• 另外那些已经备案国际恐怖分子可能没多少时间了。

    He and others in the rogues' gallery of international terrorists may be running out of time.


  • 监禁了一时间宣布放弃恐怖主义

    After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism.


  • 与其时间在看那些没用电视节目恐怖电影上本该出去约会旅游或者几本能影响我一生好书的。

    Instead of spending time watching useless television programs or horrible movies, I could have been out meeting people, traveling or reading life-changing books.


  • 似乎一个恐怖计划,不管成功与否,都加长安检时间

    Every terrorist plot, successful or foiled, seems to lengthen the gauntlet of checks.


  • 理解此类恐怖设计行之有效行为避免之,特别是在较短的时间内,对于挪威还是很难的。

    Understanding such horrors, and devising effective actions to prevent them, in so far as is possible, is hard.


  • 但是那些在其中花费很多时间不仅浅尝人,会遇到恐怖故事

    But anyone who has spent a lot of time dating online, and not just dabbling, has his or her share of horror stories, too.


  • 英国女性那种缺少自由时间生活,她们听听感到恐怖

    And they are horrified by British women's lack of free time.


  • 过去的一段时间,出于对恐怖袭击担忧,人们投入了大量的资金研究新的治疗方法大部分的研究集中减少受损组织里面细胞死亡

    Fears of nuclear terrorism have recently inspired more funding for research into new treatments, most aiming to limit cell death in damaged tissues.


  • 联邦机构已经掌握Abdulmutallab的情况有2时间将其列美国国家反恐中心恐怖观察名单上。

    Abdulmutallab has been known to federal authorities for at least two years and had been on a terror watch list compiled by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center.


  • 这个团队正在研究其他历史事件记录比如登山事故以及911恐怖袭击,检验时间社会行为影响

    The team is studying records from other historical episodes, such as mountaineering accidents and the September 11 attacks, to test the influence of time on social behavior.


  • 如果任何人复杂格局中再搅和一下,来点恐怖袭击等,那么现在到2020年时间近代任何一个时间段都具挑战性

    If one adds the wildcard of possible, catastrophic terrorist attacks to this mix, the period between now and 2020 will be as challenging as any in modern times.


  • 不仅仅,我恐怖时间能让了个噩梦忘记他们

    It was not only because I was so sleepy, I wanted to sleep away the horrible three years, to forget them like a bad dream.


  • 不要花长时间脑子播放恐怖画面

    Don't spend hours playing out horrible scenes in your mind.


  • 当时恐怖过去很长时间之后幸存者完全相信地面是牢固需要时间

    Long after their immediate terrors have passed, it takes survivors time to trust, fully, in the solidity of the ground.


  • 如果想要恐怖效果提至最高那么阴暗安静封闭的场所,然后选择一个你不会打断时间点。

    If you want maximum scare impact, find a spot that's dark, quiet, and secluded, and pick a time when you won't be interrupted.


  • 为了实现恐怖逼真的效果,凯迪·瓦特花了大量时间研究解剖学参观了法医博物馆同时努力改善面包口感

    In order to make them realistic, Kittiwat spent many hours studying anatomy and visiting forensic museums. At the same time, he found it important to make his bread delicious as well.


  • 特意选择这个时间滞留机场恐怖的故事有点儿让我闹心

    I specifically chose this hour to not get stuck in an airport.


  • (就像恐怖中的怪兽一样,股市可能需要时间才能死去当然还会有续集)。

    Like the monster in a bad horror movie, the Cult takes a long time to die - and of course is available for sequels.


  • 11月26日孟买恐怖海路袭击事件发生以来,时间里,印度大大加强了该国沿海安全

    NEW DELHI - India has greatly strengthened its coastal security a year since the Nov. 26 Mumbai terror attacks, which came through a sea route.


  • 选择费恩伯格先生辩护人们最常提起的是他时间担任911恐怖袭击受害者慈善补偿基金会特别大使”事迹。

    Defenders of the selection of Mr. Feinberg point to his almost three years spent as a pro bono Special Master of the fund that compensated victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


  • 尽管911时代对于变革呼声如此响亮,而且如今恐怖威胁环境下情报系统地位已经如此重要,但为什么其中缺陷仍然持续这么时间

    Why have such intelligence deficiencies persisted for so long, despite the clarion call for change after 9/11 and the unprecedented importance of intelligence in today’s threat environment?


  • 感谢Twitter恐怖正常运行时间这个错误页面出现如此频繁以至于Twitter用户都开始喜欢这条睡觉鲸鱼了。

    Thanks to Twitter's awful uptime, the error page sightings became so frequent that Twitter users started to take a shine to the sleeping whale.


  • 时间死亡更加恐怖热恋比分手更加痛苦

    Time is more horrible than death. Love is more painful than breaking up.


  • 第二部分中,观众引座员都在观看电影,在时间,就可以发现动作片,爆笑喜剧恐怖的踪迹。

    In the second part the spectators and even the usherette watch the movie, in which could by find action, crazy comedy, or horror in very short time.


  • 时间死亡更加恐怖热恋比分手更加痛苦

    Time is more terror than death. Falling in love is more painful than breaking up.


  • 实际上,这些技术指导需要消耗时间需要病人配合因此通常那些特别恐怖病人进行。

    Instruction of these techniques, however, is time-consuming and requires patient motivation, and is therefore usually reserved for selected patients with extreme phobias.


  • 董事们在预算时间限制得到自由创造力所有部分本身都将涉及恐怖类型

    The directors have been given free creative rein within budget and time constraints, but all of the segments themselves will involve the horror genre.


  • 董事们在预算时间限制得到自由创造力所有部分本身都将涉及恐怖类型

    The directors have been given free creative rein within budget and time constraints, but all of the segments themselves will involve the horror genre.


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