• 时尚现代生活息息相关不光影响都市人群物质生活精神生活,还引领都市人群生活方式思想理念。

    Fashion is so closely linked to the contemporary life that it influences the metropolitan life materially and spiritually and directs one's life style and ideological concept.


  • 居住者获得更多价值,这不仅是作为一个现代住宅而且生活有着卓越设计的、时尚现代兼具的立面建筑内创造了条件。

    The dwellers are getting more value, not only trough a modern home, but also having a chance to live in stylish and modern building with exceptional architectural design with copper facade.


  • 这个设计感觉时尚现代相比更具古典气息,但是所具有功能它归为了现代主义这一类

    The design itself feels more classic than contemporary, but the functionality of the design gives it a modern classification.


  • 我们品牌使命现代都市的豪华生活方式创造兼具活力时尚美容产品,创造有益于农村社区环境保护的产品。

    The brand's mission is to create energetic & fashionable beauty products for the modern, urban-luxury lifestyle that benefit rural communities and are good for the environment.


  • 强调体验使设计作品使用者心理空间生理角度上“完形”共生,创作出现代时尚城市家具作品。

    The article emphasizes participation of people experience, and how to make design works with the user in the same psychological and physiological, to create modern, stylish urban furniture works.


  • 法国自古是一个美丽浪漫时尚典雅现代传统一身国家艺术陶瓷法国具有广阔的市场

    France, a country famous for its integrated image of beauty and romanticism, fashion and refinement, modernism and tradition for ages, has an enormous market for artistic ceramics.


  • 方正平整整体造型现代线条结合,演绎着时尚大方的融洽美。

    Square and flat overall shaping is ideally combined with the modern lines elaborately presents the beauty featuring fashion and classics.


  • 酒店氛围有着现代舒适复古风格的收敛,配当代时尚餐饮选择一系列先进的设施

    Modern comforts converge with the vintage stylings, with contemporary dining options and a host of state-of-the-art amenities.


  • 这些作品会是经典隽永现代时尚的完美融合

    These art works will be perfect timeless classic and modern fashion fusion.


  • 论述体育运动现代消费关系基础阐明体育运动成为时尚的必然原因

    Base on discussing the relation between PE sport and modern consume, the article clarifies the cause that sport become mode.


  • 设计手法一贯大胆概念设计著称始终探索传统现代之间,色彩简单显现华贵,传统传达时尚

    Design technics consistent is said with bold conceptual design Zhao, always establish at tradition and modern of, the color is simple but present stylish, the traditional informs vogue again.


  • 131个简单时尚舒适房间光滑城市内饰混合不是传统图案现代设施吸引力审美感性匹配

    The 131 simple, stylish, and comfortable rooms have sleek urban interiors and mix rather than match traditional motifs with modern amenities appealing to aesthetic sensibility.


  • 成年以后了解日本一个古老现代传统时尚并存国家

    After growing up, I realized that Japan is a country where ancient wisdom met with modernity, and where tradition coexisted with vogue.


  • 韩国官员称,韩国亚洲具活力的国度首都汉城更是个充满活力的时尚之都,可任何现代都市媲美。

    Officials plugged Korea as Asia's most wired nation, and touted the country's capital as being as hip and cafeinated as any modern metropolis.


  • 提供传统时尚相结合现代日本料理地道正宗新鲜风味芳香这里可以体验日式美味的真谛

    Featuring Japanese grill, Sakitori provides modern Japanese cuisine combining tradition and fashion. The authentic fresh flavor and fragrance represent the true meaning of Japanese cooking.


  • 旗下现代时尚终端市场品牌COS,打造出十分精炼成熟,并且服装协调一致室内设计

    COS, the middle-market contemporary label from H&M, has a refined and mature interior design, in line with the apparel.


  • 华彩神秘的亮上激情的鲜红,古典高贵时尚的简洁相融合,形成“华彩”独有的现代风格

    Huacai its secret bright black color matches with heartthrob ponceau color and classical dignity design inosculate to its fashionable style, it comes into being unique modern times style.


  • 营造现代简约居家风格时尚感悟舒适自然生活情调品位

    Build contemporary and contracted style that occupy the home new fashion, feel comfortable, natural life emotional appeal and grade.


  • 餐厅环境中式传统现代时尚特色室,古色古香中国红色调,红红艳艳眼前顿时一

    Restaurant environment of Chinese tradition and contemporary and fashionable blend in a feature. The antique Chinese red and brilliant red make us be brilliant bright.


  • 时尚迷人,散发青春校园气息的钥匙扣,集现代魅力动感活力于一身。

    Young and preppy, this stylish key ring is synonymous with modern, sporty style.


  • 宾馆古色古香现代时尚美妙融合别墅造型别具一格设有高中档床位一百三十余张,客房内设空调宽带上网

    Hotels antique, and modern fashion wonderful fusion, villas modeling, unique, a high school of more than 130 stalls beds, air-conditioned rooms equipped, broadband Internet access.


  • 小桥流水人家传统现代时尚怀旧和谐共存

    With little Bridges, flowing water, and homes, tradition and modernity, and fashion and nostalgia coexist in harmony here.


  • 茶盘面的黑白照片图案增加整体装饰性,使得整体茶盘更具时尚现代常见的古典式茶盘相区分

    The pattern on the surface of it is black and white photographs styles, used to increase the decorative has more modern and classical style tea tray distinguish.


  • 表现丰富多采生活内涵成就现代追求时尚高雅梦想!

    The life more diversified expression connotation, fashion and elegant achievements of modern taste!


  • 雕琢更加尊贵美丽使步入现代时尚典雅浪漫贵族行列之中

    I carve the honorable and beauty, make me into a modern and elegant romantic nobility.


  • 探究时尚起源时尚设计的相互关系以及时尚现代设计影响

    It discusses the origin of fashion, the dialectic relationship of fashion and design, and the effect of fashion on the modern design.


  • 探究时尚起源时尚设计的相互关系以及时尚现代设计影响

    It discusses the origin of fashion, the dialectic relationship of fashion and design, and the effect of fashion on the modern design.


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