• 大学名人马伊咪、江苏电视台的《非诚勿扰》栏目中为选择“潜在男友”而犹豫不决很多大学生已经找到了他们伴侣

    While college celebrities Ma Yimi and Xie Jia bounce between potential boyfriends on Jiangsu TV's You are the One, many university students have already found their match.


  • 但是张曦伸出手指纤长皮肤细腻、呵护有双手,你顿会察觉到职业一面

    However, when he stretched out his well-cared-for hands, with slender fingers and smooth skin, Zhang reveals his professional side as a hand model.


  • 当海军陆战队官员等候机,大摇大摆地炫耀亲善友好这些嫌疑犯站在帐篷

    The men were staged outside the tent, as the marines’ officers were waiting for the just right moment to make a conspicuous display of goodwill.


  • 海军陆战队官员等候机,大摇大摆地炫耀亲善友好这些嫌疑犯站在帐篷

    The men were staged outside the tent, as the marines' officers were waiting for the just right moment to make a conspicuous display of goodwill.


  • 财务大臣极愿修正鸠山由纪夫去年竞选所做承诺

    The finance minister, Yoshihiko Noda, is also keen to trim election promises.


  • 春节我国年中的良辰各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快夜晚

    You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.


  • 春节我国年中的良辰各位中外同共度一个轻松欢快夜晚

    You know the chinese spring fetival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition and I wish all my chinses and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.


  • 去年英国10专辑中的4个披头士乐队专辑排行第一的专辑薇拉恩的歌曲专辑,这位歌手已经有92了。

    At one point last year four of the top ten albums in Britain were Beatles recordings and the number-one album was a collection of songs by Vera Lynn, who was then 92 years old.


  • 蚂蚱光景里唱过:“冬日遥远冶游。”

    The grasshopper had a great time singing, "Winter is far away, and it is a glorious day to play."


  • 帕布德1965年拉杜塔号船上写了首歌其中之一

    This is one of the two songs Srila Prabhupada wrote while he was on the Jaladuta in 1965.


  • 葡萄酒依然从前他玛丽莲梦露,茱温莎公爵服务那样。

    He still pours with a steady hand, just as he did for Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and the Duke of Windsor.


  • 了解这些很重要的,因为如果我们知晓大脑如何构成的,大脑出问题,我们知道是用交际的方式治疗还是运用医疗方式治疗更为适宜。

    Giedd said that is important, because if we can understand how the brain is built, we can understand how to intervene when the brain has the problems – social or medical.


  • 一般说来北京朝阳搬家最好选择水日辰则日有,阴日及

    Generally speaking, Beijing chaoyang move had better choose water day is beautiful, with fire, less time, Yang, Yin, Yin, and available.


  • 圣诞节一年中的良辰

    Christmas is really a wonderful time of the year.


  • 马云”父亲发(音)年轻由于毒蛇咬伤,截去右腿

    Fan Jiafa, the father of "mini Jack Ma, " had his right leg amputated as a young man after being bitten by a viper.


  • 织造工序公司拥有先进比利乐伽马x剑杆织机250台。

    In the weaving process, the company has the most advanced Belgium gamma X rapier loom more than 250.


  • 陶渊明身后失望苍凉除了自己怀抱理想而无良辰外,应有诸子憾恨

    The disappointment and dreariness of TAO Yuan-ming was not only his Failing Ideality, but also his regret of son's no achievement.


  • 短桩为高模刚性桩采用调整长桩弹性方法调节桩土的荷载分担的效果要短桩为低模量柔性桩

    When the elastic modulus of the short-pile is bigger, adapting the elastic modulus of the long-pile to adjust load share is better than that when the elastic modulus of the short-pile is smaller.


  • 扫描开始以74秒前后为持续观察,扫描间隔间宜不会错过观察

    The best scanning time is about 74 seconds. On continuing observation, the scanning interval should be a little longer and it will not lose the time of observation.


  • 春节我国年中的良辰希望在座的各位度过一个轻松欢快的夜晚

    The Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all present here a most relaxing and delightful evening.


  • 春节我国年中的良辰希望在座的各位度过一个轻松欢快的夜晚

    The Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all present here a most relaxing and delightful evening.


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