• 起初这个故事一笑置之影子,他开始沉思起来

    At first, he pooh-poohed the story, but he became thoughtful when she showed him the shadow.


  • 沉浸入其中,你就学习英语因此如果英文变得更好,那么开始尽可能多的

    You learn English by immersing yourself in the language, so if you want to get better: start reading, watching, listening to English as much as possible.


  • 孩子们一些饮食相关电视节目转向类似《学徒》这种创业节目越来越年轻人开始创办自己事业

    After being weaned on a television diet of Dragons' Den and the Apprentice, a growing number of young people are starting their own businesses.


  • 开始阅读那些打算退休书,并且写了篇名为《手术艺术》的书。

    I read the books I had set aside for retirement and wrote one myself, entitled the Art of Surgery.


  • 开始周围世界生活改变了

    My life changed as I began to see the world.


  • 其中人员此前先在线滑稽视频,而一组人员则径直开始接受测试,并且一边还能听到另一滑稽视频发出的笑声

    One group was allowed to watch a funny clip online beforehand, while members of the other team had to go straight to work - while listening to the laughter of their peers in the other room.


  • 这些内容都放入清单18之前可能希望返回清单13最后一眼开始使用那段蹩脚代码

    Before I put this all together in Listing 18, you might want to take one last look at the smelly code I started out with, back in Listing 13.


  • 高兴展现我们小伙子我们的队伍前场球员就开始努力拼搏,(比赛结束后)我们就从比赛获得什么

    It's nice to be able to show the lads that when we work hard from the front we can get something from the game.


  • 巴克先生宣布退休一位脱口秀节目主持人调侃道,巴克本人开始价格猜猜猜》知道自个不动了。

    When Mr Barker announced his retirement, one talk-show host joked that when he started watching "The Price is Right" he knew he was getting too old to keep working.


  • 因为执行计划中的逻辑自下而上左到右,所以此类执行计划最好是从左下方操作符开始

    It's best to read such execution plans from the left-lowest operator in the tree, since the logical flow in the plan is from bottom to top and left to right.


  • 如果打算使用一个视频视频开始播放告诉用户哪里

    start!”, “let’s go!”). If you’re using a video, tell the user where to go once the video has played.


  • 安多拉就觉得那个年龄段书籍她来说已经失去了挑战性,所以开始看一些真正意义上的东西,比如17世纪法国哲学家伏尔泰的著作。

    When she was five Adora reasoned that books for her age group weren't challenging her so she tucked into something altogether more serious - 17th-century French philosopher Voltaire.


  • 应该请私人秘书以便每次一见开始愤怒就说:“主人,,你开始愤怒了!”

    Suppose that I employ a private secretary, so that whenever anger arises he says to me, "Look, anger is starting!"


  • 史密斯这一再次出现T台上后,最终会觉得习惯了,开始尝试,灯笼裤要么适合,要么不适合。

    But after seeing the style reappear on the runway, Ms. Smith says, 'eventually your eye gets used to it, and you try it, and it either works for you or it doesn't.'


  • 是说,劳拉·布什或许开始低调然后实际上是逐步升级的。

    I mean, Laura Bush started perhaps more low key and then, you look - she really ramped up.


  • ,它开始旋转起来

    As I look at it, it starts to spin.


  • 目前情况,现在的孩子他们6生长过程中应期望注射14疫苗总共注射48出生第一新生儿注射第一次疫苗开始

    As it stands, children are expected to get 48 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they're just 6 years old - starting with the first vaccine given on the day of birth in the newborn nursery!


  • 为了得到亲笔签名、或者仅仅一眼他们心爱的偶像,影迷早上4,也就是电影开播12开始排队了。

    Fans lined up as early as 4 a. m., 12 hours before the start of the film, to Angle for an autograph or glimpse of their favorite star.


  • 评价这个会很快产生效果,我立即开始使用一次哺的候(每2 - 3)。

    I had read reviews that it worked immediately so I began applying the cream at every feeding (every 2-3 hours).


  • 感到头疼,当我别人文件夹,我知道项目哪里结束了,也不知道一个项目从哪里开始的。

    One of my biggest pet peeves is looking through someone's portfolio and not knowing where a project ends and another one begins.


  • 正在东西小孩子开始只能分辨二维形态不能判断距离深度

    The child learning to see first distinguishes only two-dimensional shape; it cannot judge distances, depths.


  • 制片人邹文怀讨论剧本李小龙开始头疼,相比(二)。下休息。

    While discussing script changes with producer Raymond Chow Lee complained a headache and went to lie down.


  • 开始面试过程起来平常不过了,面试官应聘者握手后开始简历

    To begin with, the interview process seems perfectly normal as the interviewer shakes their hand and starts to look at their resume.


  • 开始NBA篮球非常兴奋每天关于新闻

    When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday.


  • 儿子写计算机作业他从中获得了灵感,从而设计出编程大师,帮助孩子们在计算机科学上有一个很好的开始

    Playing Code master gives children a head start in computer science, engaging them early in the subject and laying a foundation for mastering advanced programming skills.


  • 说句实在话,当开始看以为喜剧中的情节

    To be honest, I thought it is a plot of comedy when I find the topic a minute ago.


  • 只有开始昏昏欲睡上床睡觉,而不是浪费

    Go to sleep only when you start to feel sleepy instead of wasting your time staring at the clock.


  • 过了以后,我们透过车窗火车,我们我们所乘的火车好像是在缓慢平稳开始开动了。

    A half-hour passes. As we look at the other train through our window, we see that our train seems to start moving, smoothly and slowly.


  • 过了以后,我们透过车窗火车,我们我们所乘的火车好像是在缓慢平稳开始开动了。

    A half-hour passes. As we look at the other train through our window, we see that our train seems to start moving, smoothly and slowly.


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