• 因为听见时间走动的声音,看见走动的样子了。

    It's so quiet I can hear time ticking, I can see it moving.


  • 时间走动之后可能感到疲倦不舒服,想游泳

    After so much walking you may feel tired and sticky and ready for a swim.


  • 考虑我们教室时间以及每天在教室里走动的鞋子数量如果提出条“教室内不穿鞋”的规则可能会非常理解

    Given the amount of time we spend in classrooms, and the number of shoes that pass through them every day, you may well understand me if I were to propose a no-shoes-in-the-classroom rule.


  • 大部分时间只是不停地握手,在人群里到处走动衬衫写着“对不起,我无法说话”你们的工作棒极了”。

    I spent most of the time shaking hands and walking around with signs on my shirt that said, Sorry, I can't talk, and You did a good job.


  • 很幸运我们低坡上出游都没有遇到任何正在走动,使我们有足够时间欣赏冰雪原野全景

    Luckily for itinerant bears we don’t meet any in a couple of loops around the lower slopes of the mountain, and have time to admire panoramic views of the icy wilderness around us.


  • 专家解释,因为白领在办公室大部分时间,所以,只要站起来随意走动,采用这种”不经意“的锻炼模式才能达到健身的目的。

    The Government has drawn up workplace exercise guidelines to tackle concerns that most of us are spending too much time sitting down.


  • 秒钟时间内,似乎完全出神地在思考着理想走动快慢,坐在那里看着孩子仿佛盘似的。

    For a moment or two he seemed quite lost in contemplating the pace of this ideal timepiece, and sat looking at the boy as if his face were the dial.


  • 其中有两例外。因为膝盖和受伤了,所以大部分任务取消了,只是吃饭的时间出来走动一下

    Besides two days I was mostly out of commission due to my hurt knee/foot and I only went out to dinner for a bit.


  • 动物们在四周走动时间有变化。它们等候11.6%的时间来回走动围场花7.2%的时间

    The animals also moved around much more, spending 11.6% of their time on the move in the holding areas, but only 7.2% in the enclosures.


  • 当然,灵越迷你系列已经陪伴很多人每天大部分时间,能够外出走动,带来带去进行工作以及朋友保持联系的伴侣型产品。

    Certainly the Inspiron Mini has become the companion device that spends the majority of the day out and about, carried here and there, keeping you productive and connected.


  • 不是正确时间装饰自己走动

    It is not the right time to decorate yourself and walk around.


  • 任何打扰不管是一封Email,电话或者是一次起身走动都会打破这个并且需要时间(根据统计平均需要15分钟)重新回到流

    But any interruption, whether it's an E-mail, a phone call, or a walk-up, will break this flow and it takes time (15 minutes on average based on the statistics) to get back into the flow again.


  • 到了休息时间,也是我们女儿下来四处走动”的时候!

    Time for a rest for us, and some opportunity for Isabella to "walk" around.


  • 如果整天坐在桌旁一定安排好时间起床走动至少起来伸展

    If you sit at a desk all day, make sure to schedule times to get up and walk around, or at least stand up and stretch.


  • 好像很长时间无人走动满了近乎枯黄落叶

    Way, it seems that no one walking for a long period of time, covered with an almost withered and yellow leaves.


  • 时间不断流逝而无任何欢乐工作价值休息回报你的时候,你焦躁不安的到处走动

    We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest.


  • 要来必须准备不停走动,应为天冷你不可能站在那儿时间

    Everyone who comes must be prepared to keep moving, as it is too cold to stand and watch for long.


  • 托德:大约需要两个小时时间不过在火车上可以走动,不像公交车那样狭窄

    Todd: It takes about two hours, but you can kind of walk around a bit, you know, it's not ascramped.


  • 不是强迫自己几个小时时间而已,而是要时间集中精力,高度专注20 - 30分钟时间然后起身走动放松下散散步

    Rather than try to force yourself into enduring hours upon hours of dedication, work in short sprints of about 20-30 minutes, then get up and have a stretch or take a short walk.


  • 专家建议利用任何机会走动,就算是一小时间也好。

    Experts recommend capitalizing on any chance to move, even if it's only for a few moments at a time.


  • 使用轮椅四处走动并且一些平常事情花费较长的时间例如起床穿衣上学等等。

    She USES a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to class.


  • 分辨条件下,多周期积累时间目标运动会造成回波包络的跨单元走动距离走动带来了检测性能下降

    In high range resolution conditions, the migration of moving target causes the migration of echo envelop within multicycle integration time and brings the decline of detection performance.


  • 放风时间,监牢里囚犯可以来回走动会见其他人时间

    In prison time when prisoner can move about and meet other prisoner.


  • 中的大部分时间行尸走肉般四处走动

    I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.


  • 员工应该不时地四处走动舒展一下身体避免时间坐在办公桌前。

    Workers should occasionally walk around, stretch and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.


  • 研究发现,若工作间隙反复利用短暂时间起来到处走动的话,将改变心情补充精力大有裨益。

    In a new study, researchers found that taking brief, repeated breaks from work to stand up and move around has sustained benefits for your mood and energy levels.


  • 研究发现,若工作间隙反复利用短暂时间起来到处走动的话,将改变心情补充精力大有裨益。

    In a new study, researchers found that taking brief, repeated breaks from work to stand up and move around has sustained benefits for your mood and energy levels.


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