• 万物有时时来不可。失。

    Everything has its time and that time must be watched.


  • 译:万物皆有时,时来不可失。

    Everything has its time and that time must be watched.


  • 长久以来人们认为在睡眠收听资料来进行学习天方夜谭是痴心妄想,但是最新的一项研究发现这种方法不一定的。

    Learning by listening to information as we sleep has long been a mainstay of science fiction-and wishful thinking-but a new study suggests the idea may not be so farfetched.


  • 如果——比如之间使用网络通信时——那么使用加密机制防范攻击者

    If that's not possiblesuch as when the pieces communicate using a networkuse mechanisms such as encryption to counter attackers.


  • PHPV 4迁移PHP v5,必须要注意这些PHP V 4中完全不可用的语言特性,还必须重新验证查看可以怎样使用这些类。

    When migrating from PHP V4 to V5, it's important to look at language features like these, which were wholly unavailable in V4, and to re-examine your classes to see how you can use them.


  • 但是如果团队35个人,每个人需要完成不同工作时,你项工作都了然于胸了,这时就需要知道如何具体操作的来帮你进行管理。

    However, if you have thirty-five people performing a variety of tasks, you will not know how to perform each task—but you will have someone out there who does know how it’s done.


  • 使用链接且连接随时断开时使用- expunge_often标志移动消息

    The -expunge_often flag is for moving messages when you are on an unreliable link and could get disconnected any time.


  • 组织卡尔扎伊“制造了不可思议交易,他出卖阿富汗妇女来换取820选举原教旨主义者的支持。”

    The group said that Karzai had "made an unthinkable deal to sell Afghan women out in the support of fundamentalists in the August 20 election".


  • 不够糟糕似的,每当我们感觉讨厌别人别人的气他们也会不可避免地通过躲避反击来报复我们

    As if that was not bad enough, when we are feeling hateful and angry towards others, they inevitably reciprocate by avoiding or counterattacking us.


  • 鉴于每次喷涂知道是哪些变量所造成结果,所以需要一个简单现场试验来判断压力是否合适

    Since it is impossible to know the consequences of allthese variables each time paint is applied, a simple field method is needed toarrive at the proper pressure.


  • 人们无法依靠企业保护个人信息时,唯一负责任办法假设数据被窃不可避免的,然后尝试缓解损害

    When people cannot rely on large companies to protect personal information, the only responsible approach is to presume breaches are inevitable and try to mitigate the damage.


  • 条件因为事件本性只能在同一时间赋予个,你事件同时判断技能许可范围内并且足够魔法来发出它,因此我们要判断在事情发生的其他条件。

    Conditions: Because of the nature of events, you are given only one at a time - there is no event for when an ability is both in range and has enough mana.


  • 然而旱灾严重时,干田稻来替代就是不可避免了。

    However, when the drought damage was severe, the replacement rice with Kyomak and Nokdo was inevitable.


  • 每一我们告诉我们朋友我们这里分享他们都说,我们和您们一起来分享?

    And every time we tell our friends what we come and share with you, they say can we please share with you and come?


  • 这不是因为身体三十多岁不可避免地会开始衰老,而是因为女性达到三十来岁后,她们一般除了训练还有其它责任

    This is not because bodies inevitably begin breaking down in their thirties, but because by the time women reach their thirties, they generally have responsibilities other than training for a sport.


  • 年轻时貌美时尚可原谅矫揉造作此刻不可原谅地继续下去,而且与日俱增,为的是以加倍矫情来掩盖自己岁数。

    The pardonable affectations of her youth and beauty unpardonably continue, increase even with her years, and are doubly exerted in hopes of concealing the number.


  • 科学家建议操之过急。现在,我们应该时来探个究竟吧。

    Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage. Get the scoop on the best age to be wed.


  • 交易费用理论使企业经过判断后发现利用中间组织获取资源成本费用最低外包不可避免成为企业最佳的战略选择。

    The transaction cost theory causes the enterprise to outsource, when after the judgment, the enterprise discovers that the cost of gaining the resources from using middle organizes is the lowest.


  • 有的感官通道受到不可逆的损伤时,我们希望通过其他感官获取相关信息进行替代

    Further, when a sensory system is impaired, we hope to substitute it with an alternative sensory channel.


  • 驾驶时间讨论问题时,会议优势

    Take advantage of driving time to discuss issues when meetings are not possible.


  • 从统计上说任何数学家科学家66岁时似乎已经不可通过不断努力为已有的成就锦上添花了。

    Statistically, it would seem improbable that any mathematician or scientist, at the age of 66, would be able through continued research efforts, to add much to his or her previous achievements.


  • 现代气象模型坐标图来显示,图每个大约是间隔60英里。 既使是这样,有些开始时资料不得不依靠推测,因为地面工作站卫星不可看到地球上的每一个地方

    The modern weather models work with a grid of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some starting data has to guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere.


  • 现代气象模型坐标图来显示,图每个大约是间隔60英里。 既使是这样,有些开始时资料不得不依靠推测,因为地面工作站卫星不可看到地球上的每一个地方

    The modern weather models work with a grid of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some starting data has to guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere.


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