• 这些结果我们早期欧洲生活有了稍许了解,那时的酿造业乳品制造冬日重要卡路里来源

    These results give us a glimpse into early European life where brewing and dairy produce were important sources of calories during the winter months.


  • 但是这些项目今年早期结束了许多团体不得不关闭或是寻找替代资金来源

    But the programme came to an end earlier this summer, forcing many groups to close or seek alternative sources of funding.


  • 有些这些建筑早期文明的宝贵文物有些视它们为可用买卖材料来源

    These structures were viewed as great artifacts of earlier civilizations by some, but as quarries of usable or saleable materials by others.


  • 加州大学伯克利分校丹尼尔·莱彻(Daniel Fletcher)团队款诺基亚n 73手机进行了改造希望可以改善信息渠道来源问题疟疾的早期检测提供帮助

    But Daniel Fletcher and his team at the University of California in Berkeley have modified a Nokia N73 phone in the hopes that it will alleviate resource issues and aid in early detection of malaria.


  • Markwick - Kemper博士将名为PG 2112 + 059类星体假想早期尘埃来源,启用太空望远镜——斯匹红(Spitzer)对其进行了更为细致观察

    Suspecting that it might be the source of primordial dust, she recruited a space telescope called Spitzer to look at a quasar called PG 2112 + 059 in more detail.


  • 创举称为扭曲行动,这一名称的灵感来源60年代早期狂舞歌手恰比·切克,而本人量化宽松政策观点无人知晓

    This came to be known as Operation Twist after the early 1960s dance craze sparked by Chubby Checker, a singer whose views on QE are not known.


  • 世界上重要信息来源Google早期我们就在总有一我们要做书的搜索

    Books are one of the greatest sources of information in the world and from the earliest days of Google we hoped to eventually incorporate them into our search corpus.


  • 19世纪早期美国通过发行各种各样的彩票资助教堂大学包括哈佛)的创建,还有那些遍及全国的民用设施建设,其资金来源大部分也是彩票。

    Lotteries are used to finance U.S. churches and colleges (including Harvard), along with other civic improvements across the nation.


  • 虽然早期阶段,但是智能交通市场特别是有关城市交通管理一直某些公司收入来源之一。

    Although in the early stages, the ITS market, especially that related to city traffic management, has been a revenue generator for a handful of companies.


  • 鉴于早期胸腺细胞表现出具有生成系细胞能力,小组提出是不是胸腺内一些细胞通常来源这些细胞。

    Since ETPs showed the potential to give rise to myeloid cell types, the team also asked whether some of the myeloid cells in the thymus normally arise from ETPs.


  • 早期规范来源GJ

    The early specification was derived from GJ.


  • 这个群岛名字来源拉丁语canis意思是”,因为早期探险家发现岛上到处都有狗在游荡。

    Thename of the archipelago comes from the Latin word canis, meaningdog, ” because early explorers found large dogsroaming the islands.


  • 消息来源这次活动有可能军事集结早期信号

    Sources said the activity could be an early sign of a military build-up.


  • 发现颠覆长期以来观念胆道系统来源肝脏早期胚胎形成研究者

    This discovery reverses a long standing belief that the biliary system's origin is connected to early embryonic formation of the liver, the researchers said.


  • 埃及罗马日本古代早期食品来源

    Fish has been an early source of food in ancient Egypt, Rome and Japan.


  • 雌性蛋白包括卵黄蛋白卵黄蛋白原,卵生动物早期生命阶段主要营养物质来源

    Female specific proteins, containing vitellin (Vn) and vitellogenin (Vg), are main nutrition resource in early stage of life for oviparous animals.


  • 研究人员计划其他类星体周围寻找尘埃踪迹进一步证明他们发现他们认为可能类星体并不是早期宇宙唯一的尘埃来源

    Researchers also plan to look for other quasars dust around the track to further prove their discovery, they think, may also quasars early universe is not the only source of the dust.


  • 提示经补充蛋氨酸牛磺酸大豆鱼肉有利于早期发育的良好食物蛋白质来源

    The results show that soy supplemented methionine and taurine, as whole egg and carp fish, is advantageous to the development of brain at early age.


  • 早期时候我们血液看做人类热情来源

    Early in time we see Blood represented as a source of passion in humans.


  • 研究背景研究来源中央保健委员会专项科研课题《干部保健人群健康评估早期预警综合干预一体化服务体系研究》子课题,建立保健对象电子健康档案主题数据库。

    Background:This study was one of sub-project of study of integrating intervention of elderly cadre health evaluation and early warning, which was funded by central health care committee.


  • 通过同位素研究证明了成矿溶液来源早期岩浆转变晚期大气降水;

    The isotopic composition of oxygen shows that the origin of the ore forming solution was turn from magmatic water in early stage to circulated meteoric water in later stage.


  • 可能来源已知非常接近早期阶段中心随后筋疲力尽

    It is likely that sources were known that were much nearer to those centres in the early periods and were subsequently exhausted.


  • 岩溶作用决定粘土早期物质来源特点不同其它岩石形成的土

    The karstification had decided the red clay characteristic in the early time in soil forming process and the matter origin is different from soil types formed by other rock series;


  • 当前研究灵感来源Paul及其研究小组一项早期调查

    The current study was inspired by an earlier investigation by Paul and his group.


  • 可是绝大部分早期辐射来自来源

    However the major portion of the initial gamma radiation is derived from the two latter sources.


  • 事实证明早期一些关于医保资金来源想法颇有争议,包括强制性的工资退休工资税遗产税

    Some early ideas for funding care— including mandatory levies on workers, retired folk or dead people's estatesproved controversial.


  • 研究指出:2气藏天然气主要来源系烃,为早期聚集寒武系来源裂解

    It was represented that the natural gas in the Yingnan 2 gas pool came mainly from the Cambrian source rocks, which was a cracking gas from oil in the Cambrian accumulated in earlier period.


  • 研究指出:2气藏天然气主要来源系烃,为早期聚集寒武系来源裂解

    It was represented that the natural gas in the Yingnan 2 gas pool came mainly from the Cambrian source rocks, which was a cracking gas from oil in the Cambrian accumulated in earlier period.


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