• 9.11,美停止交易917重新恢复交易时,道琼斯指数大跌7.1%。

    When trading resumed after the terrorist attacks, on Sept. 17, the Dow sank 684 points, or 7.1%.


  • 225平均指数在本周两个交易分别下跌了6.2%以及10.6%,之后回升了一点一张图表)。

    The Nikkei 225 average in Japan fell by 6.2% and 10.6% on the first two days of the trading week respectively, before recovering a little (see top chart).


  • (225指数)5月份报升2.4%,主要由于迹象显示美国经济持续增长以及企业增发息,但并触发通胀上升。

    The Japanese equity market (Nikkei 225) closed up 2.4% for May. Key drivers were indications of sustained us economic growth and higher dividends without higher inflation.


  • 摩根大通(j . P. Morgan)驻首席日股策略师hajimeKitano表示将育儿津贴看作是针对35人群的一种税收减免。

    "I view child allowance as a tax break for people aged 35," said Hajime Kitano, chief Japanese equity strategist at J.P. Morgan in Japan.


  • 但是周一交易投资者发现规则其实裹着糖衣,于是之前走银行大幅上升

    But weak Banks got a big lift in the market Monday, when investors saw that the new rules were candy-coated.


  • 然而2月27抛售浪潮导致价格一泻千里。

    But on February 27th share prices were suddenly hit by a wave of selling.


  • 开盘大涨的另一个原因是:简单供需关系。

    Another reason for the stock's opening-day pop: simple supply and demand.


  • 周三开盘走高,亚洲交易普遍表现强劲银行保险板块连续下跌后出现反弹

    LONDON (MarketWatch) - European stock markets rose Wednesday following a strong session for most Asian markets and as banking and insurance stocks rebounded from their recent heavy declines.


  • 欧洲周五开盘走低,英国巴克莱银行银行气氛紧张不安,美国就业数据即将于本交易晚些时候公布。

    MADRID (MarketWatch) - European stock markets fell on Friday, led lower by banking giant Barclays PLC, as nervousness prevailed ahead of U.S. jobs data due later in the session.


  • 涵盖AB基准上证综合指数周一收于3275.0587.40点,涨幅2.7%,达到86以来最高收盘水平

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index, which covers both A and B shares, ended up 2.7%, or 87.40 points, at 3275.05, marking its highest closing level since Aug. 6.


  • 道指这次下挫幅度为前熊市未见也是1987年市崩盘以来最大7个交易累计百分比跌幅

    The size of the Dow's recent declines surpasses anything seen in the past two bear markets, and is the largest seven-session percentage drop since the days surrounding the 1987 crash.


  • 公司增加注册资本的,应当30申请变更登记

    A company which increases its registered capital shall apply for registration of change within 30 days from the date of paying in full share funds.


  • 周二开盘上扬摆脱交易颓势,大宗商品个涨幅居前。

    European shares rose on Tuesday, shaking off some weakness from the previous session, with commodity-sector stocks among the best performers.


  • 据悉,该剧已经开始于东方票务网点接受预定,正式于8月18开始售票。届时上海现代戏剧谷将协同希地文化周小燕演艺有限公司在沪上刮起音乐剧热潮

    Shanghai East Tickets has begun the booking service for the show now and tickets will be available August 18th. Shanghai will be hit by a musical wave.


  • 尽管目前矿业能源主要重头板块,也于事无补。8月5摩根·士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCI world index)中,能源五月高峰期下降21%。

    It has not helped that mining and energy stocks now have such big weights in the major indices; on August 5th energy stocks within the MSCI world index were 21% below their May high.


  • 8月10银行进一步滑落致使美国银行今年下跌到达了49%,因为市场方面担心充裕的资金

    Further declines in bank shares on August 10th took Bank of America’s fall this year to 49% amid concerns it needs more capital.


  • 但即使那样也仅是临时性12月3,公司宣布通过债转债务转换成全部普通的75%一部分优先

    Even that proved a stopgap; on December 3rd it was announced that the Banks would swap the debt for 75% of the ordinary equity and a slug of preference shares.


  • 过去一个月中的几天AIG交易量一度超过1.3亿几乎相当于现有普通总量,而8月初交易量不到1,000万

    On some days during the past month, AIG trading volume topped 130 million sharesnearly equaling the total number of existing common shares — up from less than 10 million a day in early August.


  • 戴尔公布初步协议最后一个交易,即813价为9.65美元。

    The shares closed at $9.65 on Aug. 13, the last trading day before Dell’s initial agreement was made public.


  • 量达40亿——大约伦敦证券交易所时100公司一般交易交易量5

    Four billion shares in the company changed hands - around five times the number traded in FTSE 100 companies in an average session in London.


  • King先生透露了一个事实11月24那天劳埃德银行集团现在所属的集团很奇怪地推出了英国有史以来最大的计划。

    Mr King disclosed the fact on November 24th—curiously, on the day that the group to which HBOS now belongs, Lloyds Banking Group, was launching Britain’s biggest-ever rights issue.


  • 6中石化券商的带领下,沪指9时35成功收复3100此后最高冲向3128.31点,全天成交额2039亿,自07年创下6124点以来新高。

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose to 3100 points at 9:35 am Monday driven by Sinopec and brokerage shares. The index later climbed to 3128.31 points, the highest for the day.


  • 连续两走高,美国期货上涨。

    European Stocks Advance for Second Day; U.S. Index Futures gain.


  • 周四开盘小幅上扬,摆脱前一交易跌势,保诚保险、Q - Cells百威英博等企业纷纷公布财报鼓励投资者重返欧洲

    LONDON (MarketWatch) — Earnings from Prudential, Q-Cells and AB Inbev encouraged investors shaken by the previous session's rout to dip a toe back into the European stock market on Thursday.


  • 7月8欧洲法院判定葡萄牙黄金是否破坏了欧盟关于资本自由流动规则

    On July 8th the European Court of Justice will say whether or not Portugal's golden share breaks European Union rules on the free movement of capital.


  • 持有1000万雅虎拥有5月15为止4900万的购入选择权

    Icahn owned 10 million Yahoo shares and options to buy 49 million as of May 15.


  • 美国媒体报道,当地时间10俄克拉荷马州南部受到猛烈龙卷风袭击,目前造成至少15死亡数十人受伤。

    A violent tornado hit the southern part of Oklahoma, US, on Friday night, killing at least 15 people and injuring dozens, according to US media.


  • 美国媒体报道,当地时间10俄克拉荷马州南部受到猛烈龙卷风袭击,目前造成至少15死亡数十人受伤。

    A violent tornado hit the southern part of Oklahoma, US, on Friday night, killing at least 15 people and injuring dozens, according to US media.


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