• 阻碍信息希望询问终止只能使结果更糟。”北京的一家日报环球时代》如是说。

    "Blocking information and hoping the inquiries go away will only lead to worse consequences," said the Global Times, a Beijing daily.


  • 严肃财经报纸华尔街日报刚刚严厉抨击了这个法案,称它可能美国人民带来罗斯福时代以来严重的损害

    The Wall Street Journal, the newspaper here of serious money, has just savaged the Bill as perhaps the worst inflicted on the American people since the era of Roosevelt.


  • 因此苹果公司行政总裁史蒂夫·乔布斯参加6 月由《华尔街日报》主办D8大会正在来临的“后PC 时代”有如下见解。

    So sayeth Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who took the stage at the Wall Street Journal's D8 conference in June to talk about what he sees as the coming "post-PC era.


  • 据《时代杂志》9月19日报道,婚姻离婚保险“婚姻保护锁”一种婚姻不幸福投保人离婚赔偿新型意外保险。

    According to the Time of September 19, WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.


  • 这样一个日子里,《南方日报》提出中国已经进入"全民记者"时代的观点,称随着互联网普及以及微博的日渐兴盛,普通市民也可能通过敲打键盘实现与职业记者一样的传播效果

    The newspaper said every normal citizen can now spread news by typing on one's keyboard, as the Internet and microblogs have become more and more prevalent.


  • 美国时代》周刊网站24虽然中国亿万富豪数量在世界上仅次于美国,但大多数中国人来说,慈善这个概念他们日常生活还很远。

    Though China's number of billionaires is 2nd only to the US, for most Chinese people, the idea of charity seems detached from their daily life, time.com reported Sunday.


  • 据英国广播公司30日报道,最后一柯达胶卷本周堪萨斯冲洗完毕,宣告了优质彩色胶卷时代的终结。

    With the final roll of Kodachrome film developed in Kansas on Thursday, the widely-lauded quality color film has become a history。


  • 《华尔街日报》报道,仅仅那些怀念早前没有互联网智能手机时代传统阅读书迷发起活动

    According to the Journal, the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement initiated by book lovers who miss the old-fashioned way of reading before the Internet and smartphones.


  • 华尔街日报我国最有影响力的,金融出版物但是网络时代遇到财政危机。

    The Wall Street Journal is the most influential financial publication in this country but it has been going through financial difficulties with the Internet age.


  • 第一从宏观角度梳理新华日报诞生时代背景整体脉络,对报纸所处的媒介环境进行梳理,《新华日报基本情况加以阐述

    In the first chapter, the author sorted out the birth of the historical background and the overall context of Xinhua Daily, and elaborated on the basic situation of the newspaper.


  • 514日,在柬埔寨首都金边英文柬埔寨日报出版专辑庆贺国王西哈莫尼年满54周岁。专辑刊登了西哈莫尼在青少年时代拍摄大量珍贵照片

    English newspaper the Cambodian Daily publishes some rarely-seen file photos of yong Norodom Sihamoni, to celebrate the Cambodian King's 54th birthday, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 14, 2007.


  • 杭州日报》报道,兔斯基的创作者王卯卯如今已经将这只兔子彻底时代华纳了,而8月底时代华纳辞职

    Painter Wang Maomao sold her cartoon rabbit Tuzki to Time Warner and resigned from the company in August, the Hangzhou Daily reported.


  • 杭州日报》报道,兔斯基的创作者王卯卯如今已经将这只兔子彻底时代华纳了,而8月底时代华纳辞职

    Painter Wang Maomao sold her cartoon rabbit Tuzki to Time Warner and resigned from the company in August, the Hangzhou Daily reported.


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