• 分钟,卷入一个紧张又真实世界在那里时间过得更色彩更鲜艳声音清晰好像整个宇宙突然开始聚焦于一处。

    And the next you're sucked into a vivid, intense world, where time seems to move slower, colors are brighter, sounds more perceptible, as though the whole universe has suddenly come into focus.


  • “新技法使的创作富于色彩性,装饰性更强,随着时间推移,壁画变得更脆弱,”Frossini

    'It allowed him to obtain something more rich in terms of colours, of decorations, but over time, dry painting is very fragile, ' Ms Frossini said.


  • 他们认为年轻人门珍贵、复杂古老造型色彩艺术兴趣甚至轻视。门艺术有500的历史,需要花一生时间才能精通

    Far worse, from their point of view, is the indifference or contempt of the young for a rich, complex, ancient art of colour and form that goes back 500 years and takes a lifetime to master.


  • 奥巴马来说,入主白宫不到六个时间以来朝着兑现个人色彩浓厚的竞选承诺迈出的一步

    For Obama, it was a first step towards redemption of one of his signature campaign promises, within six months of coming to the White House.


  • 远古以来,鲸鱼一直披上神秘色彩--当然它们也的确几乎时间一样古老,它们存在时间它们陆地历史还

    Since time immemorial, the whale has been wreathed in mysteryand of course it almost predates time itself, having existed long before the land around which it swims.


  • 早期复合型荧光灯昂贵的消费者抱怨各种各样的问题诸如有响声闪烁过长的启动时间产生令人不愉快的色彩

    Early iterations of the compact fluorescent light bulb were expensive, and consumers complained of myriad problems - from buzzing, flickering and long start-up time to unpleasant hues.


  • 随着IT表现出财务严谨性热忱已经采纳许多财务指标试图淡化面向技术的色彩在线时间容量利用率等

    In its zeal to appear financially rigorous, it has adopted a variety of financial metrics in an attempt to get away from the tech-oriented standbys like uptime, capacity, and utilization.


  • 色彩鲜活线条绘图100的时间创作的。

    Its vivacious coloured line drawings were created by eight draftsmen over a period of 100 years.


  • 挑选完美色彩组合各种色调找到合适位置的过程中,时间哗啦啦地就流走了

    Between coming up with a perfect palette and knowing where to put each tone, it's easy to spend too much time coloring your design.


  • 他们要求专注图象持续时间一次集中观察图象色彩第三次同时关注图象持续的时间色彩

    In one they were told to concentrate simply on the durationof an image, in another they were asked to focus on the colour, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both duration and colour. .


  • 不到一周时间里,富有传奇色彩的“哈莱姆会所已经遭受了两次致命打击

    IN LESS than a week the legendary "Harlem Clubhouse" has suffered two mortal blows.


  • 时间Twitter(自己颇具传奇色彩技术问题所困扰)Friendfeed另外一个就是在做的事的起步公司,新的用户增加

    In that time, both Twitter (which is hampered by its own legendary tech problems) and FriendFeed, another here 's-what-i 'm-doing start-up, have been signing up new people.


  • 日落变化多端色彩使他入迷所以总是时间看日落。

    He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.


  • 空闲时间我会音乐流行歌曲我的朋友购物有时候我会宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳

    In my free time, I'll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.


  • 通过数以千计旅途瞬间找出位置时间闪光机遇色彩与组合之间的最佳构成,再决定是否值得放大印制

    He has to sort through a thousand such travel moments to find out if the place and time, flash and chance, color and movement have united in a picture that is worth enlarging and printing.


  • 美国太空署“阿奎”(Aqua,拉丁文中“水”之意)卫星搭载分辨率成像分光幅射度计在太平洋夏令时2010年6月24日下午1时55分(协调世界时间UTC 20时55分)拍摄西莉亚飓风的真色彩图像

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this true-color image of Hurricane Celia at 1:55 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (20:55 UTC) on June 24, 2010.


  • 所选建材混凝土、耐候钢木材处于原始状态阳光随着每天不同的时间变幻材料色彩

    The materials chosen for the building's construction are all in their raw state (concrete, weathered steel and wood) with sunlight changing their colors throughout the day.


  • 使得孩子这样环境开心地沐浴色彩节奏里,在那里他们可以找到自己空间决定如何自己的方式使用时间

    This enables the children to cheerfully evolve in an environment bathed in the rhythm of colors where they can find their space and decide how to spend their time each in their own way.


  • 所有行星中,没有一颗火星那样能抓紧人们想象力。火星发红色彩随着时间变幻亮度行星成为难忘的景观

    Of all the planets, none has captured the world's imagination like Mars. Its reddish color and changes in brightness over time make the planet an unforgettable sight.


  • 一系列微妙色彩中性青铜色时间氧化锈迹阴影中提取的植物银灰色

    A range of sophisticated nuance, neutral coloured, vegetal and metallic greys from pale aluminium to tin bronze changing through time with oxidized and rusty shadows.


  • 寒食清明节日中,人们纪念死去的先贤故人,但多数时间是在进行种种带有现世狂欢色彩活动。

    This can be seen in the fact that people reveled most of the time during the week-long Hanshi and Qingming festivals in which people commemorated their dead ancestors.


  • 他们要求专注于图象持续时间一次集中观察图象色彩第三次同时关注图象持续的时间色彩

    In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in another they were asked to focus on the colour, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both duration and colour.


  • 我们现在手头台机器,所以我们可以一些扩展性使用测试看看混合光源投影机在长时间使用下是否依然保证亮度色彩特点

    Since we have had a total of five units in house, we've been able to do some extended usage testing to see if the Hybrid light engine maintains its brightness and color characteristics over time.


  • 随着时间季节变化可以呈现不同姿态色彩和意境。

    As time and seasonal change, it still can present a different attitude, colour and artistic concept.


  • 学习短的时间绘制逼真色彩即使从来没有

    Learn to draw realistic colors for a short time, even if you never painted before.


  • 只要听到声音甚至只是简单呼唤或者看到的注视甚至只是非常时间就有力量世界如万花筒一样色彩斑斓

    As long as I hear your voice even simple calling or see your eyes even very short time, I got my strength and my world turns to be colorful as kaleidoscope.


  • 时间行走之后,坐在色彩斑斓石头上,让得到一些放松。喝着软饮料喜欢一起交谈,你发现生活就是这样简单

    Sit on these colorful rocks, relax your feet after long time walking, have some soft drinks, talk with someone who you want to talk with, you will know life is easy in this way.


  • 其实不然认为期望生活增添更多色彩播种了总会有收获季节只是时间未到而已,努力吧!

    In actual fact, I think that there is hope of life will add more colors, there will always be seeding the harvest season, but even before the time only, all good work!


  • 其实不然认为期望生活增添更多色彩播种了总会有收获季节只是时间未到而已,努力吧!

    In actual fact, I think that there is hope of life will add more colors, there will always be seeding the harvest season, but even before the time only, all good work!


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