• 知道事实因为阿富,我是否寻医治疗PTSD心存疑虑。

    I know this is true because I was also afraid to seek treatment for PTSD in Afghanistan.


  • 天使知道太多讲求实用面包要沾着梦想额头渗出的才香。

    The angels know that too many practical men eat their bread with the sweat of the dreamer’s brow.


  • 周二阿富英军死亡,其中名军人英雄之前阿富巡逻背着一名炸弹炸伤卫兵同伴走了超过一英里的路,将他带到了安全地带

    One of the five soldiers killed in Afghanistan on Tuesday was a hero who had carried a fellow guardsman injured by a bomb more than a mile on his shoulders to safety on a previous tour in the country.


  • 为了了解那些深受着项法律影响妇女开车10穿过阿富来到了巴米扬。

    To see the women who will be worst affected by this law, I drove for 10 hours through rural Afghanistan to Bamiyan.


  • 最近一次德国拉姆斯坦美国空军基地访问有幸遇到很多阿富伊拉克战场撤回伤员

    On a recent visit to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, I had the great honor of meeting some of the wounded warriors coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq.


  • 当被问到是否认为的执行的任务可行,他:“阿富就像‘疯狂的马克思’,非常非常地复杂社会秩序完全毁坏而必须进行修复,知道我们能不能修复。”

    Asked whether he considered his mission possible, he said: "Afghanistan is this tremendously complex, Mad Max, utterly devastated society that's got to be repaired, and I don't know if we can fix it."


  • 美国准备伊拉克撤军焦点转向阿富土耳其支持将会是至关重要的。

    Turkish support will be critical as America prepares to withdraw from Iraq and switch its focus to Afghanistan.


  • 依然记得演讲那天上午,走上讲台,站在全班同学面前掌心里全是,我只得把双手起来作祈祷状,这样不至于衬衫

    The morning of the presentations, I remember my palms sweating so badly as I walked to the front of the class that I held my hands cupped in prayer formation, so I wouldn't wipe them on my shirt.


  • 正当伊拉克安全形势稍有起色阿富的安全形势持续恶化

    WHILE security in Iraq is getting a little better, in Afghanistan it continues to worsen.


  • 座前线城市,距阿富坎大哈三至四小车程。

    Quetta is a frontier city about a three-hour drive from Kandahar in Afghanistan.


  • 大家记得开始讲演提到今天阿富出生一个女孩

    You will recall that I began my address with a reference to the girl born in Afghanistan today.


  • 伦敦三轮车剧院艺术总监尼古拉斯·特发觉公众已经不再阿富关注,众多编剧作者逐一将艺术创作的任务交给了

    Nicolas Kent, the artistic director of the Tricycle Theatre in London, commissioned these works from different writers at a time when he felt the public had stopped caring about Afghanistan.


  • 他一起进修的学生,哈桑少校通常坐在教室前排很少其他学生交往,只有辩论伊拉克和阿富战事例外。

    Two students in the fellowship program said Major Hasan had sat alone in the front of the class and rarely socialized with other students, other than to debate the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 也是最近大英博物馆轰动展览阿富古代世界交叉口所体现的。

    That's the implicit message of the British Museum's latest blockbuster exhibition, Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World.


  • 最终阿富变成优先考虑的对象成功已然错过

    When, at last, Afghanistan became a priority, the moment for success had already passed.


  • 美国参议员约翰·麦凯恩名同事访问阿富表达类似看法

    A similar sentiment is being expressed by U.S. Senator John McCain on a visit here with three of his colleagues.


  • 2009年9月份只有800名年轻人参加阿富国民军。

    In September 2009, only 800 young men joined the Afghan National Army.


  • 同一,在阿富南方3美国士兵2起事件使本月美军死亡人数达32名

    In the same period, three US troops have been killed in two incidents in southern Afghanistan, bringing to 32 the number of American dead this month.


  • 这位23岁的嫌疑人由于阿富服役的优秀表现受到嘉奖。

    The 23-year-old suspect earned recognition for meritorious service while in Afghanistan.


  • 今年春季宣布阿富战略高调相比,此番讨论细节严格保密

    In contrast with the run-up to the new Afghanistan strategy announced by Obama in the spring, details of the discussions have been kept extremely tight.


  • 2010年2月7日名瑞典军官阿富翻译阿富北部巡查遭袭遇难

    The two Swedish army officers and an Afghan interpreter were killed on February 7, 2010 when a patrol came under attack in northern Afghanistan.


  • 令人费解让“哨兵”R . 1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)不再需要支持阿富行动退出现役决定

    Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.


  • 由于美军开始撤离阿富间,白宫意欲避免更换指挥官出现混乱。

    With only a year left before American forces are to begin withdrawing, the White House will want to avoid the disruption of a change in command.


  • 英国外长米利班德在对北约议会讲话表示阿富建设需要基层做起。

    Speaking to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Afghanistan needs to be built from the grass-roots level.


  • 离场,观众阿富悠久历史一种认知:阿富成为国外利益集团竞相追逐,竞争对手之间相互争斗的战场

    Viewers come away with a sense of Afghanistan's long history as a battleground for foreign interests and rival powers.


  • 离场,观众阿富悠久历史一种认知:阿富成为国外利益集团竞相追逐,竞争对手之间相互争斗的战场

    Viewers come away with a sense of Afghanistan's long history as a battleground for foreign interests and rival powers.


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