• 研究螺旋桨飞机高度飞行计算方法

    The methods were studied for predicting range and endurance of a propeller plane at constant altitude.


  • 欧洲瑞安第一次进入这个领域改变欧洲旅游方式,亚已经能够让我们拥有自己所希望工作生活方式了。

    Just like in Europe, when RyanAir first entered the picture and changed the way Europeans travelled, it is enabling us to work and live the way we want to.


  • 2009年开通线,对沿用至今空客318客机大量技术性改良——机舱中改装配备了空中互联网接入电子邮件以及手机短信服务。

    When the route launched in 2009, BA made much of the technological prowess of the aircraft being used, an Airbus 318, which was retrofitted to include in-air web connection, email and SMS facilities.


  • 图像世行地地震损失评估工作组提供重要信息,使得准备数周缩短36

    Aerial images provide vital information to Bank Haiti assessment team, cut preparation time from weeks to 36 hours.


  • 乔伊斯后来力证薪水仍然低于他上职位,即担任基础附属机构Jetstar公司首脑薪水,并且声称一些包括股份在内的工资增长我会永远也得不到”。

    Mr Joyce later argued his salary was still below that in his former job as head of Jetstar, a no-frills subsidiary of Qantas, and that some of the increase comprised sharesI may never get”.


  • 乔伊斯后来力证薪水仍然低于他上职位,即担任基础附属机构Jetstar公司首脑薪水,并且声称一些包括股份在内的工资增长我会永远也得不到”。

    Mr Joyce later argued his salary was still below that in his former job as head of Jetstar, a no-frills subsidiary of Qantas, and that some of the increase comprised shares "I may never get".


  • 1628年,艘大帆船处女沉没了,这个从容不迫7世纪瑞典帝国流传至今故事无疑海史上最离奇的事件之一

    From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


  • 自从8月底“前进44号无人飞船事故损毁之后前进”号飞船首次成功。 那次事故将“联盟”号运载火箭搁置起来。

    The mission is the first successful flight of a Progress ship since an accident in late August destroyed the uncrewed Progress 44 vessel temporarily grounding Russia's Soyuz rockets.


  • 例如以色列工业公司(Israel Aerospace Industries)欧洲空业巨头——欧洲防务天公司(EADS)所联合开发的鹰-1无人机(Eagle-1),其超过50

    The Eagle-1, for example, developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and EADS, Europe’s aviation giant, can stay aloft for more than 50 hours at a time.


  • 1950年美国著名Levittown长岛照片展示了四四方方的像火柴盒房子横跨在光秃秃土地上,他对解决不景气的郊区景象有很大的帮助

    In America, the famous aerial pictures of Long Island's Levittown in the 1950s, which showed identical, boxy houses marching across bare earth, helped fix a depressing image of suburbia.


  • 最大豪华“永不沉没的船”1912年撞上冰山,2200名乘客中有1500人葬生海底

    When the "unsinkable" ship, the largest, most luxurious ocean liner of its time, crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, it took more than 1, 500 of its 2, 200 passengers to the bottom.


  • 最大豪华“永不沉没的船”1912年撞上冰山,2200名乘客有1500人葬生海底

    When the "unsinkable" ship, the largest, most luxurious ocean liner of its time, crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, it took more than 1,500 of its 2,200 passengers to the bottom.


  • 1628年,一艘大帆船处女开始沉没了,这个沉船故事一定神奇海上轶事之一

    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


  • 履行运输发生损害承担责任。

    Xiamen Airlines is liable only for damage occurring during its performance of carriage.


  • 飞行员用于描述偏置,除了在雷达控制情况确定直线段的导成为

    When used by pilots in describing off-airway routes, points defining direct route segments become compulsory reporting points unless the aircraft is under radar control.


  • 使用部分段的机票退票扣除单程

    Refund for partial unused tickets will be entertained after deducting OW net fare.


  • 事实上一些大型公司破产保护整体基本可以保持安全飞行记录

    In fact, go bankrupt when a few large airline when protection, on whole of look forward to of United States each boat can hold safe flight record basically.


  • 伙伴的常旅客计划是否依旧可以乘坐累积里程并且用里程兑换班机票?

    Q. Would Star Alliance carriers' FFP members still be able to accrue and redeem miles on Shanghai Airlines flights?


  • 1628年,一艘大帆船处女开始就沉没了这个沉船故事一定神奇海上轶事之一。

    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.


  • 围绕跨越这些困难再次通往柔和小径道路目标需要的。

    Patience may be needed while you navigate your way over and around these difficulties to reach a smooth path once more.


  • 西花园家用上网寒暑假上网,电信还是网通?办理什么套餐最实惠?

    Air home in West Garden, home Internet access, Internet access only in winter and summer, with Telecom or Netcom?


  • 垂直速度参数计算所得的垂直速度机上测风仪量度的逆风速度降落遇到的风场变化

    Vertical velocity of the aircraft, vertical wind derived from flight parameters, head wind derived from on - board wind measurements and variation of on - board winds during the approach.


  • 最后采取设置候潮区的方法,解决船舶候潮上、下船舶错问题,候潮采用浮筒系泊方式设计

    Finally, the waiting area was set up to solve the problem of waiting for tide and ships, and the pattern of double buoys mooring was adopted in the waiting area design.


  • 宽带流速剖面状态工作次发射就可以获得一个剖面多达128层不同深度流速。

    Broadband Acoustic Doppler current Profiler (BBADCP) measures the speed and direction of water currents and makes a profile of water current for up to 128 locations.


  • 也是成都职业技术学院(简称成都院)建设校区面临现实问题。

    This is also a reality to face when Chengdu Aeronautic Vocational & Technical College are building a new school area.


  • 阿波罗11快接近月球,宇宙飞船上的计算机发急”起来,连连暗示处理那些数据员们只好着陆过程接管过来。

    As Apollo 11 approached the moon, the onboard computer "panicked", repeatedly stating that it could not handle the data. The astronauts took over the landing procedure.


  • 阿波罗11快接近月球,宇宙飞船上的计算机发急”起来,连连暗示处理那些数据员们只好着陆过程接管过来。

    As Apollo 11 approached the moon, the onboard computer "panicked", repeatedly stating that it could not handle the data. The astronauts took over the landing procedure.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定