• 经典大片配葡萄酒心爱重温初见浪漫

    What about a classic movie and a glass of wine? Now it's time to review romance.


  • 而以前研究表明开始时的浪漫15个月内逐渐减少,会荡然无存

    Previous research has suggested that the first stages of romantic love fade within 15 months and after 10 years it has gone completely.


  • 在参加婚礼舞会宗教典礼听到一种音乐城市音乐厅里演奏浪漫音乐十分不同

    He attended weddings, dances and religious ceremonies, where he heard a very different sort of music from the Romantic stuff being played in the concert halls in the cities.


  • 我们一起生意上的事。希望他能更浪漫一点

    When we're together, all he talks about is business. I wish he were more romantic.


  • 有些带着他们朋友一起去购物促销为他们购买圣诞礼物——这种方式实用浪漫确保收到真正想要礼物

    Some people are taking their friends shopping with them, and buying their Christmas presents in the sales—a practical but unromantic way of making sure you get the gift you really want.


  • 浪漫电影依偎在一起(奥黛丽·赫本出演的《卡萨布兰卡的最爱)。

    Snuggle together while watching romantic movies (Casablanca, Audrey Hepburn are my favorite).


  • 夫妻刻薄关系并不浪漫展示他们作为夫妻前往一些黑暗地方最出色作品

    The pair shares a vitriolic relationship which is hardly romantic, but it showcases some of their finest work as they head to some dark places as a couple.


  • 并不喜欢年轻家乡流行浪漫主义风格音乐

    He was not a fan of the Romantic style of music that was popular in his homeland during his youth.


  • 女人幻想爱情浪漫男人幻想快速汽车更大电脑摩托车

    While women fantasise about love and romance, men fantasise about fast cars, bigger computers, boats and motorcycles.


  • 男人需要变得浪漫最重要,在女人讲话注意倾听不要提出解决办法

    But a man needs to be romantic and, most of all, listen when a woman talks, without offering solutions.


  • 我们坐在外面天变得,谈及自己父母平静快乐的婚姻有些惆怅,“生性浪漫,”她,“我喜欢悲壮的爱情故事。

    Then, sitting outside, as it gets cold and dark, she becomes wistful as she talks about her parents' idyllic marriage. "I'm romantic, " she says.


  • ——喝汤产生的声音可不浪漫

    Soup: Slurping sounds are not romantic.


  • 薇拉•CNN直播婚礼进行现场解说一封电子邮件中这么写道:“戴安娜王妃的婚纱透着股子俏皮稚气,充满童话故事式的浪漫味道。”

    Vera Wang, who was a CNN commentator for the ceremony, wrote in an E-mail message: "Diana's dress had a sense of innocence, whimsy, almost storybook romance."


  • 拿给姐妹们欣赏她们赞叹着羡慕:“多么浪漫……真希望哪一天也有人如此感人的情诗给我。”

    She showed it to her sister who sighed and said, “How romanticI wish someone would write me a poem like that.”


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫的短沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older, we look for happiness in more 'mature' ways - a stable partner, romantic getaways, walks along the beach, jazz music, a night at the bar with some friends.


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫的短沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older, we look for happiness in morematurewaysa stable partner, romantic getaways, walks along the beach, jazz music, a night at the bar with some friends.


  • 然而,个人谈恋爱很好浪漫消退了,其他方面不断深化他们学会了去调整,他们作出这样决定值得的。

    Whereas when two people fall in love, okay, the romance wears off, but love deepens in other ways, and they learn to adjust and they decide it's worth it.


  • 如果某些研究人员所说的那样,浪漫爱情刺激可以分解大脑中的电子脉冲,那么何不训练头脑在观看无生命人物模拟出刺激信号呢?

    If, as some researchers suggest, romantic love can be broken down into electrical impulses in the brain, then why not train the mind to simulate those signals while looking at an inanimate character?


  • 生活变得无我们也许注意力转移某些新的人物身上,尝试浪漫爱情带来兴奋激动。

    As routine displaces novelty, we may be tempted to shift our attention to someone new and taste again the thrill of romantic love.


  • 回答关于问题男人所用描述女人浪漫一点,他们使用女人常回避命运“爱战胜一切”之类词语

    In response to questions on love, men were slightly more romantic in their description, using expressions women avoided, like "destiny" and "love conquers all".


  • 陆地消失地平线浪漫便不复存在了,一场艰苦体验开始了

    The sea romance disappears once the land is down below the horizon. A hard school of experience begins.


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫假、沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older we look for happiness in morematurewaysa stable partner romantic getaways walks along the beach jazz music a night at the bar with some friends.


  • 尽管生性浪漫当地人或许会源自日落夕阳在山峰上撒下的抹粉红色,事实上山名毫无关系。

    Despite what romantically minded locals may say, the name of the massif has nothing to (do)with the pink blush its peaks acquire at sunset.


  • 那一期的浪漫主义已经内化,人们开始自己梦想希望情感世界寻找救赎

    They began to look for salvation in the world of their own dreams, hopes and emotions.


  • 无论是否自信糟糕一天结束伴侣浪漫感情,如健身房,等等,不然,在某种会放弃这种行为

    Whether "it" is confidence, romantic feelings towards your partner at the end of a bad day, wanting to go to the gym, or whatever, at some point you drop the act.


  • 研究者想要明白浪漫爱情是否相处满足感相关

    The researchers planned to figure out if romantic love was associated with more satisfaction in a relationship.


  • 我们可以通过别的方式给予:亲手烤饼干;帮助别人洗洗;帮已婚夫妇带宝宝,这样他们度过浪漫的夜晚;制作一本相册集;或者别人搬家伸出援助之手。

    We can find other ways to give: bake cookies, wash someone’s car, babysit so they can go on a date night, create a photo album, be there when they need help moving.


  • 神奇剧情将珊迪作为一名交换又带回来然而他们开始在一起时的那种兴高采烈害怕再也不能相见的感觉,渐渐地成为过去那些浪漫光的缩影

    The magic of plot contrivance brings her back as an exchange studentbut their early exuberance and her fears about never seeing him again epitomize the fleeting joys of passing romance.


  • 浪漫(右图):热恋情侣想到浪漫,中脑(图中显示侧被盖区活动明显,可卡因巧克力也可以刺激这部分。

    ROMANCE (right): In newly-in-love couples, romantic feelings light up the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain (not shown) — also activated by cocaine and chocolate.


  • 浪漫(右图):热恋情侣想到浪漫,中脑(图中显示侧被盖区活动明显,可卡因巧克力也可以刺激这部分。

    ROMANCE (right): In newly-in-love couples, romantic feelings light up the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain (not shown) — also activated by cocaine and chocolate.


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