• 桑德拉·霍夫斯是研究孩子时间安排领头人。她“孩子们跟他们父母一样,也时间危机影响。”她认为最主要的原因是更多的母亲走出家庭去工作。

    "Children are affected by the same time crunch that affects their parents," says Sandra Hofferth, who headed the recent study of children's timetable.


  • 此次危机可能会持续长一时间

    This crisis might last for a long period of time.


  • 生活总是危机另一个危机,其间间隔的时间短。

    My life had been a journey from crisis to crisis with only a brief time in between.


  • 危机结束似乎还要时间

    An end to the crisis seems a long way off.


  • 荷兰农民能够长一时间不受这场危机的影响,因为他们专门从事奶牛养殖工业作物园艺的工作。

    Dutch peasants were able to remain unaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture.


  • 大多数时间里,一趋势向上的,除了信用危机最为严重时期之外。

    For most of the last decade, this trend has been upward, except for the most severe periods of credit crunch.


  • 种在我们时间灵性危机我们大部分地址但是不能在那里如期找到

    "One way to express the spiritual crisis of our time is to say that most of us have an address but cannot be found there."


  • 然而如果我们自己情绪个“暂停”,给自己时间好好思考的话,很多危机就可以避免了

    Yet if we just press the "pause" button on our emotions, taking time to mull over our choices, many crises can be defused.


  • 世界作为整体时间才能2008年粮食危机中恢复过来。

    But it will take more than a year for the world as a whole to recover from the food crisis of 2008.


  • 次贷危机持续时间如此另一个原因归咎于前期经济繁荣本质

    Another reason why the crisis is lasting so long stems from the nature of the previous boom.


  • 没有解决这个危机,会长的时间存在大量伤口,需要很多祷告许多苦修

    No one can solve that crisis. It is going to be a lot of time and a lot of wounds and a lot of prayer and a lot of mortification.


  • 看看1997- 1998年危机过后那段时间那些东亚小国或是2001年后阿根廷甚至是2005年后美国当时弱势美元启动出口繁荣

    Consider the smaller East Asian nations in the aftermath of the 1997-1998 crisis, or Argentina after 2001, or even the United States after 2005, when the weak dollar set off an export boom.


  • 银行这种第二轮亏损浪潮可能会延长信贷危机持续时间

    This second wave of losses for Banks might prolong the credit crisis.


  • 花旗集团首席英国经济师马克·桑德斯消除波金融危机影响需要时间同时需要多方面着手

    Mark Saunders, the chief U.K. economist at Citigroup says the effects of the problem will take time to resolve and it will require a multiple approach.


  • 卡门瑞哈特肯尼斯·罗格新作《这次有所不同》中提到,之前,经济危机过后,经济时间增长滞缓

    Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, in their book "This Time is Different", argued that past financial crises have been followed by long periods of sluggish growth.


  • 但是,好在危机发生频率越来越低了,这使我们有足够的时间准备避免危机

    Hopefully, though, crises become increasingly infrequent, allowing you to spend the bulk of your time, perhaps ironically, preparing for and avoiding crises.


  • 高盛摩根·士丹利花时间清楚金融危机时代定位问题。

    Goldman and Morgan have had two years to figure out what they want to be in the post-financial crisis world.


  • 第二,经过时间洗涤危机就是幽默

    Second, crisis plus time equals humor.


  • 如果时间允许,谈谈世界银行应对危机的策略。

    Time permitting, I shall say a bit about the World Bank's response to the crisis.


  • 种在我们时间灵性危机我们大部分地址但是却不能那里如期找到。—卢云《全然更新》。

    "One way to express the spiritual crisis of our time is to say that most of us have an address but cannot be found there." - Henri J.M. Nouwen (Making All Things New).


  • :“全球市场很长时间没有见到过这样一场危机了。”

    "Global markets haven't seen anything like this in such a long, long time that it's hard to but any figure on it at all," he said.


  • 危机面前,我们也许没有时间等待。

    But we may not have time to wait upon funerals.


  • 难道时间处理过任何危机吗?

    Was she handling crises during this period of time?


  • 经过时间认为认同危机初期信号。

    After a time, I decided it must be the first sign of an identity crisis.


  • 历史告诉我们他们不能识别危机时间要素,不能准确预料危机发生的领域,或者损失殃及范围的大小。

    History tells us they cannot identify the timing of a crisis, or anticipate exactly where it will be located or how large the losses and spillovers will be.


  • 北欧危机过去的时间长,但是看起来似乎是另一个世界事情

    The Nordic crises were not so long ago, yet they seem a world away.


  • 石头掉落水池所引起波澜,会持续好长一时间信贷危机就是这样一块特别大的石头。

    When a stone falls into a pond, the ripples persist for a while. The credit crunch was a whopping great boulder.


  • 通用集团历史上一直是一家制造企业但是引致金融危机时间繁荣时期,通用变得一家银行

    GENERAL ELECTRIC has historically been a manufacturer, but in the long boom leading up to the financial crisis it became more like a bank.


  • 通用集团历史上一直是一家制造企业但是引致金融危机时间繁荣时期,通用变得一家银行

    GENERAL ELECTRIC has historically been a manufacturer, but in the long boom leading up to the financial crisis it became more like a bank.


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