• 每个人都潜在能量,只是很容易习惯掩盖时间模糊,被惰性消磨。

    Everyone has his inherent abilities eg. power or capacity which can easily be concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.


  • 研究表明开关时间模糊控制不仅提高了温度控制精度而且简化了控制规则

    A research shows that switch time fuzzy control not only improves control accuracy of temperature, but also simplifies control rule.


  • 每个人都内在能力权力才能)。而这些往往容易爱好隐藏时间模糊,被懒散惰性腐蚀

    Everyone has his inherent ability( power or capacity?) which is easily concealed by habbits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia?).


  • 一个广泛有些模糊词汇我们接下来章节一些时间讨论

    This is a broad and somewhat fuzzy word, and we'll spend some time on it in the upcoming chapter.


  • 一个广泛有些模糊词汇我们一些时间接下来章节中讨论

    This is a broad and somewhat fuzzy word, and we'll spend some time on it in an upcoming chapter.


  • 需要精确度模糊之间求得平衡——并非总是精确度越高越——需要考虑很多因素时间成本工作量等

    There is a balance between precision and vagueness -- more precise is not always better -- and many things need to be considered, such as time, cost and effort.


  • 正如这个示例中,在面向对象开发中,分析设计的界限模糊的,那些不熟悉面向对象的有经验开发人员可能花一些时间才能习惯这点

    As you can see with this example, the line between analysis and design is fuzzy with object-oriented development and experienced developers new to object orientation can take time to get used to this.


  • 使用手机模糊工作时间非工作时间之间界限增加家庭朋友之间的压力紧张气氛。

    Cell phone use has blurred the boundaries between work and non-work time, increasing stress and tension within families and between friends.


  • 作者观察除非这种不愉快记忆联系不断加固,否则,即使这样的厌恶情绪没有完全消失掉,它也随着时间的流逝逐渐模糊

    Unless the unpleasant association is reinforced, the memories will slowly fade with time, although the aversion doesn’t disappear entirely during the two-week period that the authors were looking at.


  • 坏的情况下,成功地构建安装EAR文件但是将碰到某个模糊运行时(runtime)错误将使您花费数天的时间调试

    At worst, the EAR file will build and install successfully, but you will get some obscure runtime error that will take you days to debug.


  • 最高限额可以成为目标一段时间可以模糊这个目标(2015年,无论如何只能得到2013年的全部数据),反反复复。

    Caps could become targets; time frames could blur (by 2015, full data will be available only for 2013 anyway); and so on.


  • 那天其余时间只剩下一个个模糊活动冲击

    The rest of that day is a blur of activity and shock.


  • 他们承认相关筹划还模糊,目前他们最有建设性时间框架年内找到一个资金来源

    But they acknowledged that the concept remained vague, and that their most ambitious time frame was to find a funding source within two years.


  • 讨论了如何控制普通挑战比如定义模糊需求环境并且平衡时间预算质量需要

    He also discusses how to handle common challenges such as vaguely defined requirements and environments, and the need to balance schedule, budget, and quality.


  • 如果只是一个故事我们认为的是表演是个,因此我们只能说这话涵义模糊不清 ,该加上一句“在出嫁以前”,也就是说,她等待出嫁等了太长时间了。

    If it were an anecdote, we should say the performance; but in the dream we may consider the sentence as it is, declare it to be ambiguous, and add before she married.


  • 帕伦丰富碑文铭文以及记载考古学这座玛雅城市构建出第一条朝代时间线。 这座城市尽管令人过目不忘,但某些地方还是模糊不清

    Palenque's wealth of epigraphy (inscriptions) and recorded history has helped archaeologists to build the first time line of rulers of a Maya city—one that, while impressive, is still fuzzy in places.


  • 如果队列所有音调偏差小于接受的阈值则执行模糊检测时间

    If the deviation of all tones in the queue is less than the acceptable threshold, perform the temporal layer of ambiguity detection.


  • 典型这些活动时间计划非常自信的,目标模糊的,技术新的并且QA轻松的,因此原型通常很有趣金钱大量浪费

    Typically the schedule for these activities is aggressive, the goals blurry, the technologies new, and the QA light, so prototyping can often be a lot of fun -- and a big waste of money.


  • 一般来说死亡来自时间衰弱意识模糊紧接着昏迷

    Death normally comes after a period of weakness and confusion, followed by a coma.


  • 像素响应时间也是等离子电视一项主要优势画面渲染,降低了快速移动画面模糊效果提供了更清晰的画质。

    Pixel response is also a key benefit to plasma televisions; their images are rendered quickly, countering image blurring effects of fast-moving images on screen, providing clear pictures.


  • 当某人迅速回答说11:00或者其他时间做什么,如果再问遍同样的问题,他们可能结巴着说出另外一个时间,也许是一个模糊时间但是第一次的时间相当接近

    A quick answer of 11:00 or another time. Ask if they are sure and they will stutter a different time maybe not an exact time but pretty darn close to the first time.


  • 宽广模糊伊伯中,微粒彼此碰撞的几率不大因此它们会慢慢被海王星的引力共振所俘获,时间非常漫长。

    In today's wide, fuzzy Kuiper belt, the particles don't meet very often, so they stick around long enough to fall into resonances with Neptune.


  • 因为(读者)时刻追溯时间转变要花费很多精力,所以,作者有意地不时模糊战争宏伟场景和战争闹剧之间的界限。

    Keeping track of these time shifts takes concentration, since theauthor will sometimes deliberately blur the line between war as grand drama andwar as farce.


  • 除了因记忆断裂带来模糊感,还有混乱感,因为大部分时间我们都被麻醉了。

    On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time.


  • 但是碰到这些模糊之前时间认为定义一些断言通用函数就可以了。

    But I can very easily imagine a collection of defined predicative generic functions working happily for a long time before the ambiguous case is encountered.


  • 如果精确引入时间模糊的话普通西装取代前身作为上班族标准服装时间非常清楚。

    If the precise moment of inception is vague the point of victory of the lounge suit over its forerunners as the standard battledress of the office worker is clearer.


  • 如果精确引入时间模糊的话普通西装取代前身作为上班族标准服装时间非常清楚。

    If the precise moment of inception is vague the point of victory of the lounge suit over its forerunners as the standard battledress of the office worker is clearer.


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