• 他们旨在寻求天空多云时秀屿面板最大亮点跟踪装置取决于跟随太阳

    They're also designed to find the brightest spot in the sky during a cloudy day. The panels depend on this tracking device to follow the sun.


  • 名为“未来”的一月展示绿色设计的发展。

    The January fashion show, called FutureFashion, exemplified how far green design has come.


  • 最近英国学徒节目中,最近的一期这样的一个场景(英国学徒众多电视节目之一,顺便提一句),这个场景很好的描述了这项原则

    There is a scene in a recent episode of the Apprentice UK (one of just a handful of TV shows I watch, by the way) that clearly describes this principle.


  • 今日”报道,一根鞋带哥伦比亚工匠耗费120而纯手工打造完成的。

    According to the "Today Show," each set of LACES is "handmade by Colombian workers" and takes 120 hours to produce.


  • 有一次纽约出去抽烟遇到女友

    But I met him and his girlfriend once after a show in New York when I went out for a smoke.


  • 举例来说,电视做保险保险员会一看演员病史、导演的脾气、特技的数量以及它们在哪里出现。

    When insuring TV shows, for example, insurers look at the medical history of the actors, the temperament of the director, the number of stunts and where it will be shot.


  • 开始以数百脱口兜售她观点,对非援助支持者开始反击

    As she began a tour of what seemed like hundreds of talk show appearances, defenders of aid started fighting back.


  • 起初一些设计师展示自己作品只要商标的事情搞定,组织个人

    When I started I showed in a group of other designers, and only built up to a solo show once the label was ready.


  • 一旦根深蒂固权威开始,新锐的后起之取代他们位置,该行业是否就进入一个完全不同方向

    Will the profession go in a completely different direction once the entrenched powers begin to fade away and people with new and better ideas take their place?


  • 今日电视真人相反,没有现金没有报酬也没有成功者失败者——我们告知一个关于诚信信誉”的节目

    In contrast to today's reality TV, there were no cash prizes, rewards, winners or losers - we were told this was a show with "integrity and credibility".


  • 亚瑟小子在参加艾伦·狄金斯脱口艾伦说自己作为父亲乐趣

    Singer Usher opened up to Ellen on the "the Ellen DeGeneres Show" about the joys of fatherhood.


  • 如果随后的实验证实了系统的优势,那么乘客某些机场转悠可能很快就眼前浮现出意想不到的幻灯片

    If further tests confirm its advantages, travellers in some airports may soon find themselves looking at unexpected slide-shows when they visit the airport.


  • 电视脱口主持人78岁退出美国有线新闻网脱口英国上层社会的傻瓜皮尔斯·摩根接替。

    Long time television talk show host turns 78 and was pushed out of CNNtalk show chair for UK "upper class twit" Piers Morgan.


  • 冰岛一样,近年来,银行地产以及其他金融服务伦敦也是一片繁荣即使其他行业出现颓势这些产业也是一枝

    As in Iceland, Banks, real estate and other financial services boomed in London in recent years, even as other swaths of the economy withered.


  • 这位“小天王”击败了 《天鹅》、《蠢蛋搞怪》、 《梦空间》、《127大片,赢得了首个MTV大奖

    The teen fought off competition from Black Swan, Jackass, Inception and 127 Hours to win his first MTV Award.


  • 巴克先生宣布退休一位脱口节目主持人调侃道,巴克本人开始价格猜猜猜》知道自个不动了。

    When Mr Barker announced his retirement, one talk-show host joked that when he started watching "The Price is Right" he knew he was getting too old to keep working.


  • 将演唱选试唱歌曲《有梦》。

    She is expected to perform her audition song I Dreamed a Dream.


  • 到达舞台管理人员正在检查这个形的大厅普拉达将在这里上演自己的服装

    As he arrived at the showroom, stagehands were checking the large loftlike hall where Prada presents her shows.


  • 这个由环境保护主义者拥有小岛有86人居住,岛上居民似乎是在开派对,或是真人表演,因为我们上岛四周空无一

    This eco-friendly, community-owned island has a population of 86 – having a hooley, maybe, or watching The X Factor, because there was no one about.


  • 杰米·奥利弗试图变革美国健康的饮食习惯,可就昨天参加大卫·莱特曼的脱口节目,这举动一次地受到阻碍

    Jamie Oliver's attempt to revolutionize America's unhealthy eating habits hit a yet another stumbling block yesterday when his plan was dismissed by David Letterman.


  • 海洋局一位专家刘克海平面上升全球变暖结果

    An expert at the administration, Liu Kexiu, said the rising sea levels were a result of global warming.


  • 电视真人明星科特尼·卡尔达30完孩子,自己个喷气式飞机俱乐部女孩重新标榜为一个细心成熟的第一次妈妈

    When reality television star Kourtney Kardashian gave birth at age 30, she rebranded herself from a jet-setting party girl to a thoughtful first-time mom.


  • 女星遇到詹姆斯之前,总是陷入一连串不太成功感情关系与詹姆斯是在安排她的教子与詹姆斯刚开播电视怪物车库”里,初次会面的,而那詹姆斯刚从保镖加入一支重金属乐队中

    The actress had a string of unsuccessful relationships before meeting James, a former bodyguard to heavy metal groups, when she took her young godson to the set of his now-axed TV show Monster Garage.


  • 急智和与法语同样流利英语使在上每日》节目中能与乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)较高下,结果赢得一顶法国贝雷帽作为礼物。

    Her quick wit, in fluent English as well as French, even managed to win over Jon Stewart when she appeared on the Daily Show, bearing a French beret as a gift.


  • 急智和与法语同样流利英语使在上每日》节目中能与乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)较高下,结果赢得一顶法国贝雷帽作为礼物。

    Her quick wit, in fluent English as well as French, even managed to win over Jon Stewart when she appeared on the Daily Show, bearing a French beret as a gift.


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