• 人种学现场研究焦点小组日记研究调查问卷数据发掘分析

    Ethnographic field studies, focus groups, diary studies, surveys, data mining or analytics.


  • 论文日记研究为基础,揭示了第二语言学习者关于听力学习的一些认识观点

    This article reports on a diary study that revealed beliefs and knowledge second language learners had about their listening.


  • 75%参加日记研究表示如果再有第二次机会,他们撒同样的,而他们撒谎较高成功率无疑支持了这一说法。

    Those who took part in the diary study said they would tell about 75 percent of their lies again if given a second chance-a position no doubt bolstered by their generally high success rate.


  • 一项典型关于日常失误失误原因日记研究中,Reason(1979)让人们描述各种各样可爱的前后无关联的小过失。

    In a classic diary study of everyday slips and lapses Reason (1979) got people to describe all sorts of cute out-of-context slips.


  • 英国公共档案馆研究斯考维尔文件时,发现留下大量关于半岛工作日记笔记

    Studying Scovell's papers at the Public Record Office, London, I found that he had left an extensive journal and copious notes about his work in the peninsula.


  • 段时间里,走遍明朝仔细研究他所经过土地经历许多发现记录日记里。

    During this time, he travelled throughout the Ming kingdom, carefully studying the lands he passed through and recording his experiences and many discoveries in a diary.


  • 表明,坚持写日记的人睡眠和情绪更好。

    Studies have shown that people who keep a diary sleep and feel better.


  • 关于洗手研究科学日记刊登

    The hand-washing research will be published in this week's issue of the journal Science.


  • 尼亚称为“SHUTi”研究中,病人输入睡眠日记项目计算他们允许入睡期间时间

    In the Virginia study, called SHUTi, patients enter several weeks of sleep diaries, and the program calculates a window of time during which they are allowed to sleep.


  • 哈佛商学院Teresa Amabile花了十多年时间研究238个人的工作习惯收集他们的总共12000条日记

    Teresa Amabile of Harvard Business School has spent more than a decade studying the work habits of 238 people, collecting a total of 12,000 diary entries between them.


  • 除此之外,普西还有一项重任在肩,即保管22个装满野外科考数据档案柜,这些英语或斯瓦西里语(Swahili)记录笔记本日记表格就是五十贝黑猩猩研究的最好见证。

    Among other duties, she curates the 22 file cabinets full of field datathe notebooks and journal pages and check sheets, some in English, some in Swahili—from 50 years of chimp study at Gombe.


  • 最近致力于科学日记MichaelFaraday方式研究。他也是Wired网站Gadget Lab的创办人。

    His recent research has focused on the scientific diaries and methods of Michael.


  • 一项研究显示,看浪漫爱情喜剧BJ单身日记诺丁山》等,不利于感情生活

    But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Jones's Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life.


  • 第一研究中,33男士33名女士分别在网上写了整整12在的日记,要求记录下他们向某人道歉以及可能需要道歉事情例子

    In the first study, 33 men and 33 women completed online diaries for 12 days, describing instances in which they apologized to someone or did something that might have warranted an apology.


  • 2001年研究作者之一,该项研究12确定睡者12位对照受试者,让他们坚持日记工作生活习惯完成若干份问卷调查

    He was one of the authors of a 2001 study that had 12 confirmed short sleepers and 12 control subjects keep diaries and complete numerous questionnaires about their work, sleep and living habits.


  • 研究进行方式,知识工作者们日记让对他们每天情绪积极性打分

    The study was conducted by having knowledge workers keep a daily diary and rank their emotions and motivations on a daily basis.


  • 过去十多年,来自哈佛商学院特里萨·阿马比尔研究238个人的工作习惯收集出自他们日记共12,000篇。

    Teresa Amabile of Harvard Business School has spent more than a decade studying the work habits of 238 people, collecting a total of 12, 000 diary entries between them.


  • 研究使用日记调查研究,他人们日记记录自己面对日常生活中遇到挫折时的应对措施

    Researchers used a diary study to review the strategies people use to deal with the small setbacks and failures that we all experience on a daily basis.


  • 这个研究一部分,有97个荷兰女性年龄18岁到48之间记录下大概1004个情景作为每天的情绪日记,这个日记她们大概保持记录3个

    As part of the study, 97 Dutch women between the ages of 18 and 48 logged a total 1, 004 crying episodes as part of daily mood journals they kept over a three month period.


  • 研究,参与者要连续每天三少量唾液样本用于测量皮质醇水平,同时通过日记来记录他们每天晚上感受

    Their cortisol levels were measured from small samples of saliva provided three times a day for three consecutive days and the participants reported their feelings each night in a diary.


  • 他们食物做了日记这样一来,研究者便看出别的食物可能影响结果

    They also kept food diaries so researchers could see if other foods might have influenced the results.


  • 研究人员通过记录日记以及使用步计来测量每天走了多少步,以此来评估锻炼强度水平

    Physical activity levels were assessed using a diary and pedometer to measure the amount of footsteps taken each day.


  • 本文旨在女性成长主题角度研究两部主要小说—《青草歌唱》一个邻居日记》。

    The present thesis aims to study her two major novels-the Grass is Singing and the Diary of a Good Neighbour from the perspective of female development.


  • 本文对索尔·贝娄两部小说《晃来晃去赫索格》的写作题材:日记题材和书信题材,进行比较研究

    The present paper is a comparative study of the journal form and epistolary form in Saul Bellow's two novels, Dangling Man and Herzog.


  • 研究显示那些在一丝不苟食物日记节食中的人们减轻体重中的效果更好

    Studies show that dieters who keep meticulous food journals do a much better job of losing weight .


  • 事实上这三所有孩子的态度完全一样研究家长们日记后,特拉普找到原因

    Practically all the children in all three groups came out the same but after studying the diaries kept by the parents, Vittrup understood why.


  • 平均德国人200039.9而且可以计划居住另外的39.2年,在星期三依照研究日记自然报告

    The average German was 39.9 years old in 2000 and could plan to live for another 39.2 years, according to research reported in the journal Nature on Wednesday.


  • 《长明灯》一直笼罩《狂人日记阴影下,未能获得充分研究

    Chang Ming Deng has been shrouding under the shade of Kuang Ren Ri Ji all the time, and we don't research it abundantly.


  • 这项研究国家科学委员会国家精神卫生委员会资助,通过阅读150多对夫妇日记研究对象进行筛选。

    The study, funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health, was culled from the daily diaries of over 150 married couples.


  • 父亲日记作家研究主题类似于人类学家,皆致力于理性探究异域文化教育性质

    The dad diarists approach their subject like anthropologists, engaged in rational inquiry into an alien culture and the nature of nurture.


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