无限大冰床他们静静休眠银色梦幻里,在咀嚼着往昔的春夏日的欢乐之后,丛立在他们面前的,不是再生次或几次的美丽轮回,而是生者为悼念死者而树起的墓碑。

    There is a lonely winter and the wilderness is covered with snow. As a infinite bed of ice, they slept quietly in their silver dreams.


  • 愤怒或者哭泣只是静静听着我们最喜欢电影——情迷哈瓦那,零度以下,壮志凌云——成了最好的背景音乐

    She listened quietly as I fumed and sobbed, not saying anything while one of our favourite movies — Dirty Dancing. Less Than Zero, or Top Gun — played in the background.


  • 爱护动物因为需要静静被安慰只能动物才能给你

    Cherish your animals because sometimes you'll need the quiet comfort that only animals can provide.


  • 静静房子里走来走去,你纳闷他们去哪里了——你多希望孩子这么长大了。

    And, as you walk through your quiet house, you wonder where they went and you wish your child hadn't grown up so fast.


  • 组练习。开始慢慢先做1 -2组,之后慢慢增加,不要勉强。做完之后静静的坐一会儿

    Step ten: This is one round. Start slowly with 1 or 2 rounds and gradually increase.Never force.Sit quietly for a few moments after you have finished.


  • 惠普无头苍蝇一样四处乱撞思科苹果这样竞争对手可不会静静坐在那儿看热闹

    But rivals such as Cisco and Apple will not just sit and idly watch while it runs around like a Hurdless chicken.


  • 境随心变,还是心随境变? 如同铁轨上面奔驰火车我们静静坐在列车上窗外的世界不断离我们远去,还是我们正在远离它们?

    Think of a train track and moving train; does the world pass by while we sit still, or is it the reverse?


  • 只可爱小狗静静去着对着微笑眼镜用一颗黄色的镶嵌身上可以看到共有镶有蓝色钻石

    A cute puppy, to quiet him, he will smile at you, his glasses is a yellow diamond set into, the body can be seen in his total set with five blue diamonds!


  • 释德朝,即使在友人静静品茶,仍然然可以修炼内力。

    'I can practice kungfu internally while drinking tea quietly with my friends,' he says.


  • 从不因为孩子们争吵便责骂他们而是他们安安静静玩耍赞扬

    She never scolds her children for squabbling. Instead, she gives them a few words of praise when they play quietly.


  • 从不因为孩子们争吵而责骂他们而是他们安安静静玩耍赞扬

    She never scolds her children for squabbling. Instead, she gives them a few words of praise when they play quietly.


  • 静静房子里走来走去,你纳闷他们哪里了了——你多希望孩子这么长大了。

    And, as you walk through your quiet house, you wonder where they went? And you wish your child hadn't grown up so fast.


  • 我们开始尝试控制思想控制身体静静坐着,我们就会认识到,身体是如何控制着我们、我们的意识精神

    When we first attempt to harness the thoughts, to control the body, to sit still, we realize just how much the body controls us, mind and spirit.


  • 独处,就可以静静思考一下自己人生想想自己要如何去生活。

    Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to do with it.


  • 太阳慢慢升起静静照耀美丽大地山谷巨大的宁静

    And as the sun rose slowly, quietly spreading over the beautiful land, there was great peace in this valley.


  • 太阳慢慢升起静静照耀美丽大地山谷巨大的宁静

    And as the sun rose slowly, quietly spreading over the beautiful land, there was great peace in this valley.


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