• 另外进行还要考虑所有故障转移可用性要求

    Also, as you plan for capacity, consider any requirements for failover or high availability.


  • 作者认为一项基于进口商品生产税收明显有利于美国能源密集型企业否则这些企业将承担所有降低碳成本

    A tax based on the carbon footprint of imports, the authors reckon, would certainly benefit America's energy-intensive industries, which otherwise bear the full cost of plans to reduce emissions.


  • 科学组织处理数据分析常常要面对活动需求

    Scientific organizations are frequently faced with the need to do compute-intensive activities when performing their analysis.


  • lpPreviousCount指向上一个信号量计数器返回指针

    LpPreviousCount is the pointer to the variable where the previous semaphore count is returned.


  • 需要迭代整数xrange方法更适用,因为不会创建极大list,那样消耗算机内存

    The xrange method is preferred when you need to iterate over a large number of integers because it won't create the full list, which could consume a large quantity of your computer's memory.


  • 例如pdf会尽可能使用算(在必要生成图像),PostScript后端实际上为每个页面生成一个图像

    For example, the PDF backend is vector-based where possible (only falling back to images when necessary), whereas the PostScript backend essentially generates one large image per page.


  • 体积管工作对于量计在线检定系统来自输油管线本身

    For on-line calibration system of flowmeter, the working fluid flow is from the petroleum pipe line itself.


  • 顾客有特别要求现有体系文件相关内容技术经理负责制订质量计划。

    For any special requirements which are not covered by the existing Quality System documents, the Engineering Manager is responsible for the preparation of a Quality Plan.


  • 记录量计测得的流动速度体积所用的记录纸。

    A chart used to record flow velocity or volume measured by a flowmeter.


  • 介绍孔板涡街量计不同流体引起能耗方法举例说明了能耗大小

    The paper introduces calculating method of energy consumpation caused by flowmeters, such as orifice flow meter, vortex flow meter, and illustrates magnitude of energy consumpation with examples.


  • 这种情况2以下儿童(按重量计)使用异丙广泛出现。

    Such cases have also been reported in connection with a wide range of weight-based promethazine doses in children younger than 2 years.


  • 容积油气影响精度因素之一储层有效厚度

    When calculating oil and gas reserves by volumetric method, one factor affecting the computing accuracy is reservoir effective thickness.


  • 通过实验研究,观察分析了管路空间弯头下游()整流器孔板量计系数影响。

    The flow coefficients of the orifice-plate flowmeters are experimentally studied with or without a rectifier at the lower reach of a space elbow in the measuring pipe of flow.


  • 本文分析了空载水轮发电机磁场和空载误强励下线性电阻非线性电阻灭磁灭磁能算。

    The paper depicts the magnetic energy calculation for no load of hydrogenerator de excitation energy capacity calculation with linear and non linear resistor.


  • 提出采用二次脉冲转换方式量计的发讯脉冲进行补偿确保精确发油

    Two-time flow pulse transition is put forward to compensate the pulse count, by this method the flow pulse is sum up to assure fill precisely in large volume.


  • 直管科里奥利量计研究对象,给出测流体脉动振动微分方程讨论了方程的求解过程

    The vibrational equation of the tube was given with the straight tube Coriolis mass flow meter as the investigated object, and the solving process is discussed.


  • 利用参数随机网格模型直接进行算,解决传统容积复杂油藏参数难以问题

    The method can be used to deal with the issues that the reserve parameters are difficult to correctly acquire when estimating complex reservoir's reserves in terms of traditional volume method.


  • 定向井技术广泛应用,给容积单井有效厚度确定带来一定困难

    The broad application of directional drilling has brought some difficulty to the net pay thickness determination for single well during the reserve calculation with volumetric method.


  • 船用事故进行事件树分析历史数据缺乏常常导致无法进行事件序列

    Due to lack of historical data, it's impossible to calculate the possibilities of event sequences of submarine reactor accident quantitatively.


  • 介绍齿轮泵用于流体输送所具有突出特点

    The prominent characteristics of gear pump in application to flow metering and fluid transportation were introduced in this article.


  • 用节流量计周期性脉动气流平均,需要脉动量计之间添加稳压箱以减弱脉动量计影响

    For measuring the mean flowrate of pulsating gas flow, damping chamber is set between the pulsating source and the flowmeter to damp the pulsating effects.


  • 本文松散物质失稳引发泥石流机理出发,推导了松散物质失稳算公式,该公式用于不同流域内泥石流沟道的松散物质起动临界

    This paper analyzed the start-up mechanism of the incompact substance, and gave out the formula that could be used in computing the critical rainfall value of debris flow in its eruption.


  • 根据等效热力系统特点推导循环函数法在回系统中的局部方法,导出了回热系统局部定量计算的几个重要结论。

    According to the features of equivalent enthalpy-drop method applied to thermodynamic system, the methods of local quantitative calculation for cycle function method in regenerative system is deduced.


  • 介绍了涡轮量计航空发动机试车燃油中的应用,指出瞬态测误差主要来源以及测的注意事项

    A transient measurement method of the fuel flow using turbine flowmeter in aeroengine trial is introduced. The error sources of transient measure are also analyzed.


  • 介绍涡轮量计航空发动机试车燃油中的应用,指出瞬态测误差主要来源以及测的注意事项。

    A transient measurement method of the fuel flow using turbine flowmeter in aeroengine trial is introduced. The error sources of transient measure are a...


  • 作物系数作物系数法简单建议在进行生育期作物需水采用单作物系数法;

    Single crop coefficient approach is simpler than dual crop coefficient approach. It is suggested to using single crop coefficient approach for calculating crop water requirements of growth stages.


  • 本文主要分析了ZKL智能量计影响精度主要因素

    An analysis is made in the paper of the factors affecting the accuracy of the ZKL intelligent orifice plate flowmeter in flow measurement.


  • 在整理和分析示扫测资料,通过回收率来评价是否算出等值线的重心,以便进行沙率的定量计算。

    The recovery of tracer shows whether the field tracer data can be used to calculate the transport sediment rate or the infill rate of sediment.


  • 用容积算石油影响精度因素之一层有效厚度。

    Net pay thickness is one of the factors affecting the Precision of volumetric method.


  • 用容积算石油影响精度因素之一层有效厚度。

    Net pay thickness is one of the factors affecting the Precision of volumetric method.


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