• 那会儿,人们美国内战记忆犹新,美国正处于向电气时代过渡阶段。

    Civil war was still fresh in peoples' minds, and America was beginning the transition into the age of electricity.


  • 这次宴会发生人们部落狩猎过渡至农耕定居时期——也就是人类早期农业时代过渡的时候

    The feast would have taken place right around the time that people were going from tribes of hunter-gatherers to settlements of farmers—the transition to early agriculture.


  • 工作当成毕业结婚过渡时代已经一去不复返了。

    Gone are the days when work was just a stopgap between leaving school and getting married.


  • 随着我们工业时代过渡信息时代社会我们思维能力要求越来越高。

    As we move from the industrial age to the information age, societal demands on our mental capabilities are no less taxing.


  • 或者,它只是个向云时代转变过程中的一个过渡产品

    Or just a transitional piece holding us over until the cloud is all we use?


  • 根据现代官方星座时代之间过渡记载,我们2600年进入新的时代

    Accordingto modern official delineations of the edges of the constellations, we'll move into the new age in the year 2600.


  • 同时我也很好奇ptc客户如何过渡后PC时代

    At the same time, it will be interesting how PTC customers will be moving to the "post-PC" era.


  • 最后,通过与其他派别人才思想比较认为门弟子人才思想具有时代进步性深入探索性以及趋向先进过渡特点

    Then it is thought that the talent idea of the Kang's disciples have three features which are progressing in the times, relatively thorough exploring, and transitional to a more advancing stage.


  • 部分再次分为两个层次维多利亚时代英国妇女生存状况二十世纪早期过渡时期美国妇女生存状况。

    This part is further divided into two sections: Women's Living State in Victorian England, Women's Living State in the Transitional Age of Early Twentieth Century of America.


  • 当今时代处在工业经济知识经济过渡时期

    The current age is being in a transition period from industry economy to knowledge economy.


  • 欧洲中世纪并非过去人们言是一个过渡时代而是欧洲乃至西方现代文化奠基初步形成时期

    Europe is not a transition era as what people in the past said in Middle Ages, but the period of laying foundation and forming tentatively of Europe and even western modern culture.


  • 然后曾经某个时代出现过的划时代几年过渡的几年麻烦过去划清了界限,也同时我们国家开启新的课题

    And then there are the years that come along once in a generation, the kind that mark a clean break from a troubled past and set a new course for our nation.


  • 明代一个社会转型时代是从传统农业社会商业社会过渡的时期

    Ming Dynasty is a transitional epoch, a time from the traditional society of agriculture to a business one.


  • 3G时代用户识别模块——USIM逐渐多应用平台过渡,使智能卡技术移动通信领域发挥更加重要作用

    Now, as the replacement of SIM in 3G system, USIM will transit gradually to a multi-application platform, and play a more important role in mobile telecommunication area.


  • 这个时代犹太人部落国家过渡重要转折时期。

    The period was the important turning point for Jews moving from tribe society to state.


  • 口腔修复工艺学近代技术时代过渡现代的铸造技术时代之后,又从铸造技术时代过渡到CAD/CAM技术时代

    From the Hammer Age to the Cast Age of modern times, prosthodontic technology will transfer to the age of CAD/CAM.


  • 世说新语》语气副词具有过渡性,不少词暂时存在使《世说新语》的语气副词系统具有强烈时代特色

    The temporary existence of a few tone adverbs makes Shi Shuo Xin Yu has the strong ages special features.


  • 相反我们正要经历两时代之间逐渐过渡

    Instead, we are about to undergo a gradual transition between ages. A transition in.


  • 作为电视时代电脑时代过渡我们更加积极地摄取信息吸收知识

    Well, as a transition from Television era to Internet era, we take more and more initiative in getting information and transmitting knowledge.


  • 目前中国金融业逐步现金支付时代信用卡支付时代过渡,信用卡新兴行业呈现出蓬勃发展态势。

    At present, the financial industry in China is gradually from the "cash payment era" to "credit card era", and there is a growing tendency of flourishing among credit card industry.


  • 青铜时代北方地区早期文明自然环境巨变的影响,开始农业文明半农半牧型文明过渡

    The northern area in Bronze Age, whose earlier civilization was influenced by the great change of natural circumstance, began to transit from agricultural civilization to agri-nomadic civilization.


  • 梁启超,正是过渡时代过渡人物的典型代表。

    Liang Qichao was a representive person in the transitional era.


  • 同时,中国派出一个表团监督利比亚局势。与利比亚国家过渡委员会的坚定盟友英国美国法国相比,中国代表团的规模较小,也不那么长久

    In the meantime, China is monitoring the situation with a temporary delegation, smaller than the larger, more permanent post set up by strong NTC Allies such as the UK, US and France.


  • 21世纪以来医学步入新的生物医学时代单一生物学模式过渡生理-心理-社会医学模式。

    Since the 21st century, medical science has been stepping into a new biology epoch and the medical model has been shifted from single biology model to physio-psycho-society medical model.


  • 21世纪以来医学步入新的生物医学时代单一生物学模式过渡生理-心理-社会医学模式。

    Since the 21st century, medical science has been stepping into a new biology epoch and the medical model has been shifted from single biology model to physio-psycho-society medical model.


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