• 放下吉他停止舞蹈之前,应该考虑如何学习爱好之间分配你的时间

    Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons, you should think how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies.


  • 大多数当前开发环境中一旦停止某天工作需要花费一些时间回到您处于的位置

    As in most current development environments, once you stop work for the day, it takes time to get back to where you were.


  • 条件满足停止等待或者超出最大等待时间返回一个超时异常

    It will stop waiting if the condition is fulfilled, or return a timeout exception if it exceeds the maximum waiting time.


  • 停止每天报纸头条中浪费时间——大部分新闻没有长期价值

    Stop consuming the headline news every day. – Most news has no long term value.


  • 2005年双方停止战斗时,我们应该发现这次非洲持续时间长久内战牺牲了250万人民的生命,另有好几百万人民流离失所。

    By the time the fighting stopped in 2005, Africa's longest civil war had cost 2.5m lives and displaced many millions more.


  • 如果检查返回或者调用API改变设置会简单,那么就深入下去停止UI浪费时间了。

    If it is easier to check a return value, or call an API to change a setting then go deep... and stop messing around on the surface.


  • 因此一旦某个任务进入调度努力赶上下的时间(并且要比所欠时间一点,因为追赶时间期间,fair_clock不会停止计时)。

    So once a task gets scheduled, it will catch up its debt (and a little more because the fair_clock will not stop ticking during the catch up period).


  • 所产生每个数据片段生成一个线程这会大量处理器时间浪费启动停止线程上。

    We could spawn a new thread for each piece of data produced, but this would waste a lot of processor time starting and stopping threads.


  • 停止空谈着手还贷之后,我用想象多的时间还清了债务

    After I stopped talking and started doing, I got out of debt quicker than I thought possible.


  • 这样的方式迷惑身体好处就是身体里的卡路里不仅仅跳舞燃烧而且停止条后很一段时间内还继续燃烧。

    The benefit to confusing your body in this manner is that not only will you burn calories during your dance activity, but you will continue to burn calories long after you stop.


  • 换个方式来表达清凉瞬间感觉时间停止了;没有运动一切停止了。

    I can say it in another way: in the moments of cool love, you feel time has stopped; there is no movementeverything has stopped.


  • 认为激烈负面情绪有这样的作用,它可以使我们正常活动停止,以便我们可以时间专注某些事物”,这样说到

    "I think that one of the functions of intense negative emotions is to stop our normal functioning, to make us focus on something else for a while," he says.


  • 为了专注更快找出那些严重缺陷团队成员不得不停止浪费妨碍寻找缺陷工作花费时间

    And to concentrate on finding those serious bugs sooner, team members have to free themselves from spending time on tasks that get in the way of finding bugs.


  • 博物馆又暗阴冷,有种时空停止感觉越来越凝重,好像时间死亡都被了墙里。

    The museum was dark, cold, and old, and this heightened the sense of suspension, of time and death brought to a halt inside its walls.


  • 工作假期中,为了家庭自己不要再如往常般处理一次又一次危机,鉴别有矛盾项目停止盯着时间看,快乐的享受吧。

    Instead of dashing from crisis to crisis and juggling conflicting projects, on a work vacation you can stop watching the clock and just be present. For yourself and your family.


  • 如果时间很久以前当然可以停止访问强制使用新的身份验证

    If the time is too far into the past, you can of course fail the access and force a new authentication.


  • 除了管理数据库时间特性之外,DB2 9.7支持停止运行系统的情况转移数据库模式,可以帮助管理员减少停机时间

    In addition to new features for managing database time, DB2 9.7 also helps administrators minimize downtime by making it possible to move database schemas without taking the system down.


  • 自动操作模式启动以后,这个进度工具条将会不断地更新这个任务状态直到使用特殊时间间隔百分数增长值使停止为止。

    After starting in the automatic mode, the progress bar keeps updating the status of the task until it is stopped by using specified time interval and percentage increment values.


  • 时间定量某些工作设置完成期限做法未到期限之前,一直从事这些工作,期限到时,停止,然后评估完成了多少。

    Timeboxing is the practice of setting a time limit for some bit of work, working until the time's up, and then assessing where you are.


  • 后来,美国定居英国殖民者由于缺少时间停止这项传统

    The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time.


  • 这个广受欢迎博客网站星期四大部分时间停止服务其实是抵御一场网络攻击当天晚间服务得到了恢复

    Twitter, the popular microblogging site, was out of service much of the day Thursday as it worked to defend itself against a Web attack, but service appeared to have been restored by late evening.


  • 麦凯恩大部分时间攻击奥巴马税收计划,这项计划逐步停止布什给收人较高美国人的减税计划。

    McCain now spends much of his time attacking Obama's tax plan, which would phase out the Bush tax cuts for upper income Americans.


  • 如果忙乱中停止了一时间并不意味着永远的放弃

    If you mess up, and stop for awhile, that doesn't mean you should quit altogether. Just keep going.


  • 电力公司表示当地时间下午2点46分,福冈工厂中的1号,2号,3单元--六个工厂三个--地震后停止了运行,几个工厂沸水反应堆

    Tepco said at about 2:46 p.m. local time Units 1, 2 and 3 at its Fukushima Daiichi plant -- three of six at the plant -- shut following the earthquake. All are boiling water reactors.


  • 当然,没有一个健身房时间停止.时间身体留下了喜欢的雕刻。

    Of course, there isn’t a gym in the universe that can completely stop the clock. Time has etched itself on my body in ways that I dislike.


  • 我们掌握时间通过建立严格捕鱼条例更多海洋鱼业保护区,我们就越早的停止鱼类资源的不断减少。”合作者安克萨拉份声明中

    "The sooner we come to grips with it... the sooner we can stop the downward spiral by creating stricter fishing regulations and more Marine reserves," co-author Enric Sala said in a statement.


  • 根据美国精神病学杂志2007年一项研究怀孕期间停止服用情绪稳定药物妇女超过40%的时间处于“发病状态”。

    According to a 2007 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, women who discontinued mood stabilizers during pregnancy spent over 40 percent of their pregnancy in an "illness episode."


  • 根据美国精神病学杂志2007年一项研究怀孕期间停止服用情绪稳定药物妇女超过40%的时间处于“发病状态”。

    According to a 2007 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, women who discontinued mood stabilizers during pregnancy spent over 40 percent of their pregnancy in an "illness episode."


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