• 蜡烛点燃,人们背诵一条原则然后在场每个轮流讲述原则自己重要

    While the candle is being lit, a principle is recited; then each person present takes a turn to speak about the importance that principle has to himself or herself.


  • 媒体打交道我们需要严格遵守客户透明度方面标准这次事件凸显了这项透明原则绝对重要

    When talking to the media, we need to adhere to strict standards of transparency about clients, and this incident underscores the absolute importance of that principle.


  • 如果关键资源标识出现重复,就实现实施业务连续原则造成严重问题

    The problem of duplicate identification values for critical resources can cause major problems during the implementation and operation of business continuity principles.


  • 这个石油巨头为了符合赤道原则——一系列旨在防止损害自然以及当地居民生活的进取基准,花了寻找最佳解决办法

    The giant oil firm spent six years trying to figure out the best way to comply with theEquator principles”, an ambitious set of goals for avoiding harm to nature and indigenous people.


  • 这个石油巨头为了符合赤道原则——一系列旨在防止损害自然以及当地居民生活的进取基准,花了寻找最佳解决办法

    The giant oil firm spent six years trying to figure out the best way to comply with the "Equator principles", an ambitious set of goals for avoiding harm to nature and indigenous people.


  • 我们观察随机漫步序列认为代表原则偏误,起了一定作用

    When we looked at the random walk series I think the representativeness heuristic played a role in there as well.


  • 开发标准提供可重用常识指导原则开发人员在交付代码模块组件应该遵循这些指导原则

    Development standards provide a set of reusable, common sense guidelines that developers should follow when delivering a code module or component.


  • 管道接头螺丝遵循对角互原则不要逐个顺序进行操作,不要一次螺丝拧这样才能将橡胶垫片正确地安装上去。

    When the pipe joint screw, should follow the principle of diagonal twist, not one by one in order to operate, do not screw the screw die, so that the correct installation of rubber gasket.


  • 设计建构心理教育课程体系遵循系统原则主体原则活动原则

    While designing and constructing psychological educational curriculum system, we should follow system principle, main body system, and activity principle.


  • 一致原则并不反对计发生一些变化而是认为计帐的方法程序应该认真评估

    This principle of consistency does not prevent progressive changes from taking place when they are needed, but any changes in accounting methods or procedures should be carefully evaluated.


  • 针对林业地理信息系统开发系统设计普遍规律具体探讨系统设计的原则方法

    Aimed at the universal laws of system design while exploiting forestry GIS, this article did a concrete research to the principles and methods of system design.


  • 设置高职通识教育课程,“适切”、“历史”、“民族国际”等是注意原则

    In setting up general education curriculum for higher vocational education, the principles of relevance, historicity, nationality and internationality should be given attention.


  • 行为产生租金供给寻租行为产生租金的需求,供求双方在带有风险的租金市场上进行交易遵循效用最大化原则

    Rent setting makes supply of rent, rent seeking makes demand of rent, both the two sides follow the principle of utility maximization while doing venture business with each other.


  • 由于童话读者即儿童具有特殊,童话作家创作趋于遵循儿童本位原则

    Due to the unique characteristics of children, the main readers of FT, writers tend to follow the principle of child-orientation in their writing.


  • 探讨实验室使用测试软件,为保证在检测校准活动中的适用,对测试软件的控制原则

    This paper discussed the control principles of testing software when laboratories using it in their testing or calibration activities.


  • 犯罪嫌疑人负有忍受侦查义务,但其课以义务遵循适度原则程序不作为义务原则

    A criminal suspect has the obligation of bearing investigation, which should abide by the principle of appropriateness and the principle of procedural non-action.


  • 上帝没有透露所有真相同一透过各个各个阶段启示这个原则渐进的启示是显而易见的,经文本身

    God did not reveal all truth at one time but through various periods and stages of revelation. This principle of progressive revelation is evident in the Scriptures themselves.


  • 结论医院资料进行统计分析遵循观察研究原则方法避免可能存在的信息倚、选择偏倚和混杂偏倚。

    Conclusion The principles and methods for observational studies should be followed to reduce information bias, selection bias and confounding bias in statistical analysis of hospital data.


  • 礼貌原则具有普遍不同文化人们遵循礼貌准则又各侧重

    The politeness Principle is universal, but people with different cultural backgrounds have their own focus on applying politeness maxims.


  • 剥离把握重要原则考虑被剥离经营固定资产企业中的规模作用反面分析因素

    Separating the non operational fixed assets should master the important principles, consider the factors such as the sizes, functions and conflicting analysis of them in an enterprise.


  • 译者在实际翻译遵循三个原则整体原则结构原则最优化原则

    Translators should abide by three principles: the principle of integrity, structure and optimization.


  • 在确立经济法原则必须思考如何确保经济法各种具体原则有利于社会经济价值实现理念目标,达到社会生活的理想目标模式

    Being the economic rule, has to value how to guarantee it is favor of community and economy, achieve to the ideal target pattern of social life.


  • 注意评估资产稳健原则导致当期收益保守计算。

    Notice that conservatism in the valuation of assets also leads to a conservative measurement of net income in the current period.


  • 今后无论是导致变化驱动力方面,还是人类确定选择可能依据的规则指导原则方面这些相互作用都会进一步其增加复杂

    These add a further layer of complexity to both future driving forces of change as well as possible sources of rules and guidance for human choice.


  • 本文主要就后置客车发动机选配原则动力经济及振动噪声进行阐述。

    The author introduces mainly the principle, power characteristic, fuel economy, vibration and noise in selecting the engine for developing a coach with rear-mounted engine.


  • 要求研究者在运用这一方法遵循客观系统定量分析原则

    It requires the researchers to follow the rules of objectivity, system and quantification.


  • 进行整体评价遵循两个原则:一原文导向微观互文评价可以很大程度上决定翻译整体质量;

    Two principles should be followed for the whole evaluation:the adequacy of source-oriented micro-intertextuality is the most essential and important requirement for a translation;


  • 经过计算分别获得各个校正速度误差,而静校正量的计算仍然遵循地表一致原则

    It will obtain the NMO velocity error after calculating each time window in accordance with surface consistent principle.


  • 这些原则禁止记者报道新闻加上自己的评论判断、解释推论,以确保新闻的客观可靠公正

    These rules strive to assure objectivity, reliability, and fairness by prohibiting reporters from commenting, judging, explicating significance, or drawing conclusions in reporting the news.


  • 这些原则禁止记者报道新闻加上自己的评论判断、解释推论,以确保新闻的客观可靠公正

    These rules strive to assure objectivity, reliability, and fairness by prohibiting reporters from commenting, judging, explicating significance, or drawing conclusions in reporting the news.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定