• 都市生活节奏加快,生活工作压力的加大,渐渐挤掉人们交流沟通时间,与邻居交流和沟通成了一种奢望

    The tempo of life become faster, and more and more press and living press covers the time of communication, and the communication between neighbors also is beyond our reach.


  • 个流传了很久都市传说但是正如网络上搜索"PlanetX"结果表明的那样,这个故事大多数历史版本预测的时间2003年5月

    This is anurban legend that's been around for a long time, but for most of thestory's history, this was supposed to happen in May of 2003, as anyInternet search for "Planet X" will reveal.


  • 首先都市生活比较方便可以买到比较商品而且商店营业时间比较晚

    First, life in the city is more convenient. More goods are available and stores are open later.


  • 担心越来越都市社会以及时间工作夫妻双方的压力加重狗儿负担

    He also worries that the increasing urbanisation of society and the pressures on couples to work long hours are putting dogs under huge strain.


  • 历史翻开崭新一页,我们即将迎来节奏的都市生活时间分一秒的过去,每一刻我们进步着

    Opened a new chapter in the history, we will soon celebrate the fast pace of urban life, one time in the past, every moment we are in progress.


  • 英语已经明确了其在我们这个时代都市语言地位。时间流逝,门语言越来越精简、越来越容易

    English has cemented itself as the defining cosmopolitan language of our time. Over time, the language grows more streamlined and simple to learn.


  • 戴牟雨出生广东如今上海一家报纸记者花费了全部业余时间来观察社会现象:那些绝大多数人都兴趣的都市现象。

    Born in Guangdong, Dai Mouyu now works as a journalist in a Shanghai newspaper and spends all of his sparse free time observing urban phenomenon of little interest to most.


  • 时间停止了,即将感受这座享乐如同商业那样繁华的都市独特魔力

    Time stops, and you're about to experience the magic of a city that works as hard at pleasure as it does at business.


  • 时间来到了2005年,山姆女友参加班级睡衣晚会讨论都市传奇当地传说同时他们召唤玛丽的名字带回人间

    The time came in 2005, Sam and his girlfriend attend classes pajamas party in the discussion of urban legends and local legend same time, they call Marys name, and she was back to the earth.


  • 许多市民抱怨都市公交车太少,以至于她们时间公交车车上估计已满载乘客

    Many city residents complain those it is so few buses in theirs city those them HAs to spend abundance abundance time waiting for a bus, which is applying crowded with a huge bulk of passengers.


  • 繁忙都市生活中还会时间精力维持一段没有充分的理由一定继续下去友情呢?于是人们开始封闭自我

    In the busy city life, who would spend time and effort to maintain a no good reason to continue the friendship? So people began closed self.


  • 本文叙事学理论指导文体学审美理论、都市文化研究基础上,着重探究张爱玲特殊的时空观念及小说的叙事时间叙事空间运用技巧

    Based on stylistics, esthetic theory and metropolis culture, this paper, guided by narratology, mainly researches on the application of techniques of narrative time and space.


  • 许多市民抱怨都市公交车太少,以至于她们时间公交车车上估计已满载乘客

    Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is applying crowded with a large number of passengers.


  • 都市休闲系统主要涉及到主体系统、空间系统时间系统。

    The metropolis leisure system mainly involves the main body system, the space systems and the time system.


  • 这些城市名称地点为何?为什么阿斯时间他人兴建都市实现自己天命

    What are the name and location of each city, and why does Aeneas spend so much time founding cities for other people and not fulfilling his own destiny?


  • 因为大部分时间都在艰难前进,成为皮尔斯·伯里食品公司一部分英国都市糖果公司,然后是迪亚·吉奥,一家饮料巨擘

    For much of the time it struggled as it went from being part of Pillsbury, a food company, to Grand Metropolitan, a British conglomerate, then to Diageo, a drinks giant.


  • 问及哪儿浪漫都市时,或许普遍回答巴黎时间以来,巴黎都情侣”而闻名。

    Perhaps the most popular response to the question what is the most romantic city, Paris has long had a reputation as the city of lovers.


  • 刘易斯大叔是个理发的,有一时间曾离开家乡,到大都市巴尔的摩谋生最后还是回来了。

    Uncle Lewis was a barber. Heleft up here for a while and went to the city. Baltimore. But he came back after the end.


  • 历史时间代表着都市废墟一种无聊虚幻重复当下时间弥赛亚救赎瞬间,与真理相关

    The historical time represents urban ruins and it is a tedious and illusionary repetition. While the current time is the salvation instant of the Messiah related to the truth.


  • 大多数都市人下班时间不是加班就是赶著充电神经整天得紧紧的﹐很多中青年人身体处于亚健康状态。

    Most city people who come off duty either work overtime or go to futrher study (recharge) , with their nerve tightened like a full bow all day .


  • 忙碌都市生活加班玩乐林林总总的事情总是我们停不下来,挤掉了我们原本少的可怜的睡眠时间

    The urban life, overwork, fun, and other trifles make us impossible to stop and deprive us from the limited sleeping time.


  • 了解哪里有交通堵塞,30多个美国主要都市估计延误时间

    See where the congestion is, and estimate delays in over 30 major US metropolitan areas.


  • 美国许多大都市,除了在交通拥挤时间高速公路常常快捷的方式

    In metropolitan American cities, taking the freeway is usually the fastest way to drive unless it's rush hour!


  • 美国许多大都市,除了在交通拥挤时间高速公路常常快捷的方式

    In metropolitan American cities, taking the freeway is usually the fastest way to drive unless it's rush hour!


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