• 厄普代克这个典型美国人,他一个伟大白人新教徒作家当时文学时代犹太人统治:索尔·诺曼·梅勒菲利普·罗斯

    Very much a Yankee, Mr. Updike was the great white Protestant writer in a literary era that was dominated by Jews: Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, and Philip Roth.


  • 通过证明国家利益最终包含不仅仅统治国家公众人物的利益,小说参与那个时代政治对话

    Behan's novels engage in the political dialogue of her era by demonstrating that the good of the nation ultimately encompasses more than the good of the public figures who rule it.


  • 时代相比将来经济史学家很可能对特里谢的前任德伊森赫评价友善

    Future economic historians will probably regard Wim Duisenberg, his predecessor, more kindly than his contemporaries have done.


  • (约什·西尔弗曼自从eBay时代就是SkypeCEO了,直到去年仍然留任)于是德班联系了时任思科(Cisco)高级主管托尼·茨。

    (Josh Silverman, who was the CEO of Skype when it was a unit of eBay, had stayed on.) Durban contacted Tony Bates, a senior executive at Cisco (CSCO).


  • 称,在洞穴中的发现历史上头盖骨作杯子例子有着惊人相似进一步支持这种冰河时代容器仪式型用途。

    The striking similarities between the cave finds and historical examples of drinking cups made out of skulls further support a ritual role for the Ice Age receptacles, Bello says.


  • 莱克一个超越时代奇人,当时人们根本不理解想法

    Gleick: Babbage was a man out of his time. People back then didn’t get what he was about.


  • 学校图书馆读了时代广场蟋蟀》,芙莉·克莱瑞,群印度年轻勇士以及乔治·华盛顿·弗的传记

    I read "the Cricket in Times Square" and Beverly Cleary and books about horses and young Indian braves and biographies of George Washington Carver from the school library.


  • 卢斯科尼这份协议应该结束两国之间长达40不和而且表明意大利道义上承认自己殖民时代利比亚造成的破坏,并为此作出具体补偿。

    Prime Minister Berlusconi said this agreement should put an end to 40 years of discord and is a concrete and moral acknowledgment of the damage inflicted on Libya by Italy during the colonial era.


  • 奇的时代计算完全人手——通常女性计算者——辛辛苦苦地完成各种枯燥重复运算

    In Babbage’s time, such computations were laboriously completed by humans — usually women “computers” — working through tedious, repetitive calculations.


  • 阿姆斯特朗时代唯一可以与其相媲美传奇人物,毕斯·克,小号兼铜管演奏家。他的演奏曲调轻柔流畅,独奏优雅和缓

    The only contemporary of Louis Armstrong who could hold a candle to the legendary trumpeter, cornetist Bix Beiderbecke had a smooth tone and constructed elegant and subdued solos.


  • 时代索斯列为1999年年度人物之后创建了亚马逊.com公司,开始网民们认为它没什么意思而且操作

    Time magazine named Bezos its Person of the Year in 1999, five years after he founded Amazon.com (AMZN), a website that consumers initially considered drab and hard to use.


  • 项目负责人、瑞士特朗·皮卡尔:“人类即将迈入永久飞行时代。”

    Bertrand Piccard, the Swiss President of the project, said: "We are on the verge of the perpetual flight."


  • 热尼丝?乔饰演年轻漂亮的临时演员帕皮?米勒则有声电影时代名声大噪。

    Meanwhile, Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo) is a pretty young extra who sees her star ascend in the era of sound.


  • 孩童时代曾碰到过关押福德监狱十恶不赦囚犯交往探监工作者,他认为这种关切在那时就已经扎根于心中

    This, he thought, was planted in his mind in early childhood by meeting a prison visitor who consorted with the wicked inmates of Bedford jail.


  • 广西新石器时代遗址型遗址深厚的文化内涵具有举足轻重地位

    The ruins of shell mound has the pivotal status in the Neolithic Age in Guangxi for its profound cultural connotation.


  • 金融危机将老振出局现在意大利迎来新的时代

    It has swept him away, and now Italy has entered a new era.


  • 雅斯斯通过对现时代社会状况批判揭示出体育运动克服超越人类存在悲剧困境所具有积极意义

    Jaspers has revealed the significance of sports in overcoming and surpassing the tragic predicament of human being by criticizing the modern society.


  • 这部小说十分关注这个时代道德混乱状况艺术家目的应该道德上的,道德问题是其作品核心

    This novel is very concerned about the moral confusion of this era. Bellow often said that the artists should aim for morality. Moral issue is the core of his works.


  • 认为,眼下,打扮夸张眩目时代已经过去。“设计材质低调趋势可能持续。”

    The consultancy believes the era of ostentatious "bling" is out for the time being: "Understatement in design and materials is likely to last for several years into the new decade.


  • 上所述,原始社会后期至夏时代主要货币形态实物货币,流通较广的是天然

    To sum up, in the late primitive society to the xia, shang and zhou era is the main currency form physical currency, has a wide circulation is natural.


  • 战国时代上的文字主要当时楚国境内流通的货币上记载的文字。

    South Chu culture and language are far different from the Central Plains States, through currency text can also reflected Glimpse.


  • 1999年,时代杂志评为佐斯风云人士认识公司成中推广网上购物

    In 1999, Time Magazine named Bezos Person of the Year, recognizing the company's success in popularizing on-line shopping.


  • 我们来说暴发户时代已经结束米兰卢斯科尼们不得不接受它

    But the time of the fat cats is over now. Silvio Berlusconi at Milan and Inter could not fail to adapt.


  • 战国时代和布币文字进行释读和考析。

    Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text.


  • 许多重要作曲家谱写的音乐首演这种时代作品阿尔希纳斯特拉的奏鸣曲作品47

    Many important composers have written music for him, and he haspremiered such landmark works as Alberto Ginastera's Sonata, opus 47.


  • 许多重要作曲家谱写的音乐首演这种时代作品阿尔希纳斯特拉的奏鸣曲作品47

    Many important composers have written music for him, and he haspremiered such landmark works as Alberto Ginastera's Sonata, opus 47.


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