• 利用有限用户离散时间混合消失系统无线通信系统基站进行建模

    The model of the base station of wireless networks is built based on the finite user population discrete time delay and loss system.


  • 旅客愿意他们休闲时间混合业务可以享受财产充分的商务中心提供舒适地方完成任务

    Travelers who wish to mix business with their leisure time can enjoy the property's fully-equipped business center, offering up a comfortable place to complete one's tasks.


  • 烘焙时间长短取决于可可豆种类大小,可可豆脂肪混合形成巧克力

    The length of roasting depends on the type and size of the beans to form cocoa, which is mixed with sugar and fats to form chocolate.


  • 一则网络新闻报道,方便面中的脂肪与美味汤汁混合在一起,让人持续更长时间的饱腹感。

    According to an online news report, the fat in instant noodles that is mixed with the delicious soup keeps one feeling full for longer.


  • 不同证券不同时间不同的表现所以混合资产类型整个资产组合不会因为某一种证券的颓败而受到影响

    Different securities perform differently at any point in time, so with a mix of asset types, your entire portfolio does not suffer the impact of a decline of any one security.


  • 此外,模式混合随着时间推移改变因此经济体效率也随之改变。

    Moreover, the blend changes over time, and with it, the performance of the economy.


  • 包括分配个人数量技能工龄混合以及项目生命周期每个阶段所需的个人时间

    Includes quantity of personnel assigned, skill and seniority mix, and personnel time required for each phase of the program lifecycle.


  • 烘焙时间取决于豆子种类大小,之后便制作出了可可,再脂肪混合之后便有了巧克力的‘诞生’。

    The length of roasting depends on the type and size of the beans, to form cocoa, which is mixed with sugar and fats to form chocolate.


  • 任何情况下必须花费一些时间来为包含混合软件运行环境提供支持,很重要的(如图9)。

    In either case, it is important to consider that, at least for some period of time, you will have to support a run time environment that contains a mix of software (like that shown in Figure 9).


  • 调整混合轮询时间连接尽可能多地关闭

    Tune your hybrid polling times to keep connections closed as much as possible.


  • 为了使设计能引人注目每位设计师耗费大量时间精力小心翼翼混合各种颜色

    Every designer spends a substantial amount of time and effort to make their design eye-catching by judiciously blending different shades of color.


  • 能量饮料含有复杂混合缓慢中期快速署理,并供应能量的碳水化合物身体一个较长时期内的时间

    Energy drinks contain complex carbohydrates - a blend of slow -, medium - and fast-acting sugars - and are able to supply energy to the body over an extended period of time.


  • 现在早饭时间几千罗非鱼拍打着鱼尾,鱼伸出水面,想得到这些由黄豆玉米混合食物。

    It's breakfast time, and thousands of tilapia are thrashing their tails and sticking their mouths into the air to get some of the soy-and-corn mixture.


  • 时间预算计划成功发布软件产品需要一种发现生产评估和指导性领导方式进步混合

    Successfully delivering software products on schedule and on budget requires an evolving mixture of discovery, production, assessment, and a steering leadership style.


  • 然后反质子装有正电子的容器中,大约秒钟时间等待它们混合

    The antiprotons are then pushed into the same trap as the positrons and left to mingle for a second or so.


  • 随着20%的混合时间我们慢慢地公司了正确的轨道而且使得研发者的测试成为研发过程中的一个惯例

    With our pooled 20 percent time, we slowly turned the organization on its axis and made developer testing a common part of the development practice.


  • 这些研究使用HTML图像混合,图像负荷很大一部分并且下载时间2030 %的改进

    The studies used a mixture of HTML and images in such a way that the images occupied a significant portion of the payload report and showed a 20 to 30 percent improved download time.


  • Cusumano指出,随着时间过去大多产品公司他们的产品目标市场上占据主导地位时,便转向混合服务公司,并且此时低价格替代品也是可用的。

    Over time, Cusumano notes, most product companies evolve into hybrid or service companies as their products saturate target markets and lower-priced substitutes become available.


  • 20083月3时间内,一个拥有相似病例混合平均水平医院预期至少出400多名患者死亡

    During the three years to March 2008, at least 400 more patients died than would have been expected at an average hospital with a similar case mix.


  • Google已经几年时间寻找解决方案增加减少清洁能源用于驱动服务器大量混合能源中的比重。

    And for years Google has been searching for ways to both reduce and add clean power into the mix of the massive amount of energy to power its servers.


  • 清单6展示了动画但是其他与此类似,只是屏幕上的位置不同并且起始时间持续时间错开了,以便出现混合的效果。

    Listing 6 shows only one group of animations, but the others are similar, with different points to move offscreen to, and tweaks to their starting time and duration, to mix things up.


  • 注意敲打之间差别不是简单混合一起的:很多次敲打时的少量时间差别并不累积总体匹配失效

    Note that the differences between knocks is not compounded: missing the timing on many knocks by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure.


  • 最好陈述通常混合美元数目或者是个百分比,再或者一个确定时期能能够节省多少时间

    The best branding statements usually incorporate figures in dollars or percentages of money, or time that was gained or saved over a certain period.


  • 违者罚款但是考虑到补贴这种胡萝卜这些就要求接下来大约十年时间一定量可再生能源必须被混合以汽油为基础燃料

    On pain of fines, but with the carrot of subsidies, these require that a certain amount of renewable fuel be blended into petroleum-based fuels over the next decade or so.


  • 随着时间流逝多数用户混合使用不同的版本于是一些机器上使用新的版本另一些机器上则运行维护发布版本

    As time passed, most users began to combine the releases, so that on some machines they took advantage of the new feature release, while other machines ran a maintenance release version.


  • 宝马可预见的将来电力汽车不会取代传统汽车混合动力车因为行程并且充电时间

    BMW says that electric vehicles will not replace conventional cars or hybrids for the foreseeable future: their range is too short and they take too long to charge.


  • 由于撞击造成地震海啸可能沉积层造成严重的破坏,使得离散岩层旋转混合在一起完全打乱地质时间线

    Earthquakes and tsunamis that resulted from the collision could have wrought havoc on the sedimentary record, causing discrete strata to swirl together and completely scrambling time lines.


  • 他们发现单独橄榄油相比机器花费时间来消化橄榄油和单甘油酯混合

    They found it took eight times longer for the machine to "digest" the olive oil-monoglyceride combination compared with the olive oil alone.


  • 经过时间形成一种混合包含实验室毒株内部成分以及流行毒株外部成分。

    After a while, a hybrid is formed which contains the inner components of the laboratory strain, and the outer components of the pandemic strain.


  • 经过时间形成一种混合包含实验室毒株内部成分以及流行毒株外部成分。

    After a while, a hybrid is formed which contains the inner components of the laboratory strain, and the outer components of the pandemic strain.


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