• 警方花了时间打碎旅游车窗户爆破炸药(俗称框架炸药)可瞬间车窗车门炸开。

    The police spent a long time smashing the Windows of the bus, whereas explosive charges (known as frame charges) would have knocked in Windows and doors instantly.


  • 有一次办公室的窗户瞥见穿着黑色宽摆大衣,神情凝重正传过街道去拿牙医的报告或是预约诊断时间

    Once, he glimpsed her from his window as she reported, preoccupied and solemn in a dark, wide-skirted cloth coat, for treatment across the street.


  • 七个志愿者花了一个时间进行植入手术,然后报告已经可以分辨出较较量的窗户,也能分辨出黑色桌子白色盘子

    The seven volunteers spent a month with the implants and reported being able to distinguish between dark walls and a light window, and a dark table and white plates.


  • 窗户南瓜灯暗示着加入某种程度上,它还帮你制定了节日的玩耍时间——比如晚上68点。

    A lit pumpkin in the window signals your participation and, to some extent, allows you to set your own hours - 6pm to 8pm, say.


  • 所以本周二技术提示分钟时间往回一步看看如果用一不同窗户来看世界你的outlook不会有所改善

    So the tech tip for this Tuesday: Take a step back for a minute and see if you're outlook might improve if you were looking through a different window!


  • 任何时间我家厨房窗户望出去看到在那儿,实在是件再不过的。这样就足够近距离给鸟儿照相了。

    It's been a great pleasure to be able to look out my kitchen window at any time and know he's going to be there, and he lets me get very close for pictures.


  • 格罗姆先生手电桶又照回来,在大厅窗户上来回照的时候,我们保持安静段无穷的时间

    We held silence for an endless time, while Mr. Glum's electric torch came back, playing across Windows of the Main Hall.


  • 亭子后墙设置高高的开口处有折叠,很像是教堂里窗户光线通过这个进口白天特定时间才能进入室内。

    An opening set high up in the rear elevation is protected by a folded steel hood and is intended to resemble a church window that only lets in light at certain times of the day.


  • 窗户玻璃干净需要时间

    It takes time to wipe the windowpanes dry and clean.


  • 由于在室内待的时间感到烦躁我会走近窗户看看在外面堆雪人打雪仗小孩子

    When I felt anxious for staying inside too long, I will go near the window to wach the children building snowman or throwing snowballs.


  • 如果人们及时知道台风到来的时间他们可以一些事情保护自己比如说木板他们的窗户起来。

    People can board up their Windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time.


  • 斯蒂芬·瑟尔克维茨表示智能窗户不到时间里投入市场,价格不便宜差不多是现在普通窗户价格倍。

    Selkowitz says smart windows could be widely available in as little as three years, but they won't be cheap — possibly costing twice as much as today's windows.


  • 规划维护工作时间告知清洁工作承包商。如窗户清洗阳台清洁地毯清洗,锄草地板打蜡

    To schedule program maintenance work i. e. window cleaning, balcony cleaning, shampooing, carpet spotting, weeding, floor polishing job to cleaners and contractors.


  • 如果时间,擦窗户

    If you have time, the window is wiped.


  • 雌性宠物经常小时时间房间里寻找一个合适”的并且经常墙上地毯上、地板上、窗户上、盆栽植物上挖掘。

    Pet female iguanas will often spend hours searching the house for a "good" nesting spot, and will often dig at walls, carpets, the floor, Windows, and in potted plants.


  • 然后一侧开始,就可以刮水,然后窗户就会更长时间内保持干净!

    And then just starting at one side, you're going to go from top to bottom, and your Windows will stay cleaner longer!


  • 每天下午那个靠近窗户起身的时候,就会室友描述窗外的风景来打发时间

    Every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the outdoor things he could see through the window.


  • 堵墙像是飓风里的一朵在不断地移动时间潜水员开启窗户好像在把他们进去之前在里面引诱他们似的。

    This wall was constantly moving like a cloud in a hurricane and every so often a window opened for divers, as if luring them inside before sucking them in.


  • 透过窗户,外面世界片翠绿靛蓝我家要漂亮很多,要知道,我家花园里只有妈妈一些脏兮兮花,花了好多时间能让它们复生

    The world is bright green and blue beyond it, brighter than my home, where there's only dirt and the remnants of my mother's garden that I've failed to revive.


  • 酒店独特的结构允许每个房间套房地板到天花板窗户提供城市全景的全景,同一时间使用陶瓷提供隐私

    The hotel's unique structure allows for each room and suite to have floor-to-ceiling Windows offering panoramic views of the city below, while at the same time using ceramic to provide privacy.


  • 需要时间再次窗户可能花费生活其他者生活。

    The time needed to close the windows again may cost your life and the life of others.


  • 第三空调开机1 - 3小时最好时间打开窗户呼吸新鲜空气或者每隔1小时室外活动一下

    Third, air conditioning boot 1-3 hours later, had better close a period of time, open the window a breath of fresh air, or every 1 hour to arrive outdoor activity once.


  • 一擦窗户如果时间的话

    He asked me to clean the Windows if I had time.


  • 一个宽敞室内餐厅用餐时间提供优秀自助餐窗户可以观赏到岛屿泻湖的壮丽景色

    A spacious indoor restaurant with large Windows offering a stunning view of the island and the lagoon serves outstanding buffet spreads during mealtimes.


  • 调度功能允许执行制度廉洁特定区间,在指定时间启动关闭窗户

    Schedule function allows you to perform system clean at specified interval, at selected hour or when you start or shutdown Windows.


  • 调度功能允许执行制度廉洁特定区间,在指定时间启动关闭窗户

    Schedule function allows you to perform system clean at specified interval, at selected hour or when you start or shutdown Windows.


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