• 弱者”一西班牙语losdeabajo--字面意思那些低下的人--现在对于他们来说却是如此英勇

    The term for "underdogs" in Spanish is los de abajowhich literally means "those below" — and it's never sounded more gallant to this continent than it does now.


  • 随着生死12小中的恐怖英勇事件浮出水面,菲律宾警方由于反应面临强烈指责

    As details emerged of heroism and horror on the bus during the 12-hour ordeal, the Philippine police faced a barrage of criticism for their response.


  • 一场战斗完毕之后特别是敌人英勇死去,我们这个世界中的许多部落都会将他们战场上杀死敌人吃掉

    When the work was written, many tribes around the world still ate the enemies they killed in battle - especially an enemy who had died with conspicuous courage.


  • 比方英勇论文马拉松10(根据经验中篇论文一稿的间)。

    Let’s say, for example, that your heroic paper writing marathon takes around 10 hours (which matches my experience for a mid-sized paper written in one stretch).


  • 而且很少有人忘记鲍比爵士英勇斗志,英格兰队于1990年打入世界杯四强

    And few will forget Sir Bobby's valiant efforts when taking England to the World Cup semi-finals in 1990.


  • 英勇(等级85):这个技能使得角色他们目标落地范围内的所有敌人施放雷霆一击技能。

    Heroic leap (Level 85) : This ability makes the character leap at their target and apply the Thunder Clap ability to all enemies in the area when they land.


  • 一个英勇战士执行任务决不害怕危险

    A brave fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment.


  • 阿纳金因大胆英勇而被标榜为无畏英雄欧比-万有分寸战术为自己赢得“调停者”美誉

    While Anakin was elevated as the "Hero With No Fear" for his daring heroics, Obi-Wan's more measured tactics earned him the reputation as "the Negotiator.


  • 每当看到闪烁黄光,他变得无所畏惧,一只“胆小老鼠”变成“英勇狮子”。

    Whenever he saw a flash of 'yellow light' he was courageous enough to do anything. He changed from a "timid mouse" to a "courageous lion.


  • 遇险营救乘客脱离危险一种英勇行为

    While a ship is in distress, rescuing passengers from danger is a heroic action.


  • 思索我们面前道路我们怀着崇敬的心情感谢此刻正在偏远沙漠山区巡逻英勇无畏的美国人。

    As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.


  • 湖南传说年轻许多英勇故事

    Many stories are told by the Hunanese of his bravery as a youth.


  • 吾人将一项信念,即订立和议之美国以及其他英勇盟友不致为一种种权宜

    We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, American and our other gallant allies will not be obtunded by the mirage of contingent reasons of expediency.


  • 父亲回家满脸春风,因为保护公司财产英勇行为受到表彰,很快获得提升

    Father came back home walking on clouds. He had been cited for his brave act in protecting the property of the company and would soon be promoted.


  • 相对温布利那些阴沉日子,这是个可喜的变化,特别是那些分散的球迷更关注国家足球队英勇作战的表现,而不是空荡荡的赛狗场

    It was a pleasant change from the glum-mer days of the old Wembley, when scattered clusters of people peered gloomily at a struggling England team over the vast, empty wastes of the dog-track.


  • 斯洛伐克有着数量城堡庄园此旅游骑士比赛蓬蓬裙、英勇骑士中世纪式的宴会必然会令您感受到浓郁历史气息

    When you visit Slovakia, a country extremely rich in castles and chateaus, surely you will feel a breath of history of the knightly games, fluffy crinolines, gallant cavaliers or medieval banquets.


  • 每天早晨淋浴我会把嗓子沙哑的嘴巴成天留着红红的圈,是吹小号留下英勇标记

    I sing myself hoarse each morning in the shower, and playing the trumpet leaves a red mouthpiece-shaped badge of courage on my lips all day.


  • 八十那年死去佛罗伦萨人给他画幅画像纪念这位“英勇战士”。

    When he died at the age of eighty , the florentines had a picture painted which was dedicated to the memory of " the most valiant soldier . ""


  • 每次听到豪迈激昂《七律·长征的眼前都会浮现出这样场景泸定桥边大渡河畔英勇无畏身影

    Every time I hear this song bold passionate "oblique, long march", my eyes will see such a scene: LuDing bridge, the figure of dadu river Banks NaYingYong fearless;


  • 英勇俄国战士地中海冲洗他们的双足一个俄国人的古老梦想实现-士但丁堡回到俄国人的手中。

    As the Glorious Russian soldiers wash their feet in the Mediterranean Sea an old Russian dream has been fulfilled - Constantinople is in Russian hands.


  • 英勇俄国战士地中海冲洗他们的双足一个俄国人的古老梦想实现-士但丁堡回到俄国人的手中。

    As the Glorious Russian soldiers wash their feet in the Mediterranean Sea an old Russian dream has been fulfilled - Constantinople is in Russian hands.


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