• 考试时准关于能量题目

    In the exam there's sure to be a question on energy.


  • 收到账单

    He'll be in for a shock when he gets the bill.


  • 老板待我非常宽厚,我母亲生病我告假离去

    My boss was very decent about my being away when my mother was ill.


  • 分析功率VDMOS晶体管尺寸时准饱和效应成因,并对其进行了理论证明模拟验证。

    In small size power VDMOS transistors, the cause of quasi-saturation effect has been investigated and simulated by software.


  • 老板审视自己的态度意图乔什走向乡村

    When Josh's boss challenges the young worker to take two weeks off to assess his attitude and intentions, Josh heads to the country.


  • 完成学业以后景观建筑师需要相关领域里面实习至少2

    During and after school, prospective landscape architects serve as interns to professionals in the field for a period of at least two years.


  • 如果采用峰值计量声音信号动态范围有些交响乐的动态范围可高达100分贝以上更高些

    If we adopt the quasi-peak measurement audio signal's dynamic range, some symphony up to 100 dB dynamic range above or higher.


  • 阿瑟爵士拥有男爵爵位追溯查理一世代。

    Sir Arthur was the holder of a baronetcy dating back to Charles I.


  • 特征空间几何变换相似性测度以及优化算法是设计医学图象方法考虑的四个主要因素

    Many investigator explore in the domain. Medical images registration methods have four main factors: features space, geometry transformation, similarity, and optimizing algorithm.


  • 结果表明,两种方案与“检定法”具有相同的效果,具有观测值不起作用。

    The results by these two approaches are the same as by QUAD(Quasi Accurate Detection), and the observations with gross error no longer affects the adjustment.


  • 大学生零工资就业视为就业”,当大学生受到损害比照正常就业者待遇进行损害赔偿。

    It should be considered as prospective employment and the students, who have suffered losses, should be compensated according to the formal workers 'material benefits.


  • 第36条证券商终止所订使用市场契约,应将契约撤回公司注销

    Article 36 Where any securities firm receives permission to terminate its market usage contract, the original executed contract shall be returned to this Corporation for cancellation.


  • 得出了不同拉伸速度边框长度条件下装置处于静态临界剪切并且分析织物试样尺寸大小静态范围影响

    The critical shear Angle of quasi-static state was given under different loading speeds and frame lengths condition, and the influence of specimen size on this shear Angle range is also discussed.


  • 确定是否得够大炮开火看到一个黑点朝着目标飞快画了道弧线

    Sure enough, when the gun fired I could see a black dot arc swiftly toward the target.


  • 结果表明静态静态加载条件下的断裂面分数近似为一个常数动态冲击)加载,分维数随着加载增加明显增加。

    The results show that under static or quasi-static loading the fractal dimension DF is nearly a constant, but under dynamic(impact)loading the DF obviously increases with the loading rates.


  • 开始起草关于晶体论文,自称漫画迷很快意识到她可以通过绘图方式更好的讲解这些古怪的化合物。

    The self-described comic book fan said she began drafting her thesis on quasicrystals — a subset of crystals that diverge from the usual structural characteristics of crystals.


  • 采用两步法配克服ICP算法难以解决局部最小问题算法可广泛应用精密测量测量结果比较分析

    The method solves the problem of local minima of ICP algorithm, and the described method is also useful in the field of comparative analysis for precision measurement.


  • 海水看作无穷大半空间,提出基于谐水平电偶极子的定位方法

    This paper presents a localization method of a time-harmonic HED based on quasi-near field in deep sea.


  • 尽管如此治疗不可避免地延长了:更换放射外科治疗必须中止,配置各个直器的直线加速器必须围绕患者运动。

    However, treatment will inevitably take longer: radiosurgery is paused whilst the exchange is performed and the linac must be moved around the patient with each collimator fitted.


  • 利用储量参数随机网格模型直接进行储量计算,解决传统容积计算复杂油藏储量储量参数难以问题

    The method can be used to deal with the issues that the reserve parameters are difficult to correctly acquire when estimating complex reservoir's reserves in terms of traditional volume method.


  • 执委会之干事空缺,执委会有绝对之权力委任任何普通、荣誉会员为执委会之干事,同并可以加注任何条件予该名被委任之会员。

    EC shall have the power to appoint full, associate or honorary members to fill vacancies in the EC as they occur, provided that the any term of members so appointed.


  • 第七十三条值班员工其它原因不能值班的,先行请假请其它员工代理并呈出差亦同,代理者应负一切责任。

    If the appointed attendant needs to go on business trip or suddenly get sick, he should inform the management first, and then company will appoint another employee to be on duty.


  • 共焦椭圆情况下,当频率较低本文结果TEM波分析结果趋于一致

    The results of this method are in agreement with those calculated in quasi-TEM case in low frequency for confocal ellipses.


  • 观察得挺吃饭睡觉几乎都离不了电视。这不,咱们这说话呢,他又在看足球比赛了。

    You're really observant. He can't help but watch some TV during meals or before bed. He's even watching the soccer game as we speak.


  • 基于静态爆生气体膨胀岩石断裂力学理论建立了不耦合装药刻槽爆破脆性断裂爆破模型。

    Based on the theory of quasi-static explosion gas dilation and the principle of rock fracture mechanics, Brittle rock fracture model is developed for notch blast with non-coupled charge explosion.


  • 芝加哥出发来到纽约,他把手表中部东部间()。

    When he travelled from Chicago to New York, he changed from Central time to Eastern time (i. e. he set his watch ahead one hour).


  • 观察得挺吃饭睡觉前几乎都离不了电视。这不,咱们这说话呢,他又在看足球比赛了。

    Adam: You're really observant. He can't help but watch some TV during meals or before bed. He's even watching the soccer game as we speak.


  • 观察得挺吃饭睡觉前几乎都离不了电视。这不,咱们这说话呢,他又在看足球比赛了。

    Adam: You're really observant. He can't help but watch some TV during meals or before bed. He's even watching the soccer game as we speak.


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