• 设计用于长的时帧而不像原子事务正常地联系非常生命期

    It is designed to be used over a much longer timeframe, unlike atomic transactions which you normally associate with having very short lifetime.


  • 随后循环每次循环检查事件重置绘图状态圆形的“门户窗口然后以动画形式将失真返回当前

    Then, each pass of the main loop checks for events, resets the draw state, draws the circular "portal" windows, then animates their distortion back to the current time frame.


  • 可能会奇怪为什么开始参数大小计算检查方法是否是静态如果静态堆栈初始化为(不是静态正好相反)。

    You might wonder why I check whether the method is static at the start of my parameter size calculation, then initialize the stack frame slot to zero if it is (as opposed to one if it is not).


  • 函数开始实际上会将链接寄存器保存调用函数堆栈而不是自己的堆栈中,然后只有需要才会保存它。

    When a function begins, it actually saves the link register in the calling function's stack frame, not its own, and then only if it needs to save it.


  • 参考节中的代码鼠标设置

    Consult the next section for the code block that sets each frame when the mouse is down.


  • 对于这个系统来说,优点永远都不需要担心更新屏幕内容中间导致动画产生撕裂效应

    The advantage to this system is that you never need to worry about "tearing" effects in animations caused by updating the screen contents partway through a frame.


  • 所有黎明破晓巢穴飞出来海鸟出现最后中。

    Flying from their nests at the break of dawn, all the ocean birds appear only in the last single frame.


  • 此外这些失真门户边界能够正确实现失真,它做为一个重叠圆形通道集合实现。

    Additionally, distorting the frames correctly as they move toward the edge of the distortion portal is implemented as a multipass set of overlapping circles.


  • 根据目前为人们所熟悉的分块处理代码参阅运行速度注意事项),线段每个像素大于当前序号都将被当前

    After the now-familiar chunking code (see " Speed Considerations"), each pixel on each line is set to the current frame if it is more than the current frame number.


  • 运行低速硬件速率会下降直到游戏更新循环抵达MAX_FRAMESKIP。

    When running on slow hardware, the framerate can drop until the game update loop will reach MAX_FRAMESKIP.


  • 失真门户结束沿反向移动,介于结束与当前之间分散失真发生区域

    As the distortion-portal end frame moves back through time, the frames in between are spread across the available distortion zone.


  • 在对大量内存系统进行扫描因为页面置换算法始终寻找空闲,所以需要扫描的页数量非常大。

    Because the page replacement algorithm is always looking for free frames while it is doing its scanning on systems with a lot of memory, the number of frames to scan can be significant.


  • 目前大多数数据分析结果就像是动画中的间点快照

    Today, the result of most data analysis resembles a single frame from a motion picture: a snapshot of one point in time.


  • 打开加速比率提升到了每秒2935

    With acceleration turned on, the rate was increased to a range of 29 to 35 FPS.


  • mwarn-framesize=framesize -mwarn-dynamicstack这些选项引起编译检查函数是否超过给定堆栈(stack frame)大小使用动态调整的堆栈

    mwarn-framesize=framesize and -mwarn-dynamicstack: These options cause a compile-time check whether a function exceeds a given stack frame size or uses dynamically sized stack frames.


  • 函数函数开始过程中(称为函数序言(function prologue))创建堆栈在函数结束(称为函数尾声(functionepilogue))销毁

    Functions create the stack frame during the beginning of the function (called the function prologue) and tear it down at the end of a function (called the function epilogue).


  • 实际上发出'infolocals '命令gd b会打印当前中的局部变量缺省情况下,这个中的函数就是被中断的函数(0号)。

    When you issue the 'info locals' command GDB actually prints out variables local to the current frame, which by default is where the interrupted function is (frame 0).


  • 2008年1月14日一次飞越信使号”镜头(NAC)捕捉到的精度为250米每水星画面

    This scene was imaged by MESSENGER's Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) during the spacecraft's flyby of Mercury on January 14, 2008.


  • 每天同一、同一地点太阳照片,每周一至两次产生30至50画面,制作而成8字曲线照片。

    Analemma photographs are made by taking a picture of the sun from the same place at the same time of day once or twice a week, generating 30 to 50 frames.


  • Flash影片(例如FlashNotesView_clean . fla包括影片)开始使用FlashNotesView . as,可以在Flash影片的Actions窗格第1添加此行

    To use FlashNotesView.as when starting with a new Flash movie, such as the one included in FlashNotesView_clean.fla, add this line to the first frame within the Actions pane in your Flash movie.


  • 发生弯曲是因为张图是对夜空曝光4照片,结果可见显著

    The time warp occurs because this image captured in a single frame a four hour exposure of the night sky. As a result, prominent star trails are visible.


  • 30泰洛斯1号卫星拍摄第3图像,它已经移向了西北方

    When TIROS-1 acquired frame 3 thirty seconds later, the satellite had moved northwest.


  • 咕噜模型渲染大概需要8分钟树胡模型渲染一需要花大约48间。

    One frame of Gollum would take around eight minutes to render, while one frame of Treebeard could take up to 48 hours to render.


  • 进行各种诊断要求输入此车速,此外车速用作内容

    This is used as an input requirement for various diagnoses and as freeze frame content.


  • 典型复杂背景下10幅1000图像仿真结果表明大于或等于1.5可以有效检测出运动目标

    Finally, some simulation results with 1000 frames from 10 typical images in complex background show that moving point targets with SNR not lower than 1.5 can be detected effectively.


  • 网站可能利用掩盖技术使得用户实际上第三网站显示该用户仍然在我们的网站上。

    The Sites may utilize framing and masking techniques to make it appear that the user is still on the site when the user is actually on a third party website.


  • 全屏开关不会立即发生实际发生当前完成

    A resolution switch does not happen immediately; it will actually happen when the current frame is finished.


  • 提出了一种有效同步通信策略,结束集中进行同步和通信。

    Synchronization and communication are put together at the end of each frame.


  • 提出了一种有效同步通信策略,结束集中进行同步和通信。

    Synchronization and communication are put together at the end of each frame.


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