• 我们时间设置0.1的时候,意味着物理更新每100ms执行一次,这个时间容易注意到的,并且这个时间内都无法执行碰撞检测。

    Wellif you set fixed time step to 0.1, it means physics update will take placeevery 100 ms, which is quite noticeable and will not be able to detectcollision either.


  • 一个小时工作社会中容易明白时间等于金钱说法怎么的。

    In a work by the hour society it is easy to see how the saying time equals money came about.


  • 因为本质异步的,所以可以容易暂时无视,等到时间合适回应别人消息。

    The advantage is that, since it is asynchronous in nature, it can easily be ignored, and responded back to at the appropriate time.


  • 根据自己的经验因为可以最小配置文件开始然后随着时间流逝逐步地向cfengine添加一些东西,所以将cfengine介绍站点容易的。

    From my own experience, introducing cfengine to a site is quite easy, because you can start out with a minimal configuration file and gradually move things into cfengine over time.


  • 事业超强能力,那些来说容易行为,你起来有趣而且时间做的事情。

    Career superpowers are actions that come easily to you, are fun and you can do them for a long period of time.


  • 重要你自己安排时间知道大家都日程繁忙所以容易能做到。

    Taking time for yourself is important and I know with our busy schedules it's not always easy.


  • 好吧知道对方时间或者为对方放弃爱好坚持自己,这些问题纠结我重申两性相处真的容易

    I understand that making time for someone else or giving up some of the things you love or getting your own way create some struggles in life - but once again, relationships are easy.


  • 当然时间长短可配置所以如果喜欢长的休息更长的“爆发”的工作可以设置很容易

    The duration is configurable, so if you like longer breaks or longer "bursts" of work, you can set that easily.


  • 因为开发人员要捕获同一台服务器两个网络接口数据每次事务时间精确的,因此容易进行比较

    Because the developer is capturing data for both of the network interfaces on the same server, the timestamps for each transaction will be accurate and easier to compare.


  • 当然有些事情复杂非常花费时间比如说编写软件),当前许多基础服务容易的,就能搭建起来。

    Sure, there are some things that are still quite time consuming and complicated (e.g., writing software from scratch), but many of the basic services are today quite easy and fast.


  • 另外我们容易陷入自己的工作清单上,有讽刺意义的这些清单就用来帮助我们时间有效率的。

    Else, it's easy to become trapped by our own to-do lists, which is ironic given that they are supposed to help us be more productive in the first place.


  • 逻辑数据建模软件开发最佳实践之一开发组织时间预算压力之下容易被忽视地方

    Logical data modeling is one of software development's best practices and also one of the most easily neglected areas when a development organization is under time and budget pressure.


  • 金钱时间价值一个很容易理解原则基本上今天未来同等金额的钱要值钱因为今天的钱会有潜在收益

    The time value of money is a simple principal to understand: basically it states that any amount of money is worth more today than the same amount of money in the future due to it's earning potential.


  • 拥有大量精力件好事时间一样,他们容易浪费的。

    Having a large capacity for energy is good, but just like time, it is an easy thing to waste.


  • 甚至更好连接路由器提供了另一个安全和监视具体说来,可以很容易准确报告何时应用程序进行观察以及对应用程序观察了多长时间

    Even better, the connection router provides another layer of security and monitoring; in particular, it can easily report on exactly when and how long an application has been viewed.


  • 散散步容易做到——可以午饭后走走,或者连续工作小时后休息时间走走。

    Taking a short walk is such a simple thing to do - you can do it during your lunch break, or take a break when you've been working for a couple hours straight.


  • Vigdor教授称使用家用电脑有害影响学生容易分心最后时间社交游戏上去了。

    Professor Vigdor claims home computer access is damaging because students are easily distracted and end up using their time to socialise and play games.


  • 店员时间学习容易引起眼睛疲劳。在学习完之后一下保健操视力有好处。

    Clerk: Yeah. Studying for a long time can also cause eyestrain. Make him do some eye exercises after studying, which would be really good for his sight.


  • 时间学习容易引起眼睛疲劳。在学习完之后一下保健操视力有好处。

    Yeah. Studying for a long time can also cause eyestrain. Make him do some eye exercises after studying, which would be really good for his sight.


  • 了。个人容易养成糟糕的站姿和坐姿尤其当一个人一天大多数时间伏案办公的情况下。

    Stand up straight. Terrible posture is easy to develop, especially if you're slouched over a desk for the majority of the day.


  • 注意力一种专注细致思考的状态。不像时间那样可以方便划分每个15分钟—— 注意力那么容易整齐简单地划分

    Attention is about focus and careful, thoughtful consideration. Unlike timewhich can be broken into convenient chunks of 15 minutes – attention doesn't divide quite so neatly or easily.


  • 没有时间思量一下整件事情是很容易问题的。

    If you don't take the time to think things through, you might create problems.


  • 互联网上做到一点容易的,过去几年里,人们已经注意到自己电脑时间墙上时间存在差别。

    The Internet made this very easy but for the past few years people have noticed the gap between their computer clock and wall clock.


  • 我们容易证明时间珍贵的。

    It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.


  • 身上光芒笑声容易感染,但我相信曾经也时间觉得幽默遥不可及的

    You carry a light and laughter with you that are infectious and I'm sure there have been days when being funny is the furthest thing from your mind.


  • 如果提前计划合理利用时间申请过程容易的。

    If you plan ahead and use your time wisely, the application process can be very easy.


  • 如果提前计划合理利用时间申请过程容易的。

    If you plan ahead and use your time wisely, the application process can be very easy.


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