• 超凡是由于艰苦岁月中能看到积极蓝图——幅积极蓝图你就不得不花费大量时间观看成功影像

    You excel during the tough moments by having a positive blueprint to look at - and to have a positive blueprint you have to spend a lot of time looking at the image of success.


  • 海马体受损病人无法回忆过去他们无法构建未来情景细节影像,他们就好象时间里一样。

    Patients with damage to their hippocampus are unable to recollect the past, but they are also unable to construct detailed images of future scenarios. They appear to be stuck in time.


  • 每个影像都有特定时间空间特性,地球生命记录

    Each camera-trap image is a record of an animal in space and time, a record of life on Earth.


  • 当今社会视觉影像爆炸使得人们不能时间明确全面地关注问题

    The bombardment of visual images in contemporary society has the effec t of making people less able to focus clearly and extensively on a single issue over a long period of time.


  • 技术使得人们小时检查绝大部分时间里能够正常行动,在此期间五万多幅影像拍摄收集。

    This method lets people go about their normal business for most of the eight-hour test, during which up to 50, 000 images are generated.


  • 时间变化标绘数据使用 mencoder创建图像的动态影像等等。 plot-latlongGD几乎提供了无数的方法实现数据可视化。

    Plot your data over time and create a movie out the images with mencoder, etc. plot-latlong and GD offer almost limitless possibilities for data visualization.


  • 为了张照效果,Jack Dykinga已经6不同时间试着拍摄季雨到来时的影像,但是每次对水中倒影却都不甚满意

    He had tried on six separate occasions to make this image following seasonal rains, dissatisfied each time with the quality of the reflections in the standing water.


  • 其优点包括通过绕过化学处理数字传输能力增强影像时间效率

    Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images.


  • 摄影家景观空间作一种影像转化之际,赋予时间与空间以新的意义

    Photographers put new implications into time and Spaces when they translate landscapes and Spaces into images.


  • 黑猩猩似乎自己影像很感兴趣,镜子附近逗留了一时间,有几只似乎镜子梳妆

    And groups of chimpanzees seemed to cope with their reflection and they spent time near the mirror, while some appear touse it to preen themselves.


  • 延迟影像检查的理论包括了使症状消退时间骨折线变宽以利于进行更好放射线检查鉴定

    Reasons for delayed imaging included time to allow symptoms to subside and fracture widening for better radiographic identification.


  • 皇家医学院放射科医生说:“诊断性影像检查等待时间也有增加的趋势。”

    "Waiting times for diagnostic imaging tests are showing a worrying trend upward," said the Royal College of Radiologists.


  • 有几个因素影像测试系统速度包括测量时间响应时间切换时间

    Several factors can affect test system speed, including measurement time, the source response time, and the switching time.


  • 客厅残留痕迹是一些冰冷沉重的、不可逆转的“时间符号涂写着一个人“回忆”影像

    The residual marks in the livingroom are cold and heavy symbols of time that represent some image in one's recall.


  • 不要忘了影像中被捕捉下来瞬间使时间的长河里成了唯一

    And remember that catching a moment makes the image even more unique in the stream of time.


  • 影像三个时间显示梗塞灶演变

    Images are from three time points and demonstrate the evolution of infarction.


  • 快速影像匹配进行影像时间序列分析飞行器导航重要方法

    Fast image matching is an important method for aircraft navigation and motion analysis.


  • 结果影像资料数据能够安全稳定传输目的地紧急会诊节约时间

    Result Image data can be transmitted steadily to the destination in security, therefore, the time of urgent consultation can be saved.


  • 方法医学影像专业一个专升本试行“三明治”教程,课堂教学临床实践相同时间交替进行

    Methods Sandwich-course was tried out in a class of medical imaging specialty. Class teaching and clinical practice were carried out by turns at the same time.


  • 届影展我们会提前半年左右时间通告民间直接征集影像只要认为合适的作品,你都可以来报名,然后就可以参加。

    We send out announcements about half a year before each film fair directly collect images form the folk. As long as you have appropriate works you can apply and fill a table to take part.


  • 6小时后,内出现最高蓄积表明常规的核磁共振影像造影剂相比,纳米颗粒血流中有一个延长的循环时间

    Maximum liver accumulation was found after 6 h, suggesting a prolongated circulation of the nanoparticles in the bloodstream as compared to conventional MR imaging contrast agents.


  • 目的建立c6胶质瘤模型,采用影像方法观察肿瘤生长规律时间肿瘤的疗效检测提供可行方法。

    AIM To establish a C6 glioma model in rat brain and investigate its growth characteristics and time-window, which will be used for evaluating the therapeutic effects by means of imaging.


  • 本文研究均整器IMRT治疗实施时间影响电子射野影像系统(EPID)剂量验证中的应用

    This study investigates the influence of flattening filter on the IMRT treatment delivery time and the application of electronic portal imaging device (EPID) in dosimetric verification.


  • 运用时间细胞荧光影像捕获荧光漂白恢复等技术手段,研究了脊髓灰质炎病毒正链rna细胞行为特征。

    By using living cell imaging, time-lapse monitoring and FRAP technique, the intracellular behavior of poliovirus plus-strand RNA was studied in living host cells.


  • 同一时间动静态影像上施加越来越多的限制揭示版权反影像倾向激烈程度

    At the same time, the increased restrictions imposed on the still and moving image reveal the intense anti-image politics of copyright.


  • 需要用交错相机拍摄的影像移动导致的失真发生是因为两个视野不是同一时间获得

    Motion-induced blur in images acquired with an interlace camera occurs because the two fields are not acquired at the same time.


  • 需要用交错相机拍摄的影像移动导致的失真发生是因为两个视野不是同一时间获得

    Motion-induced blur in images acquired with an interlace camera occurs because the two fields are not acquired at the same time.


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