• 绘制定子一阶弯曲型函数应变曲线,得出压电陶瓷位于定子一阶弯曲动波腹处为最佳贴片方式

    The curves of vibration and strain under the 1st flexural vibration mode are illustrated. It is educed that sticking PZT pieces on the peak of vibration is the optimal method to stick PZT pieces.


  • 有人显示友善我们精神为之一我们心怀感激

    When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude.


  • 吃饭碰巧走进厨房

    While Xiao Zhen was waiting for the dinner to begin, he happened to go into the kitchen.


  • 戈尔曼认为,试图增加一个组织中的团队和谐、提士气加强沟通修复受损的信任这种方法尤其有价值

    Mr. Goleman argues this approach is particularly valuable 'when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization.'


  • 在被问到伍兹是否有助于这家互联网公司本季度的业绩绝对会的。她说,带来访问量甚至超过了迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)去世

    When asked if Woods would help the Internet company make the quarter, she said, 'Oh, absolutely,' and added that he's fueling more visits than Michael Jackson's death.


  • 演奏(手)右手手掌操作钥匙(推杆)。 )

    When not playing vibrato, use the palm of your right hand to work the key.


  • 运用机械理论分析了发动机机体正常形式

    The paper analyzed the exciting vibration sources and forms while engine normal vibrating by means of mechanic vibration theory.


  • 前轮汽车平坦路面直线行驶转向一定幅度频率主销持续现象

    Front wheel shimmy is the phenomenon that steering wheels vibrate around king-pin axis with a certain amplitude and frequency when the vehicle travels in a straight road.


  • 有人说是拍摄《龙争虎斗》某个嫉妒他的对手类似铁拳拳的手法造成了慢性的伤害,最终使他致死

    Or that fighting technique like that called Iron Fist or the Vibrating Fist delivered by a jealousy rivalry during the "Enter the Dragon" caused the subtle injury which slowly killed him.


  • 发现两端简支、中点联结松动,结构首先出现屈曲失不会发生失稳。

    For pined_pined, loosed midpoint support plate, it is found that the plate's buckling instability will happen first while the flutter instability will disappear.


  • 动力方法求得了具有最大效果l R外部电路最佳值。

    Optimal values of LR external circuit with maximum absorbing effect are studied with a method similar to optimum solution of dynamic vibration absorber.


  • 通过实验研究了该阻尼器通以不同电流对转子系统稳态效果。

    The vibration characteristics of a rotor system with passive electromagnetic damper under different current are studied experimentally.


  • 相同固结破坏标准强度影响随着破坏增加而减小

    When the consolidation ratio is the same, the effect of failure criterion on the dynamic shear strength would reduce with the failure time of vibration increasing.


  • 支撑弹簧非常,梁的模态看起来非常刚体

    When the springs supporting the beam are very soft, then the mode shape for the beam looks very much like a rigid body.


  • 我们勇气永远陪伴我们身边并且我们遇到困境甚至失败我们。

    And, our courage will be always by our side and perk us up in face of dilemmas or even defeats.


  • 利用全息照相,我们可以得到燃气轮机叶片相位分布

    With the use of holography, the mode, amplitude and phase distribution of gas turbine blade vibration can be determined.


  • 建筑结构进行地震作用计算确定所需计入的必不可少的。

    It is necessary to decide the reasonable mode number when we analyze earthquake action in construction design.


  • 液化范围有限因而砂土液化不会造成坝坡坍

    The range of liquefaction is limited so that sand liquefaction does not cause slide failure during vibroflotation.


  • 研究了结构特性动力反应建立了随机变结构的自和动力反应方程

    Natural vibration and dynamic response on time dependent structure are analyzed, the equations of natural vibration and dynamic response are set up.


  • 应力超过限值设计橡胶幅衰减容许范围内,消减曲轴系统的扭转动。

    When the torsional vibration amplitude and stress exceed the limit, the rubber torsional vibration damper should be designed to reduce the amplitude within the permitted range.


  • 本文讨论了电子设备采用双层弹簧刚度阻尼设计方法,推导了当考虑阻尼器的设计公式

    This paper discusses the stiffness and damping of isolators for double-vibration solation system and gives the design formulas of stiffness of isolators when damping is considered.


  • 分别讨论改变脉冲冲击强度冲击波形系统效果影响

    The affect of system shock absorber are also part-discussed by changing impact strength of pulse force and impact waveform.


  • 该法在原始对称构型边界曲线已知的情况下,就推断结构参数对称速度变化趋势

    The varying tendency of flutter speed can be deduced when the store parameters are asymmetric, according to the results of the original symmetric flutter boundary curves.


  • 采用滞流体阻尼较大四川化工厂房进行了结构设计分析证明了流体阻尼器的良好减效果。

    This paper provides a general design process for applying viscous liquid damper in structural vibration control by design and research of a chemical plant building in Sichuan.


  • 优选条件范围变进给量幅度变化效果影响变进给量频率变化的要大。

    The variation of the amplitude has much more important influence on the suppressing chatter effect than that of the frequency.


  • 优选条件范围变进给量幅度变化效果影响变进给量频率变化的要大。

    The variation of the amplitude has much more important influence on the suppressing chatter effect than that of the frequency.


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