• 早晨过了一半时候,四个孩子在他身边堆起了沙子。

    By mid-morning, four kids were sculpting (雕塑) the sand alongside him.


  • 宇宙演化今天一半时间时候暗物质形成一种松散格状结构(状棉絮中的细丝),遍布整个宇宙时空。

    When the universe was half the age it is today, dark matter formed loose networks of filaments stretching through space and time, like wisps of cotton wool.


  • 威尔逊离开通用汽车的时候美国几乎一半家庭了中等收入水平而多数一家之主并非专业人士高管而是技能娴熟熟练工厂工人

    By the time Wilson left GM, almost half of all US families fell within the middle range of income. Most were headed not by professionals or executives but by skilled and semi-skilled factory workers.


  • 根据去年秋天一项研究美国812孩子中,将近有一半的孩子拥有手机,而其中大多数是在1011岁的时候拥有了人生的第一部手机的。

    According to a study that came out last fall, nearly half the kids 8 to 12 years old in the U.S. own cell phones, with most getting their first phone between ages 10 and 11.


  • 实验进行一半时候自己爬金属开始那个巨大的震荡装置里满屋子荡来荡去,就好像他是百老汇中的蜘蛛人一样。

    Halfway through the experiment he climbs on to the ball and starts swinging himself around the lecture theatre in a huge oscillating arch as though he were appearing in Spider-Man on Broadway.


  • 一些有趣视频,视频内容就是人们站在大街别人攀谈(被别人叫住问路),然后他们完全没有注意,谈一半时候,问路被调包了!

    There are some quite humorous videos of people who start talking to someone on the street (who has stopped them and asked for directions) and then don't notice when the person actually changes!


  • 我们鸡蛋一起放进那个盒子里,当行驶25英里时候,鸡蛋一半了。

    We can put our eggs with water in there and in 25 miles we can have soft-boiled eggs.


  • 当意识希腊不能偿还时候他们纷纷表示减记一半债务

    Recognizing Greece cannot pay it all back, they have said they will forgive half of the debt.


  • 饭局进行一半时候当地税务局三个加入我们

    Halfway through the dinner, three members of the local taxation bureau join us.


  • 学期进行一半时候有一被脚步声吵醒(地板砖面的一样铺地毯)。

    Half way through the semester she awoke one night because she heard a step on the floor (the floor is tile and she didn't have a rug like me.).


  • 希望建造大桥进行一半时候客户却提出其向河的下游再移动一些呢?

    Who would want to have built a bridge half-way across a river and have the customer decide that it would be better situated a little further downstream?


  • 看看1990年的时候大约一半全球人口日均生活费用少于1美元;而2007年,该项比率已经缩减28%——2010年末低。

    Consider that in 1990, roughly half the global population lived on less than $1 a day; by 2007, the proportion had shrunk to 28 percent -- and it will be lower still by the close of 2010.


  • 情况越来越离奇剧集进行一半时候,两个警探被要求停止调查,而且工作

    The situation becomes increasingly surreal and halfway through the series the detectives are removed from the case, losing their jobs.


  • 但是游戏进行一半时候规则改变了并且实验者没有没有达他们的承诺

    But halfway through the game, for these kids, the rules changed, and suddenly the experimenter wasn't living up to her part of the bargain.


  • 认为案例研究引用JonathanCarter的原话我自己总结更好:“哪怕我们项目进行一半时候升级VisualStudio 2008,我们仍然比原计划提前完成

    I think Jonathan Carter’s quote from the case study probably sums it up better than I could: “Even with the upgrade to Visual Studio 2008 in the middle of the project, we still finished early.


  • 浪漫晚餐进行一半时候丈夫微笑着对我:“这样灯光看上去极了。”

    Halfway through a romantic dinner, my husband smiled and said, "You look so beautiful under these lights."


  • 工作基础层面所以不必一半时间管理的时间系统更多的工具优化你不能够保持时候通常感觉挫败

    Take it back to basics so you don't have to spend half your time managing your system, trying to optimize it with more and more tools and feeling defeated when you can't keep up.


  • 约会进行一半时候我靠上去吻了

    Halfway through the date, I leaned over and kissed her.


  • 尿一半时候辆公车路过,满载着哄笑孩子

    About halfway through, a bus full of laughing kids went by.


  • 公车一半时候睡着了,脑袋肩膀上

    Halfway to work, she fell asleep and her head was on my shoulder.


  • 研究表明,在寻找潜在一半时候女性会考虑自己吸引力男性不在意一点。

    When looking for potential matches, the research shows that women take their own attractiveness into consideration, whereas men are more oblivious to this.


  • 本周二时候已经一半的现金。

    By Tuesday he had used up half of it.


  • 昨天这个时候已经故事一半了。

    I had already finished reading half of the story.


  • 有一尝试逃跑当我跑花园小径一半时候,我爱上的那个外星人发现了我停了下来。我又返回房子

    One day I try to escape, but halfway up the garden path, the alien I love discovers me and tells me to stop... I return to the house with her.


  • 了解作者才35,还不足年龄一半时候,更惊羡青年有为,后生可畏艺术生命强劲

    At 35 years old, not half of my life, he has achieved such accomplishments and enjoyed a strong life tension of art, which I exclaim in great surprise.


  • 我们长期向空气排放一半地氧化那里了?我们进入未来时候地球继续吸收二氧化碳吗?

    Where is the other half of the carbon dioxide that we emit into the air going over time and will the Earth continue to absorb (it) as we go into the future?


  • 西蒙·考威尔老早就说过,担心丹妮会赛季进行一半时候生产。

    Simon Cowell has already voiced concerns about Dannii having a baby in the middle of the show.


  • 西蒙·考威尔老早就说过,担心丹妮会赛季进行一半时候生产。

    Simon Cowell has already voiced concerns about Dannii having a baby in the middle of the show.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定